Chapter 40 Jason's POV

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"Brother? Where are you" I call out as I walk through the door. Bonnie greeted me and I said a quick hi to her.
"I think he's in his office Jason, would you like me to get him?" she asks me and I shake my head.
"It's good I'll go to him" I tell her mad she nods going back to the r twins I guess. I walk through the foyer and down the hall to Liam's office. Knocking on the door before he cries at me for just walking in and decide to wait.
"Come in" I hear from him and open the door walking in.
"Brother, I'm here like you asked" I say to him taking a seat infront if his desk.
"I've found three. I need you to choose" he says to me spinning his computer screen and showing me the screen.
I look over the first one:

Michaela Armstrong 24 Blackpool.
Six years experience
CBS checked
Open to all hours set
Live in avaliable

Jessica Parker 26 Blackpool
10 years experience
CBS checked
6am-8pm Monday to Friday only

Linda Croft 30 Blackpool
14 years experience
CBS checked
Open to hours
Pick up and drop off only.

I look at each one and point to Michaela.
"Definitely her brother, sort it quick time" I tell him Anse he chuckles spinning his screen back to him.
He starts clicking and typing rapidly.
"So you and Sasha good?" he asks me leaning back in his swivel chair.
"Yeah I think so. She seems good and she says she is. She told me what she told Stacey tho. Shits peak brother. He sisters husband murdered her apparently it was self defense so he walked" I tell him and he sighs.
"Shit like that happens alot now days it's a joke. If she needs me to sort it just say and it's done" he says and I shrug not really sure if she'd go for that.
"Well right now the answers gonna be no but give her some time. She might come around" I tell him and he nods sitting forward as his computer pings and he scans it quickly.
"Michaela can come meet us today at 12pm. Says here at the Costa coffee near sweet treasures. Good for us then brother" he says and smiles starting to type again. Stacey's obviously there.
"How's Bonnie getting on with the boys?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Everything's going good. We need to talk to her about it actually, make sure she's good with everything but so far so good. The girls love her too so bonus" he says and I smile.
"It's all that matters is the children are happy brother. I hope Michaela can blend in with us all tho and she's like your nannies. I don't want some stuck up bitch you know" I tell him making him laugh and I shake my head.
"I'm being serious, I can't be dealing with that crap. But she doesn't look like that so hopefully not" I tell him and he looks back at his computer.
"She looks like a typical nanny. Hope your right brother because where leaving soon" he says and I nod sitting back in my chair. No rush then.

"To good for my car now days I see" I say to Liam as he climbs in his bugatti.
"You need a new one bro, how many cars we used to go through and your still stuck on this range" he says as I climb into the passenger side side. It doesn't make sence taking my car when I intend to come back to Liams. I've missed me and my brother time.
"Because I love my car, if I buy a new one I gotta love it" I tell him and he hums starting up and smiling.
"This is a beast bro, your missing out" he says as I feel the power of it.
Maybe I do need a new car, but what?
"Were not all on your paycheck brother, this car cost way to much" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"Well what do you want. Maybe I can help?" he says and I sigh. He buys me so much like I'm his wife too.
"No, no more freebies. I gotta do this myself brother, thank you tho" I tell him and he glances at me as he drives.
"What you mean freebies? Your my brother. If you need something tell me and I'll do it. We family Jason" he tells me and I sigh.
"You have a wife, four children, a home and multiple employees to pay for. You don't need me adding to that brother" I tell him and he laughs.
"Brother, buying you a car is nothing. So tell me what do you want?" he asks me and I can't help but laugh. That much yeah Liam.
"Alright, I'll think about it. If it will make you happy" I tell him and he smiles.
"If your happy brother, I'm happy" he says as he turns the corner and pulls up outside Costa.
"Let's go meet Michaela. Hopefully she's what you want" Liam says climbing out and I follow him out and into the coffee shop.
Walking in I look around the place and see Michaela sat at a table in the far corner with a drink and a folder.
"There she is" I tell Liam as we stand in line.
He places our order and gives them our name.
"Let's go meet her then" he says and leads the way over to her confidently.
"Michaela?" Liam says to her and she looks up to him and smiles. I see her eyes glaze over and think thank God Stacey's not here.
"I'm Liam, I emailed you about the position of the nanny" he says taking a seat and I do so next to him and she smiles at me.
"Of course, it's nice to meet you. Both of you" she says a little breathy and I smirk. Well this should be fun.
"And you needed help choosing?" she says nodding towards me and he laughs.
"It's actually for him but I only fine the best sweetheart" he tells me and she blushes. Fuck sake Liam.

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