Chapter 45

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Last night my king understood why I wanted to replace the memory and will always remember what we did instead.. Well I hope that's what's happening instead.
"I love mornings with you baby even tho it's early" I say and he chuckles kissing me as I sit on top of him.
"What's today's plan queenie?" he asks me and I smile down at him.
"Maceys got the day off so where gonna go see the estate agent and see what she's for for her and have a chat over latté's. What about you boo" I ask him and he looks at the clock then back at me.
"Jason wants this car doesn't he and I have a meeting that I need Jason and Sean at. Plus Micheala starts today apparently" he says and that must be the new nanny. I wonder what she looks like nd if Sasha even likes her. We need a chat.
"OK, I need to we get ready baby, Maceys gonna be waiting just like Jason" I tell him kissing his lips and he pulls me closer to his body.
"I could stay naked and like this forever baby you know that" he tells me and I smile into him as we continue to kiss a little before pulling apart. It's gonna end up heated and we both have things to do.
"Let's go baby" I tell him and he groans making me laugh as I climb off him. He slaps my butt and sends me on my way.

Finally ready after pulling my hair up in a ponytail, I look at my appearance and take a selfie in the mirror.

"Beautiful baby, what you think for the meeting?" he asks me and I whistle making him laugh walking over to me

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"Beautiful baby, what you think for the meeting?" he asks me and I whistle making him laugh walking over to me.

"So sexy, you know I love you in a suit boss" I tell him running my hands down his jacket then pushing them through feeling him more

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"So sexy, you know I love you in a suit boss" I tell him running my hands down his jacket then pushing them through feeling him more. He hooks an arm around me and kisses me biting my lip and I moan into his mouth as he releases it soothing the tingling with his tongue.
"I can't wait to hear that later queenie" he says into my ear and spanks my ass bringing my body flush against his.
"Let's go before we end up naked again" he says and I smile up at him kiss his lips quickly and lead us out grabbing my bag.

"Bye mummy, Bye daddy" the girls say so us waving as they walk out with Becky and Ricco to go nursery.
"So I was thinking of asking the estate agent about bakery too after we spoke yesterday. I think it will be good too" I tell him and he smiles at me with a nod.
"If that's what you want to do my queen then you do it. You don't need to ask. Ever" he tells me and I nod knowing this bit still.
"It's not gonna change baby so no point trying. I always ask, unless it's a surprise" I tell him sweetly fluttering my eyelashes up at him making him chuckle.
"I did say never change after all" he says and kisses me.
"Exactly my king. Now, good luck for your meeting not that you need it boss, but you know I'm just a phonecall away if you need me for anything" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Your my good luck charm baby. I carry you everywhere remember" he says pulling out his car key and showing me the picture of me from way back that he's had since we were like 14/15 madness. I look so young and innocent too. He loves it.
"The only time I take it off is to change car keys. My queen comes everywhere with me. Plus your always living rent free in here" he says pointing to his brain and I laugh.
"Right back at you baby" I tell him tapping mine at him making him laugh.
Suddenly the door knocks and I look at it and back at Liam.
"Jason" we both say together and laugh.
I walk over and answer the door smiling at Jason.
"Morning Stacey, where's Liam?" he asks and I point behind me as Liam come up wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Morning bro, you ready for today?" Liam asks him and he nods all boss like to in his suit. They both look hot.
"Yeah, it better be epic or I'm out, this shits expensive brother" he says to Liam and I have no idea what there talking about.
"What you talking about? What you making him do baby?" I ask Liam and he laughs slapping Jason around the back off his head.
"Good one bro, I was gonna tell her after it was finalised" Liam says to him and he covers his mouth. Abit later buddy.
"My bad brother. Sorry Stacey" Jason says and I nod at him. Nevermind. I still don't know.
"I still don't know anything baby, so go do you and you can tell me later. You don't wanna be late for your meeting" I tell him and he sighs.
"OK my queen, I love you" he tells me and kisses me grabbing my ass.
"I love you too baby, go get 'em" I tell him making him laugh with Jason and I wave bye to them both and close the door as they walk further away. I need to go find Macey now.

Walking into the living room I see Macey talking with Tommy and wonder if there back on because there confusing as fuck.
"You ready Mace?" I call over to her and she looks up at me from the sofa.
"Yeah, let's go" she says and sighs. Great I have the fun Macey.. Not.
She walks over to me and I shake my head at her.
"You better fix your face. I'm the one buying you a house" I tell her and laugh but she just smiles at me like it was hard work.
We walk out the house and I unlock my car and Macey climbs in not even acknowledging my new baby. What is wrong with her? Either way I'm about to find out.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now