Chapter 107

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Finally home and all the children are in bed asleep and me Liam and Jason are in Liam's office. Liam rings a magnitude of people all around here and Nottingham but nothing. No one in Nottingham knows anything and two people that he managed to speak to in Blackpool are away on business. This isn't fucking helpful.
"What if it's that Jamie? What if he took them both?" I say to them leaning on Liam's desk as he sits in his chair.
"He's long gone baby, and it's been a long time, he's a minion, that's all. Tommy would end him instantly" Liam says and I nod.
"OK, so who. Where do we start. Your just sitting there" I say raising my voice and he raises his brow at me.
"I'm thinking queenie. One minute" he says and I stand there tapping my foot impatiently.
"I need to ring Tony" he says and I look at him confused. Who the fucks Tony again?
"You met him at the old place. The welcome party" Liam says looking at my confused face and I nod.
"Do it then" I tell him and begin to pace.
"We'll find her Stacey, nothing will happen to her" Jason says and I nod hoping he's right.
I look to Liam and he nods.
"Alright, thanks Tony" Liam says and hangs up.
"Tony's heard about the bodies. Apparently someone's unhappy with me taking over so many places and wants me gone.. Or dead, he's happy with either. We just don't know who this someone is yet. No one seems to fucking know anything. How the fuck does no one know nothing. Someone's lying to me. Someone, somewhere knows something and when I find them. Am gonna have some fun!" Liam says sadistically and a chill runs through me and I clench my things. Here's my big bad beast. I watch his eyes swirl as he looks between me and Jason angrily.
"You both will have security when you leave this house. Whether you like it or not it's happening. Do I make myself clear!" Liam demands in his boss tone and he's not playing around. I can't even argue with him about this. He's one hundred percent serious and to be honest, I can't blame him.
"Whatever you need brother" Jason tells him nodding at him and Liam nods back and looks to me still swirling the beast and I smirk at him.
"Is that what you need to make you feel better?" I ask leaning over his desk and he sits forward.
"It would make me feel better if you did as you was told once in awhile when I need you to" he says raising a brow ready for me to challenge him further. But I decide..
"OK baby, whatever you need" I tell him and he looks at me surprised Liam coming back and he smiles at me.
"Thank you baby, you'll have one by the end of tomorrow, you don't leave the house without me or Jason. Understand?" he asks in a softer tone and I smile at him.
"Wouldn't have it any other way" I tell him being honest and he nods.
"What about you? If we have to so do you" I tell Liam with no obligation and look to Jason for back up and he nods.
"Yeah she's right brother. Me or your home to" Jason tells him seriously and Liam sighs.
"Fine just until Amenadiel gets here" he says
"You don't leave without me" he says to Jason and picks his phone up.
"I'm ringing Amenadiel, I'll have security if it makes you both happy" he says scrolling and putting the phone to his ear.
"Amenadiel, change of plan. I need you here twenty four seven untill further notice. I want this house on lock. No one enters if they don't live here. I'll give you a list and photos. Starting now. My wife needs a body Hurd twenty four seven too. Sort it on your way" Liam tells him, listens for a little then hangs up.
"Where on lock down? You never said that. What about the girls, they have nursery Liam fuck sake" I stress at him and he shrugs.
"Becky and Micheala can do there best hers. There's plenty for them for now. It's for the best Stacey. I don't know who's doing this. Like you said it could be an inside job" he says and I sigh. Fuck sake man.
"OK I'll talk to Becky, you talk to Micheala Jason" Liam tells him and he sighs nodding.
"So what about Lola, she doesn't live here brother?" Jason asks and I look to Liam. Good point.
"Her name and picture will go at the gate. She has free reign to come and go until you make it official then she will be added on to security to. Not that she'll like it" Liam says and I nod knowing she definitely won't. But if she's around us she could be a target. She needs to remember that.
"We was ment to talk tonight but you cut the holiday short so we only spoke a little about it in the car. I need to see where her heads at now this is happening. She might run a mile from me now" he says and sighs.
"Nope, she's here period. Believe me Jason. Go talk to her" I tell him and he sighs.
"Alright, do you need anything else?" he asks us looking between us both.
"Just tell me you understand the rules and you can go brother" Liam tells him.
"Yeah I get it and I'll do jt, you or security to leave the house. No nursery. Lola comes and goes until we're official. Anything else?" he asks Liam.
"Nope, you can go" Liam tells him and he gets up nd walks out closing the door behind him. I look to Liam and he pats his lap for me. I walk around and climb into him resting my head on his shoulder.
"We have to find her baby" I say to him and he squeezes me to him.
"We will baby, don't worry about anything. I've got this. Got you, Always and Forever my queen" he tells me and kisses my head longingly. Please be safe Mace.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now