Chapter 52

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I open my box of toys that I handed my king to hold and pull out the sexy red curved knife and walk back over to Sasha holding it so it curves around her cheek.
"Why are you here? What do you want?" I ask her pressing down a little more and she hisses as the blade pinches her skin.
"You may know my other sister. Well half sister really. Same dad, like you too.. Anyways her names Mia Jameson. Remember her Stacey?" she asks and laughs.
"Obviously, I didn't know she had a half sister" I say pulling the knife away from her cheek and looking at her. I see the resemblance now.
"What's your point?" I say putting the knife back hearing her hiss again.
"You ruined her life then she killed herself. That was your fault" she says and I burst out laughing digging the knife in as I turn looking at Liam.
"Why marry me? What did I do. She fucked me over" Jason says and she sighs.
"She fucked up with you Jason. She loved you but was fucked. She use to talk about you all the time. I wanted to know you. I wasn't suppose to love you too" she says laughing and I press the knife further.
"WHT do you want with us?" I ask her not understanding.
"Your all criminals, and you deserve what your going to get. They know where I am, they'll come for you all" she rambles and I pull the knife back slapping her and she looks to me sad.
"How can you be so loving and caring yet hurt people too. It doesn't make sense. Your an amazing person stay that way. Don't do this Stacey" she says to me and I just stare at her.
"So when I first met you, you in ew who I was. You wanted to know me" Liam says stepping forward after being silent for so long.
"Yes, this is all started because she wanted you Liam but you was all Stacey. She needed Stacey out of the picture. But you would let go apparently" she says to him and I dig the knife in again.
"That doesn't tell me why your here?" I question her and she looks back to me.
"To take you all down of course. What else? Mia couldn't but I can. I can do this for her" she says and smiles.
"There all coming, there all coming. But what if they dont? What if I die here? No there coming. I can feel it" she babbles away and I look up to Liam who's staring at her lost then her looks to me and nods.
Hw walks over to Jason and puts his arm around him.
"Ita her or us brother, choose" he says to Jason and he sighs nodding walking out. Just like before accept he doesn't wanna talk to her. And this pathetic woman is supposed to be a queen I said. His fucking queen. She's crazy delusional and needs putting out her misery. Plus I'm happy to do that.
I look to my king who's watching me intently and he smirks at me. Play time.
I suddenly pull the knife down her cheek slicing her from her ear to her mouth and listen to her w ream out as I watch the blood start to leak down her face and she just stares at me tears in her eyes.
"Just kill me Stacey. Put me out my misery. I'll be with my sisters finally. Tell Jason I'm sorry and that it did love him. He is my king" she says and I look to Liam just wanting to end it for her. She's so fucking sad and it's not fun. She was still my bestie. He nods his head clearly understanding me and he walks over to me.
"Just put her out of her misery my queen, we'll find someone else to play with" he tells me and I smile at him kissing him and just decide to slice her neck. Quick and simple. She shakes and brings blood up choking init for a little then just dies and I'm sad to loose my best friend. My only friend here aswell. Is Chelsea a snake too? Do we need to DNA Kane to make sure he is Jasons twin. We did accept them a little to easily. Are we morons. Fucking hell.
I step back and Liam wraps his arms around me holding me close clearly feeling my sadness.
"I love you baby, it had to be done" he tells me and kisses me.
"Do you wanna help me or shall I ask Jason?" he asks me and I shake my head.
"Im helping baby. I'm good now" I tell him after having a moment. She had to be dealt with I tell myself anyways.
"Let's go then baby, we'll take the beamer it's already wrapped up" he says and starts to walk away. I watch him grab gloves and throws me a pair. I put them on after handing Liam the knife and I walk over to the unknown named woman I knew as Sasha and start to untie the restrains.
Liam comes over and picks her up from the chair as I remove it and stars as to roll her up in the plastic sheet.
He throws her over his shoulder and walks through the door. He throws me the keys and I unlock the car and open the boot for him and he drops her inside shutting the door.
"You ready queenie?" he asks and I throw the keys back to him walking around to the passenger side as he opens the car door for me. I slide in and pull on my seat belt while he walks round nd climbs in.
"You ready my queen?" he asks and I nod.
"Always my king" I tell him an she smiles nd starts the car pulling out. It's seen awhile since I've been in this car.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora