Chapter 98 Liam's POV

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I can't fucking believe it. She's dead. How the hell did this fucking happen. She's not the only one either. Four of my people have been took out and I have no idea who the fuck it is and there hiding like little bitches instead of being a man and coming for me. Fuking own it! Claim that shit. I bet its some like fucking bitch, whining about me taking over Blackpool. There all at it and there beginning to get on my last nerve. I will find out who it is and there gonna fucking know about it to. I don't care who itis. There gone. Period.
I can't get ahold of anyone and I've even tried Tommy to see if he's good. Nothing. Someone needs to fucking fill me in and quick.
After Jason and Lola walk in and I stare at Lola as she pulls away. What was I suppose to do. She's done nothing wrong and my queen totally has the wrong idea. It's not that. Ever.
"Hey babe" Lola says to Stacey and hugs her.
"Hi" she says and offer her a small smile. My queen is a major iverthinker and I don't know how to make her see that Lola is nothing but a friend. Like I don't see her how I see my queen. No one is comparing to Stacey. Everrr! Why can't she see that by now.
"Let's go" I suddenly say before I spiral through the floor into some poor fuckers room.
"Good idea" Lola says and grabs Stacey's hand pulling her out bottle in the other. She don't even drink JD. like.. EVER.
We ride down in the elevator in an awkward silence and I hate it. It's never been like this. Even when we have argued before. But this is our first one since beening married.. The first time. I need to make this better. How do I make this better? Think Liam, fuck!
The doors slide open and we all exit it and I look to Jason who gives me a what's happening face and I just shake my head looking down. You don't even want to know brother.
As we're walking out I see a taxi and flag it down. He pulls over and I open the door for Stacey and she slides in and across to the middle. Jason sides in the back and Lola gets in the front so I climb in next to Stacey.
"What's up?" I hear Jason ask Stacey quietly and I continue to look out the window just listening.
"Nothing, nothing matters" she says and I sigh. She's majorly spiraling. Fuck!
"I'm here if you need me Stacey" he tells her and I clench my fists tapping my foot. Why am I so pissed? I wanted them to bond and get along and now they are there all buddies and chatty. What the fuck is happening?

The taxi ride is about twenty thirty minutes into Ingoldmells and its just the radio playing and we all stay quiet. We're ment to be having fun. We might aswell stay at the bloody hotel. At least I could talk to her.
We come to a stop outside a bar and I pay the driver and climb out. I need to talk to my queen. And now!
I help her out the taxi and take her off to the side away from the bustling crowds of people.
"Baby please, it's not what you think. Why would you even think that anyways. I've never lied to you, why would I start now" I say to her actually in my feelings. Hurt.
"Do we have to do this now?" she asks with a hint of attitude and I can't help loving it.. Her.
"Yes now. I can either, take you over my shoulder and we can go talk somewhere more private. Or you tell me here and now that you believe me when I tell you there's nothing happening with Lola" I ask her and she drops her head looking at the floor.
My beautiful wife.
"I believe you Liam" she says sadly and I pull her into my arms not needing anything else than them four words.
"That's all I need baby, you are my queen. Always and forever never think otherwise. I love you more than the oxygen I breathe. Crazy I know but I don't care. I need you baby" I tell her honesty and she looks up at me and kisses me. It feels so long since I've felt her lips. This can't be happening. I'm Ginn a have to speak to Lola. Maybe.. I don't know yet. But somethings gotta change if she's sticking around. My wife will not feel like this. Ever again.
"I love you so much too baby, I'm sorry I'm being crazy. I hate it. I'm sorry" she tells me and I kiss her again.
"I love your crazy, just don't ever doubt me baby. I'll always want just you" I tell her and she smiles at me and it finally reaches her glossy eyes and I can't help but just love her and all her craziness. She is my dream come true, every morning when I wake up and see her. That's all I need.
"Let's go join them" she says smiling and pulling away. I pull her back kissing her and we walk wrapped in each other. Never letting go. She makes everything better, I need to tell her but how. Talia was her bodyguard and driver. What if my queen was with her. Fuck! No absolutely not she's getting security permanently until this is sorted. She's not gonna like that. Not at all. I need her to be safe twenty four seven. Whether she likes it or not. It's happening. Jason too.
But who's there next target? Me?.. My queen?.. My brother?.. My fucking children? Shitt!

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