Chapter 129

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It's been two days since I left my home and came to my mums. I miss my babies, all of them including my king like crazy.
I sit on the bed in the spare room while Mya plays downstairs with Macey, who is still here. And I dont wanna be around either. This is horrible. I wanna go home.
I walk down the stairs and sit on the sofa watching Mya play with her baby.
"My family mummy, white family" Mya says looking around at us all and I put my head into my hands wanting to just cry... What the fuck is happening.. I can't do this right now. I look up as I feel my mum staring at me and she offers a sad smile.
"Go home baby, Mya can stay here for awhile, we will sort this, I promise you that" my mum says standing coming across to me. I stand and look to Mya who is all happy and smiling and I just feel sad and empty.. I miss my king and babies.
"You don't mind mum?" I ask her feeling guilty.
"Absolutely, she can't go on like this baby. I'll sort it" she says and I nod sadly.
I walk over to Mya and sit down in front of her and she climbs into my lap.
"Mummys going home to daddy baby. You're gonna stay here with Nanna and Jack with Macey too, OK" I say to her and she looks around at me.
"Stay with white family" she says and I just wanna shake it out of her.
"I can't do this" I say to myself and kiss and cuddle her and put her back where she was and walk off back up the stairs to grab my things. She will be fine with my mum.
I zip up my suitcase and grab my charger putting everything into my bag and pulling my case out the room.
"I've got it Stacey, and don't worry about Mya, she'll be back to her old self in no time. You're a great mum" Jack says and smiles at me and I offer him a smile as we walk down the stairs I need to get home. I need to talk to Liam.
"Thanks Jack, I hope so. I don't know what I'll do otherwise" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"Well we'll be seeing you soon" he says as my mum comes out to say bye.
"She doesn't want to say bye. She wants you to stay with us" my mum says and I sigh. Seriously.
"Fine by me. I need to go mum, thank you for having Mya. I love you" I tell her and she hugs me to her.
"I love you too baby, Mya's gonna be right as reign soon enough, you'll see" she says and she better be right.

About hour an half into my journey home. I have twentyish minutes left and I can't wait to see them. I wanna call him but I'm not sure if he's still mad at me.
Fuck it.
"Call Liam" I talk to my car and it starts ringing and I feel nervous suddenly. I take a deep breath and hear his voice.
"Baby, where are you?" he asks me and I smile.
"Nearly home baby. I missed you so much I'm sorry" I tell him and he sighs.
"It was my fault baby, I shouldn't of said what I did, your my wife and we'll make this work. I love you baby" he says as I put my foot down trying to get to him faster.
"It doesn't matter right now, I've fixed something. I'll see you in five, I love you too baby" I tell him and blow a kiss.
"Alright baby, drive safe" he says and I smile hanging up. I can't wait to see him.

Pulling up I jump out quickly grabbing my bag and taking out my keys as I'm running to the door. Just about to open it and it swings open to my king stood there topless smiling at me.
"My queen" he says and I jump into his open arms and pull him closer as he wraps me up tightly.
"I'm soo sorry" I tell him and he shakes his head on me.
"It's OK baby, I understand why you left. I'm sorry for pushing you to that" he says closing the door and I kiss him hard on the lips needing to after two days.
"I missed you soo much boo. Oh my god it was horrible" I tell him and he kisses me again.
"You have no idea how much I missed you. The bed was ridiculously empty I didn't sleep" he says and I kiss him again.
"Baby, noo you need to look after yourself when I'm not around" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"I hired the old car for Lola's birthday by the way. It comes on the day" he says changing the conversation and I raise my brow at him.
"Seriously baby, please. Promise me" I tell him and he sighs walking me into the living room.
"OK queenie. I promise" he says and kisses me putting me down and I run over to my crawling babies.
"Oh my god mummy missed you boys" I tell them as I get on the floor and get attacked by both of them climbing on me.
"Mummys home. Yaay" I hear and look up to see Ruby and Lexi running towards me and jumping on me too. Thanks.
"I guess you all missed momma too" Liam says winking at me and I know what he means because I've missed him burying himself in me. That's gonna be fun.

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