Chapter 154

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Two Days Later

"Hey mum" I say as she answers the phone. I know I'm on a break but I need 5o know she's OK.
"Hi baby, how are you and the babies?" she asks.
"Well I'm away with Liam, but I've heard nothing so there good. How's Mya doing mum? I miss my baby" I say to her hoping for some positive news
"She's getting there, she asks where Ruby and her daddy was lastnight. She wanted a story from Liam" she says and I practically scream.
"Oh my god mum! That means shes getting better right? Please say she's getting better" I aks her crossing my fingers.
"She misses all of you, I can tell. Give her until your back baby" she says and I smile looking at Liam as he walks in holding our dinner.
"Thanks mum for doing this. I'll ring you soon. Let her we love and miss her. I love you, bye" I say still grinning.
"I will do hunny, I love you too, bye" she says and we hang up.
"Good news I take it? How's Mya?" Liam asks handing me my tuna pasta.
"She misses us mum says. And guess what? She asked for Ruby and want you to read her a story lastnight baby, she misses her daddy" I tell him excited. My babies coming home soon.
"See queenie, I told you everything would work out, our little beautiful Mya will back to her old self and back with this family where she belongs" he says cheerfully and he can't stop smiling. He misses his princess just as much as me. Our babies gonna be just fine.
"I was gonna take Ruby to her, just me and her to see how she is with us" he says and I look ta him happy but not..
"I want to go too" I say and something must be wrong.
"I know you do baby, but she needs to be OK with us more than you, she doesn't have a problem with you baby, let me do this for her. For us" he says and I sigh nodding. He's right, she needs to accept them again. She's fine already with me.
"Are you nervous about it?" I ask him and he sighs putting his fork down.
"A little, she kisses us because where not around, she might see us and it might all come back. She has to see us and want us you know" he says and I nod again.
"She gonna be happy to see you baby, I just know it. She has to" I say trying to convince myself.
"This is good news baby, let's just be happy that she's actually missing us" he says smiling again. I hope she's actually OK and accepts them again.. I can't leave my king. Not after everything we've already been through to get here.
I start eating my food feeling a little downness.. What if she doesn't want to come home. Do I just leave her there where she's happy? Do I take her and move out the house. What about the rest of my children. My fucking husband. Her dad who she loved more than anything. I don't get it.
"Your spiraling baby" Liam says as I feel him watching me. I look to him and smile.
"I'm fine baby, don't worry. Just thinking what if" I tell him taking another bite no longer feeling hungry.
"Your not leaving us" he tells me and I sigh.
"What if I have to for her? What about you and the other children" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"They need there mum too Stacey" he tells me seriously and I put my plate on the coffee table and turn to face him.
"I know this Liam. I'm just stuck in the middle" I tell him sighing putting my head in my hands.
"You are but your not choosing, she's coming home period" he says and I nod slowly. She's gonna be fine Stacey. Mum's got this.
"You're right, she's coming home. She wants to be with her family. That's all of us. Whether she likes it or not we're her family" I tell him and he nods finishing his plateful and puts it down.
"Exactly my queen, just relax. This trip was for that remember" he says and I lean into him with my head in his shoulder as her wraps an arm over me running up and down my arm soothingly.
"I know, breathe Stacey" I say to myself and he chucklea at me.
"There you go my queen, now let's relax put a film on and I think you need a blunt" he says and I nod at him sitting forward grabbing the remote while he jumps up.
I click through all the apps on the TV and just stick with Netflix.
As I scroll through Liam comes walking back in with a box and sits down.
"You found something queenie?" he asks and I sigh.
"I don't know, you choose" I tell him handing him the remote and he passes me the box taking it.
I open it grabbing a blunt and light and leaning into his side and sparking up.
"Big mouth season one?" he asks and I nod as he presses play and I pass him his own blunt and lighter. I need one to myself.
I smoke away and get into the program laughing with Liam as its spot on how we were as kids and the way life was. Nothings changed for the next generation and it won't for the children when there growing up either.
"You was like Jay.. the horny teen constantly wanking" I say to Liam and he Liam's pushing me off him.
"I used to wank alot before you took my virginity, after that it would only be if you'd tease and leave me hanging. Or prison" he says and I him at him.
"I'd only leave you hanging if we had to go home, it's not like I'd get you all amped up to leave you my king, that's the new Stacey" I tell him as I run my hand up his thigh sensually and he laughs watching it move up slowly.
"Always tryna tease and play, you want it take it" he says and takes a drag of his blunt and I watch his dick slowly getting bigger. Fun times for my king.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin