Chapter 163

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Two Days Later

Ruby's birthday is in five days and I can't believe my little babies four.
All her birthday stuff is in motion and all the presents have been order and out for delivery and I can't wait to see her little face light up at everything. She's gonna love it.
"Babe I need to talk to you, like now" Lola says as I finish my breakfast.
"OK babe, I'm listening" I tell her and she shakes her head.
"Can we talk alone babe please" she says and I nod kiss Liam and get up finishing my apple juice and walk out with her.
"We'll go in the other living room babe, come on" I tell her wondering what's wrong and why she wants to talk alone? What could it be?
We enter and take a seat.
"Don't freak" she says and I nod looking at her confused.
"I'm fucking pregnant" she says and I scream happily.
"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you" I tell her bit her expression is blank. Is she not happy about this?
"What's wrong babe? Talk to me" I tell her and she sighs dropping back.
"I haven't told Jason and I don't know how he's gonna react. We haven't been together that long, what if he freaks babe?" she asks me and I laugh.
"Babe listen, Jason wants a football team. He'll be over the fucking moon. Seriously you have nothing to worry about" I tell her and she sighs.
"We haven't even dropped I love you yet" she says putting her head in her hands.
"Do you love him?" I ask her and she smiles.
"I think I do Stacey" she says happily and I hug her.
"Then you should tell him, he loves you. I know it" I tell her and she hesitates.
"What if I tell him and he just hits the road. I don't wanna loose him over this" she says and I nod understanding.
"He loves you Lola" I tell her seriously and she nods accepting it.
"He loves me, I love him. Where gonna Abe happy and have a mini us. Oh my god I'm pregnant" she says finally letting it sink in.
"I'm so happy for you babe, your gonna be amazing, don't worry about anything. Me and Liam are always here for you, what ever you need OK" I tell her and she hugs me again.
"Thanks babe, your seriously a real friend and I love you" she says and I smile at her.
"See wasn't hard to say it was it" I tell her making her laugh and she jumps up.
"I love you too, now do tell your baby daddy you love him and your expecting" I tell her and she claps excited and skips off making me laugh.

Walking back into the kitchen I see Liam still sitting there on his laptop now and sit next to him.
"Everything good baby?" he asks me and I hfin wide.
"You want the news.. Lola's pregnant" I tell him quietly and he grins wide.
"Oh my god, wow. I knew Lola wanted a kids when we was younger, who would of thought it'd be with Jason. This is good news queenie" he says cheerful happy for them and I smile at him.
"She's a little nervous tho, they haven't even told eachother they love eachother yet and now there having a baby" I tell him and he nods getting it.
"It's understandable but she has. Otbing to worry about, he loves her" He says and I nod knowing this.. He is my bestie after all.
"This is what I told her so she's gone to tell him now, both things" I say happy for them. A new baby in the family, I can't wait.
"Jason's gonna be over the moon seriously, here's wanted another for awhile" he says and I smile. He's great bless him.
Jason comes running in with the biggest grin.
"I'm having a fucking baby!!" he shouts ecstatic and we both laugh.
"Congratulations brother, I'm happy for you" Liam tell him wetting up and hugging him.
"Thanks brother, I cant6 believe it man, another baby and with my Lola-Belle" he says cheerfully as I stand up to him.
"Congrats bestie, I'm so happy" I tell him hugging him and he hugs me back spinning me around.
"I'm havinv a baby bestie!" he calls out making me laugh.
"I know, anything else?"i ask him and he smiles.
"She told me she loved me aswell" he says grinning.
"And you said it back right?" I ask him and he nods eagerly.
"Absolutely, I love her" he says putting his arm over my shoulder.
"We have to celebrate" he says and I nod agreeing.
"What you wanna do?" I ask him and he shrugs
"She needs to tell her parents then we can do something" he says and I smile. So considerate our Ace.
"Well I'll plan something" Liam says and he smiles and Lola walks in with a big smile.
"Jason, tell you the good news I take it" she says as Jason's hugs her to him.
"I love you baby" jaosn tells her making her smile.
"I love you too baby" she says grinning. There so cute.
"I made the appointment to confirm it, it's tomorrow morning 10am"she tells him and he nods.
"We'll be there Lola-Belle, don't worry about anything, I got you always baby" he tells her and she kisses him.
"Well, I need to go to work now anyways. I'll see you guys later" she says and hugs me.
"Alright babe, you know where I am if you need me" I tell her and she smiles.
"Thanks babe" she says and walks out with Jason.
"There so cute I love them, she's his best by far baby" I tell Liam and he laughs.
"So no killing this one queenie" he teases and I stick my tongue out at him.
"Ha, Ha! I wont baby" I tell him and he laughs.
"Good, she's good for him this time around, he better not fuck this up" He says and I nod. Its not normal Jason that fucks up.. Its them.. Or me. My bad..

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