Chapter 18 Liam's POV

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"Come on baby" I say to my queen as I pull her into the water. I grab her hips pulling her close and kiss her. It is our honeymoon still after all.
"I've missed this already" I tell her and she smiles up at me wrapping her arms around my neck. Where waist deep in the water so no one can see my growing hard on I always get around my wife. This bikini is definitely something. I can't control my self right now.
"I wish it was just us right now. I could be feeling you inside me right here" she says and I groan rocking my dick I to her. There all on the beach playing and we're just in the water alone. Starting to feel needy. It's only been a few hours and all the cockblockers are doing what they do best. I reign myself in and put my hands on her hips.
"Looks like we'll have to wait until later, let's join them baby" I sulk making her laugh and she kisses me wrapping her arms and I spank her making her jump as she turns from me.
"It's not funny queenie, little cockblockers are back" I say making her laugh more.
"I know but it's only untill later. We'll play then" she says and I nod following her out the water. I feel like I'm about to explode. She's gonna know about it later then.
I take a seat on the sand not wanting to wet the blanket for the twins and sit basking in the sun. My queen runs around with the girls and Becky getting chased by Ricco and she crocks her finger at me to join in. Let's go baby.
I jump up and go straight for Stacey. She freezes and it clearly clicks with her and she runs from me hiding behind them and running off again. I go to grab her and she just slips through my grasp and gets away. Little minx.
I grab both girls spinning them around giving Stacey a little break to think I've moved on. I'll get you queenie.
I put the girls back down not wanting to spin them to much and they run off again.
"Gave up daddy" my queen taunts me and I watch her like a predator and she pauses looking at me a fair distance away and I take a step towards her and she puts her hands on her hips watching me take a small step back. Please don't run little one.
I set off running towards her and pick her up throwing her over my haoukdwr and spanking her maknng her laugh and scream. The girls are giggling shouting for mummy and I run off with Stacey and bring her down sliding her down my body. And she wraps her legs around my waist instead of getting down and holds her arms around my neck smiling at me.
"Well that was fun daddy" she purrs and kisses me.
"I'll always chase and catch you, forever my queen" I tell her and kiss her forcefully grabbing her ass as I hold her against me.
"It didn't take long to go back to this" she says smiling at me and I sigh not being able to help myself.
"I can't help it, you look way to good to not be touching you. Did you put this on to drive me wild or something because it's fucking working" I tell her feeling my dick rub against her pussy protectived by her bikini bottoms. I need past it and in her. Soon.
"A little longer boo. We'll eat and the girls will be out soon. The heat and the running around will tire them out more. The twins too. Then I'm all yours" she says rocking against me and I groan as she slides down me pulling back my foreskin as she goes and walks away biting her lip. I know she wants me just as bad.
I follow her back and sit with the girls building sandcastles now. I wat h them smiling and help when they ask now and then. There so good and content with everything as long as there with family. I'm so proud of them. I'm hoping the boys will be the same well I think Tyler night be it's gonna be Hunter. Just like daddy. A handful. But he'll be loved and spoilt none the less. All my babies.
"If your finding or hard I can go make us all something to eat and call you when it's done?" Stacey asks and I smile up at her.
"Upto you baby, unless you want to go out?" I ask her not minding either way.
"No I'll cook. I don't mind really, I love it I told you remember baby" she says and I nod smiling up at her as she stands.
"Do you need my help?" I ask her but I don't think we'll end up cooking to be honest. She looks at me contemplating and I laugh. She's obviously thinking the same thing.
"Go do you beautiful, if you need me call me I got my phone. I love you" I tell her and she leans down kissing me.
"I love you too baby" she tells me and stands up pulling on her cover up and kissing all the children.
"Mummy will be back soon, gonna make you some dinner" she tells the girls when they look up to her.
"Yess" Mya says rubbing her stomach and I chuckle. Girl can eat. Just like her momma.
"Be back soon baby, have fun" my queen says waving and walking away back towards the villa. I wonder what she's making today. Dinners always something delicious if my baby cooks. Period.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant