Chapter 137

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"Hey mum, how is Mya?" I ask her down the phone hoping for some good news.
"Not great baby, but it's only been two days. She says she wants to stay here forever" mum says and I put my head in my hand. Great.
"She can't mum. She needs to come home. We all miss her" I tell mum and she sighs.
"That's not a good idea baby, not yet. Give her some time, she's not gonna change over night. Give her a couple weeks away from everyone. Believe me she will wanna go home" she says and I hope she's right. I want my baby back.
"OK mum, I'm trusting you so please help her because I don't know what to do if she don't change. I'm literally fucked" I tell her and she sighs understanding.
"I know baby just try relax and spend some time with the others. Myas fine here" she tells me and I hum. Of course she is. Little madam.
"Alright mum thanks, I'll call you soon. Tell Mya we love her and give her plenty of kisses and cuddles from us. I love you bye" I tell her and hang up standing from the love swing in the lounge and make my way back to the kitchen.
"She's apparently still the same and she needs more time maybe weeks, my mum said" I tell Liam and he sighs too.
"We have to try this way first baby, for the rest of the childrens sakes. Don't worry she's with your mum. She's fine" he says and I sit in his lap as her wraps me up holding me close. I hope he's right.
"I know your right baby, I just miss her so much" I tell him and he nods
"We all do baby, we've just gotta get through it. She'll be home soon enough" he says and kisses my temple lingering.
Jason and Lola come walking in grinning after there car fun and I smile at them.
"Enjoy your car?" I ask them laughing.
"It's amazing babe, you did good" she says and I wink at her. I always do good.
"Yeah thanks love it's better than I ever I ever imagined" Jason says grinning wide.
"We have to go out soon brother. See what you've got" Liam says and I raise my brow.
"I didn't do this for you two, to get yourself killed" I say buzz killing them.
"I'll hire a place baby, theres a tra k not to far. Am sure with a wad of cash in front of him I can drive my own car instead. I'll make it happen" he says and kisses me before I could speak.
"Do it brother. I'm game" Jason says smirking and Lola looks at him like I'm looking at Liam. Are they crazy? What did I do?
"Well it's nearly dinner time guys. Osiris is gonna want the kitchen" I tell them standing up just as he walks in.
"Anything in particular for dinner?" he asks looking in the fridge and back at us.
"Whatever you want bro" Liam tells him and he nods looking back at the fridge.
We all walk out the kitchen them to whispering then suddenly running up the stairs. And they say we're bad.
"Have you got everything for Lola party queenie?" he asks and I nod grinning.
"Yeah I can't wait I love dressing up" I tell him and he smiles.
"You always look beautiful baby but you glow more with confidence when you do"  he tells me and I smile nodding. Itis what itis.
"I know but I have the best eye candy on my arm that's probably why" I tease and he laughs pulling me down into the sofa.
"Always baby, your the rich one remember" he winks and I laugh. Well yeah.. I guess.
I hit him with a cushion and jump up away from him laughing.
"You wanna play queenie" he says grabbing his own cushion and chasing me around the living room.
"he swing the cushion and I hit it away with mine and run again but he jumps over the sofa cheating and grabs me dropping me onto the other sofa with him.
"I will always win because you cheat" I tell him laughing and rolling him off me and laying on top of him.
"That's the only time I would ever cheat. To get you" he says and I smile. Nice save Johnson.
"Have you planned out getaway after Lola's birthday? Where we going?" I ask him and he smiles.
"It's in motion. I've nearly done with it. It's been a busy few weeks" he says and I hum.
"But you still wanna go?" I ask him and he raises his brow at me.
"Now more than ever baby, don't ever doubt that I don't wanna be around you because I'd be with you twenty four seven if we could. We're nearly there tho" he says and I laugh. Yeah I know and I love it.
"I don't doubt that, it's just what happened. I actually listened and left. I never do that baby. Never let me go again, it was horrible. Like seriously" I tell him and he cuddles me into him.
"It was hard for me too. I'll never let you go if that's what you really want" he says and I look up to him and kiss him softly.
"That's what I want, to be with you forever" I tell him making him smile.
"It will only ever be you. Are you seeing this now. After all this time?" he asks me and I nod grinning into him. Absolutely.
"I think I've always known deep down. It was your actions that spoke louder than your words. You loved me and proved it alot when we was little. But you never said it. Then as we got older you'd say you loved me but your actions pushed me away. See why I always said your confusing me Liam Johnson. I was young and had to deal with your mood swings on a daily. I deserve some love now to be honest" I tell him then laugh. If I don't laugh, I'll probably cry.
"I've loved you from the beginning baby. I knew you was a queen and I didn't know how to feel about you it was all new and I didn't know how to love you, like how I knew you needed and deserved, so I'd push you away then I'd feel shit about doing so then I'd miss you the more I'd keep my distance. So I'd come back and keep repeating my mistakes not learning that I loved you.. Yeah, I didn't think how confusing that would of been for you. I'm sorry baby, like hand on my heart truly sorry for the beginning of our love story. And that's why I feel like you deserve soo much for all of what I put you through over the first ten years and the fact that you stuck by me through literally everything and for the times you waited for me even tho I made it hard. I know sometimes I'm impossible to love but you always do it so openly and honestly without any complains just pure love for me and that's why you have the means to do as you please because I need you to have all you need and could ever want. No matter what itis I'll definitely one hundred percent say yes because I can't say no to you and I don't want to because I'm yours" he says Taki g a breath and sighs out before laughing at his speech. I can't stop smiling that he's just actually opened up instead of handing me a letter.
"I love you soo much right now baby, you just opened up willingly and I can't stop smiling.. But yeah, I waited for you because I only wanted you. You're not understanding me when I say whether where together or not, I'm either with you or alone waiting for you to come back to me so waiting is nothing baby, I always knew you was my king. I'll always wait for you. You was never impossible to love. Granted I could of throttled you a thousand times literally but I've always loved you easily. You have no idea how special are to me baby. Your money is not why I love you. It's never been about that. I loved you when you was thirteen and had pocket money. I'll always love just you. I'll always hold you down because you complete me. The rest of it is just a bonus to our already incredible relationship. My loves never gone from the day I felt it. You Liam Johnson are the owner of my heart. You always have been and you always will be. Nothing you do will make me stop loving you. And believe me there's been alot that I should of ran a mile from even in the beginning but it's apart of you and I know you would never hurt me. But it's now also apart of me because we're one. We'll always be a team and no one and nothing will change or come between us EVER! It's just us forever my king. I'm Yours" I tell him and he kisses me passionately pulling me to straddle him and deepen the kiss. I've loved him longer than anyone in my life. It will only be him.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now