Chapter 172 Jason's POV

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Knocking on Liam's office door I take a deep breath and hope he doesn't bite my head off.
"Coming" he says and I raise my brow. He never locks his door unless Stacey's I  there with him. Something definitely up.
He opens the door and moves to the side letting me in.
"Brother, your acting strange, tell me what's up" I ask him and he sighs.
"I don't wanna talk about it Jason. Drop it" he warns me and I step to him putting my hand on his shoulder and he feels tense as fuck.
"Talk yo me brother, you k ow you can tell me anything" I tell him and he sighs again.
"Your to close with Stacey now, I can't let you know and expect you not to tell her" he says and I raise my brow at him dropping my arm.
"Seriously Liam. Your my fucking brother. I can keep a fucking secret, I've done it plenty" I tell him and he nods.
"I know but this is different, it's gonna affect Stacey, you'll tell her" he says and I have no idea what the fuck it can be.
"You seeing someone else? I couldn't imagine it but I have to ask, that's how weird your acting Liam" I tell him and he drops down in a chair. I sit facing him leaning forward waiting for him to say something.. Preferably no but am here to listen either way.
"I'm not seeing someone else Jason, don't be so fucking ridiculous. No one compares to my queen, I'd never do that to her" he says offended that if think such a thing.
"Well I had to ask, what isit then. What's worst than that because if I thought it you know Stacey is to" I tell him and he leans forward putting his head in his hands.
"Isit that bad?" I ask him and he nods.
"She's gonna leave me brother. She won't want me and I can't blame her" he says and I look at him baffled.
"You brother are on some serious shit. She loves you more than anything and nothing you do would ever change that and you know it. Unless there's anofher women she's by your side and you know it. Stop being worrd and talk to her. She loves you man, don't fuck this up and run again. There's children apart of this now, you can't fall back into the old you. It's not fucking happening Liam. Tell me!" I tell him and he shakes his head..
"I'll tell her soon, not yet" he says and I stand up.
"Tell her what, just fucking tell me" I shout and he sighs.
"Just go away Jason" he growls and I see his eyes swirl. What the fuck.
"Liam, you don't need to do this" I tell him and he stands up and charges at me and stands in my face..
"I have to go.. Now!" he growls and walks past me and out the door. What the fuck just happened?
I walk out his office and follow him up the stairs.
"Liam, Liam wait.." I call out but he ignores me and runs up the stairs faster. I take two at a time trying to catch up as he enters his bedroom I walk in and watch him grab a bag.
"What you doing?" I ask him cofused.
"Where you going?" I ask instead but nothing.
"Do you need me to come?" I ask him needing to know something.
"Stay here, she's gonna need you Jason" he says and I don't understand.
"I don't understand brother, where you going?" I ask him again as he stars piling clothes into his bag.
"I can't stay her like this, I need out" he says and I laugh.
"You can't be serious, you are a married man, a fucking dad Liam, you can't just run away" I tell him pissed as he walks off and he looks around himself and growls at me..
Stacey suddenly walks in as he walks out the bathroom and stops still.
"Where you going?" she asks him backing away.
"Away" he says and puts his toiletries away and zips his bag up.
"I can't be here right now, I need space" he says looking at Stacey and she just stares blankly at him.
"You can't keep running Liam" I tell him and he puts his head down and walks out. Stacey just let's him go and says nothing and I don't understand what's happened? She'd never just let him go like this.
"Why didn't you stop him?" I ask her and she sighs at me.
"I can't talk to the beast anymore, not after what he went to do" she says and I look at her confused. And slightly pissed no one told me.
"What the hell happened Stacey? Did he hurt you?" I demand and she smiles at me.
"No he didn't hurt me Jason" she says sadly and I grab her shoulders.
"Tell me what happened. You was the only one that could control him, what happened?" I ask again and she pulls me towards the bed I sit down facing her and she looks at a photo off her and Liam in the bedside.
"We was playing a game me and Liam, like we always do and remember at Lola's birthday party and I was dancing with her and Liam was watching me" she says and I sigh. He got mad.
"The beast didn't like me and Lola touching eachother and took over. He went.. He went to go do the same but to someone else instead of me" she says and Liam doesn't like people touching or anything except for Stacey. That's how it's always been since he was a kid. The beast knows this obviously. Now all this. But what is this exactly.
"So now I don't know what he's capable of and he's the beast now I seen his eyes so that's why I just let him go. Clearly Liam doesn't wanna be here or talk to us" she says and walks off out the room. Wow. Just wow. How the fuck did all this happen? I'm lost like jeez!

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