Chapter 118 Liam's POV

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I've been away from my family for two days and it's fucking killing me. I've been in no contact and I miss my queen.
"He's here boss" Amenadiel says through the wire I have plugged in my ear.
"Adien, Chris and Damon head left, I'll go right with Kol, Vincent and Maz. Liam you come with me" I hear through the wire and raise my brow. Who said he was in charge. I'm the boss. But I need this to work so I take my fucking order. Once I have him. He's mine.. And dead! So I guess I can follow his order. For now.
"Let's go" Amenadiel says and we all do what he says and I start to hear talking as I get closer to the door.
"Listen you little bitch, shut the fu k up before I shoot you like I did the rest. I'm not fucking around anymore. Where the fucks Liam!" I hear and I swear to god that's Tommy's voice. He took Macey? Now I am confused.. Why would he. I thought they was in the love bubble. I look to Amenadiel and he nods as his hand hovers over the door knob. I nod back and he turns it slowly and pushes the door open his 9mm up ready to shoot. I walk in next to Amenadiel the others behind holding up their guns to and Tommy just stands there staring at me pissed not fazed. Like he's been waiting and expecting this.
"Liam, he's gonna kill you" I Herr and look around to see a battered Macey, half naked and covered in alsorts. Her face is bruised and I  an see dried blood patches around the floor. This place is disgusting.
"So you want me, I'm here" I say smug to Tommy and he smirks.
"Cocky much Liam" he says and I laugh. Very
"You know your a dead man talking right.. Hurry up and get it off your chest" I tell him rolling my eyes and he laughs.
"This whole place is surrounded. You ain't leaving with this slut, I was hoping Stacey could watch me kill you before she got it" he says and a loud animalistic growl escapes me and I feel my beast take over in an instant.
"If you think your going anywhere near my wife, your seriously delusional" I snarl loudly and I watch him swallow and go for his gun. I move quickly towards him and swing my fist into his face and grip his arm.
"I don't think so, where gonna have some fun" I tell him sadistically and he head butt's me and I smile.
Amenadiel comes out of nowhere and punches him square in the nose and he steps back bleeding holding it a little dazed.
"Show me the upgrade" I tell Amenadiel smirking and he nods holsting his gun and preparing for Tommy.
They both stand there sizing eachother up, this should be fun.. They both edge closer to one another and start trading blows, dodging blocking and counter punching when they can, it's an even fight all around but Tommy looks like he is getting tired, clearly got lazy since he left, I had him fit as possible but this is embarrassing..
Suddenly Amenadiel lands a crisp rib shot making Tommy drop his right hand and Amenadiel punishes him hard with a quick one, two combo laying Tommy flat out on the floor, I just stand there smirking, impressed at what I just seen.
Amenadiel steps back and looks at me smirking.
"We need to leave. Now! Grab the girl" he says picking Tommy up and slinging him over his shoulder. It's good not to do all the heavy lifting.
"I'm sorry Liam, I didn't know what was happening. I promise" Macey says as Kol unties her and picks her up.
"Will discuss that later, let's go" I tell her feeling myself come back as we start to leave and I hear rummaging like feet maybe and look around my surroundings and I feel a sharp shooting pain in my arm and I grab it as we run out. Suddenly Chris drops and starts spitting up blood and we all start to dodge the stray bullets being let off. Aiden, Vincent, Damon and Maz fire back the best they can as we run through the building. We make it to the car and I'm grabbed from behind. I swing my head back hitting something hard and swinging my elbow back into them, as they stumble back I spin ducking and swing my fist into there face seeing some man I've never met.
"I've been waiting to meet you Liam, I've played a very long game and it's time for you to join the rest" he says grinning and I just stare at him, OK.. You're the one who has done all of this and for what exactly? Let's end this right now!!
I smirk at him and step forward.
"Show me what you got" I say laughing and let my beast escape and take total control, it's fun time..

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now