Chapter 188

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It's been a few hours and I finally hear the front door open and jump up to see Liam grinning walking towards me.
"I take it you had fun?" I tease and he laughs happily as he picks me up and spins me around kissing me.
"It's seriously amazing queenie, a mad adrenaline rush, I love you so much for doing this. I know you don't like them type of things but I appreciate it so much" he says and lifts me to wrap my legs around him.
"I don't like them but I love you boo, whatever makes you happy baby. Just don't go wild onit please" I tell him and he nods smiling as he looks into my eyes.
"I promise baby, thank you so much" he tells me and kisses me passionately putting all his love into it and I melt wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him back.
"Yoooo brother.. I know I heard what I think I did, you actually bought it for him love" Jason says jogging down the stairs excited.
"Absolutely, whatever makes my king happy and that smile permanently there" I say and Liam smiles and kisses me as I slide down his hard body planting my feet on the floor.
"And I love you more and more for that my queen" he tells me still holding me close.
"I wanna go brother" Jason says and Liam laughs.
"All in good time brother" Liam tells him and pulls his phone out.
"I gotta get this, be right back queenie, brother" he says and walks off towards his office.
"So what's the plan now, I'm hungry" Jason says and I laugh.
"Of course you are" I say and suddenly the door starts knocking.
We both walk towards it and I open it wide and see Chelsea and Kane standing there holding hands and smiling at us. I look them both up and down pissed. What the fuck do they want?
"Hey babe" Chelsea says walking into me and going to hug me but I hold my hand up and step away from her.
"What's wrong?" she asks me confused and I laugh at them.
"Are you fucking seriously here?" I ask them raising my voice annoyed.
"We need Liam's help" Kane says and I clench my fist. Are they crazy?
"Wait a minute.. You say you can't make my husband's birthday because you're busy or some shit then have the nerve to show up the next day and ask for money? Have I got that right?, do you think my husband is a dickhead atm for you to use whenever you feel like it?" I stress at them and they look to each other.
"I need to talk to my brother, this has nothing to do with you stacey!" Kane tells me harshly and I go to step to him and Jason just drops him with one punch. Damn bestie!
Suddenly Chelsea's about to hit Jason and I grab her by the back of her neck yanking her backwards and spinning her to face me. I let go of her and swing my fist towards her face hitting her straight in the eye and she stumbles backwards looking at me pissed. What bitch.
She comes at me ready to fight and she swing and misses so I punch her again making her grab her nose screaming out and I swing another right hook to her face making her stumble again then one last shot straight to her stomach. Bye bitch I thought as she cries and I laugh at her.
Suddenly Liam comes walking out and I turn seeing him frozen in place looking at Kane on the floor Jason stood over him and Chelsea holding herself.
"Now, I suggest you both get the fuck out my house. You don't wanna see me again" I warn them and Kane stands up backing away grabbing Chelsea and running to their car. The fucking cheek of some people. Brother or not, we don't know you.
I slam the door and turn to Liam.
"What the fuck happened?" he asks looking between us and I shrug.
"They can't expect to get all they have, miss your God damn birthday then show up the next fucking day and ask for more money. Are you mad?" I say irritated and Liam looks at me lost.
"So you dropped your twin and you clearly fucked Chelsea up?" Liam says to us and we both nod smiling. We're a good team, me and my bestie.
"Why?" Liam says again and I sigh walking over to him.
"Baby in no circumstances will ANYBODY use my husband for anything. Period! Do I make myself clear" I demand looking up at him being deadly serious and he holds up his hands in front of him smirking down at me.
"Absolutely queenie, but I don't need you fighting my battles, I feel like I missed out" he says pouting and I laugh.
"It did feel good though" I tell him and he laughs taking my hand and leading me into the living room.
"I have something to tell you brother. I received them yesterday but didn't wanna say anything because it was your birthday but now I have to" Jason says struggling with this and I stand up to him.
"Spit it out Jason" Liam tells him and he looks to me and I nod smiling at him.
"Just tell us" I tell him and he nods.
"He's not our brother, my twin" he says and Liam jumps up suddenly.
"What the fuck do you mean Jason?" Liam spits pissed and I know where this is going..
"I did a DNA on him and he's basically a fraud. He isn't related to me. To us" he says and I look at him shocked. What the actual fuck..
"Your telling me that some guy we don't know has been in my houses, around my fucking children and took my money like it was nothing" Liam says get more angry and I loop at him seeing his eyes have gone black. Oh fuck.
"Baby, calm down" I tell him and he walks away from me pacing.
"He's dead, there both dead!" he growls and I instantly feel goosebumps at his threatening tone.
"Do something Stacey" Jason says to me wat Jing Liam unravel more but I love him in beast mode.
"He OK" I tell him because he's not doing anything.. Yet.
"I need to rip him apart, bones breaking, limb by limb ripped apart. Nerve by nerve snapping. His brain will shut down and I can watch him become a cabbage in front of my eyes, and then that's when I'll kill him slowly" he tells us and I can't help biting my lip, feeling more than turned on at the lengths my husband's willing to go. I fucking love it.
"Fuck it let's do it" Jason tells him and we both suddenly look to him. What?
"There's my brother, finally he's come out to play" Liam says to him and let's out a growl. Fucking hell it's about to go down. I can't wait..

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