Chapter 51

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Is this bitch seriously trying to piss me off. After we made friends and now this. Why the hell did she lie. I don't get it. Abs what could be worst than killing your little sister? Right now Maceys being a pain in my ass but killing her, that's deep. Even for me.
"You better start talking Sasha. We're trying to be nice here" Liam tells her and she looks to Jason and smiles.
"Your gonna have to do better than that. Come on, your Liam and Stacey Johnson with you lap lad Jason King" she says and Jason looka at her confused and pissed.
"What you talking about Sasha?" Jason asks her and she laughs.
I grab her tightly by the arms, looking in her eyes and I smirk at her.
"You don't wanna talk. I'm sure I can make you. Don't play with me Sasha" I tell her and she shrugs.
"Do what you gotta do. I knew it would end like this. I've had fun tho, I'll miss Lexi the most" she says and Jason steps forward.
"Your seriously confusing me Sasha baby. What you talking about, where you going" Jason asks her and she smiles at him.
"I'll miss the sex too actually" she says and I pick up the vase from the table and hit her over the head knocking her out.
"That's enough of her" I say dropping my arms and stepping back from her.
"Seriously Stacey" Jason yells at me and I shrug.
"Don't ever yell at my queen again. Understand me Jason. Never!" Liam steps to Jason warning him. This again baby..
"Well you wife is blatenly keeping a huge secret. What we gonna do about that.. I ain't stupid Jason, she hiding something juicy" I tell him and he sighs dropping onto a kitchen stool.
"This actually works out perfectly my queen, I was thinking we could have some fun. Like we used too baby" Liam says to me wrapping his arms around my waist and I look at him excited.
"Oh my god I was thinking the same thing and wanted to talk to you about it" I tell him and he chuckles and kisses me.
"Great minds and all that baby, looks like Sasha's the culprit. Lucky bitch" he says into my ear and pulls back smirking.
"I know, can we go now? What about him?" I ask Liam nodding towards Jason who just stares at Sasha sadly. Yeah another wife buddy. These are your own decisions. He keeps choosing wrong.
"What are you gonna do?" he asks looking at Liam sad and Liam sighs.
"I just wanna know what she's hiding. Then we'll go from there. A promise is a promise brother" Liam tells him and I wonder what promise?
"Excuse you? She's my best friend. I'll decide" I tell them and Jason looks at me.. "She's my wife Stacey, fuck sake" he says trying to stay calm. Doesn't wanna piss Liam off. Lap lad.
"Let's just find out what she knows first. Other than Angelica. Dick" I say to Jason palming my forehead at him for telling her. What the fucks her secret that's worst. She seem so moral, normal. But then so do we so what do we know?
"Well take her back to ours, you deal with your nanny. I'll call you" Liam tells him and Jason steps forward.
"I'm coming with you" he demands and Liam sighs.
"Fine, but you stay out the fucking way and you let Stacey do this her way" Liam tells him and Jason sighs and mods slowly. Good boy. I always get what u want Jason. You should know this by now more than anyone.
"Your gonna have to distract Michaela while we put her in your car. It's bigger than ours" Liam tells him and he nods throwing his keys to Liam a d walking out. She seems nice but who can even be trusted now days.
My king and Jason I suppose and that's it. This why I don't have many friends. They snakes. I have one left. Sian. My ride or die girlfriend from day one.
"OK, let's go. Pick her up before she wakes up. I don't wanna have to cut her here" I say to Liam rubbing my hands together and he groans licking his lips at me.
"This is gonna be fun Queenie. The beast is ready" he growls and I clench my thighs.
"My treasures at your service, my king" I purr and walk out swaying my hips, knowing he's watching my ass.

Finally standing infront of a half dazed Sasha after quickly changing and grabbing my box of toys.

"When your ready baby, she's all yours" Lima tells me as Jason stands off to the side just observing

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"When your ready baby, she's all yours" Lima tells me as Jason stands off to the side just observing. He can't stop me from killing her if that's what needs to be done. If she's a threat to this family she's gone. No ifs, buts or maybes. Period.
I step forward and slap Sasha hard across the face.
"Wake up! It's play time Sasha baby" I mock her and she blinks in the light looking up at me from her tied up position in the chair. All eyes on her.
"So this is how it ends bestie" she says and smiles at me. Is she crazy.
"You got some issues Sasha. Killing your sister clearly fucked you up" I tell her and she laughs.
"Ya think Stacey! She screams at me suddenly and I look at her delusional self.
"Just tell me what u wanna know Sasha" I tell her not wanting to have to hurt her. I love her.
"I'm.. I'm. Crazy" she says and laughs to herself and I look at Jason
"You didn't see this. You fucking lived with her" I ask him and he sighs.
"She was fine, you seen her. She never acted this way before" he says confused himself and I slap her again trying to hit some sense into her.
"Is this like what you did to Angelica. Did you watch to Jason?" she asks and he growls. Touchy over his angel I see.
"AND MY NAMES BIT FUCKING SASHA DAMN IT!" She suddenly screams and I pause.
"Come again? Then who the fuck are you?" I ask her now confused. Who the fuck is this woman in my basement.
"a wouldn't you like to know Stacey Johnson" she says acting loopy and I wonder what the fuck she's on.
This woman is not my best friend. She is not Sasha.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now