Chapter 70 Jason's POV

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I'm officially living back with my brother and Stacey with all of the princesses and the twins too. I have a new plaything and I couldn't be happier. Yeah I know it's a little soon but what the fuck is being miserable and depressed gonna bring me other than losing myself in whiskey and possibly losing my daughter. Not gonna happen.
I sit there phone in hand and it buzzes with another text from Lola.

Lola: Soo lover boy, when do I see you again? Don't leave me waiting. X

I smile at my phone and go through my calendar checking the next few days of what I've gotta do. Shit where do I even squeeze her in. Fuck it.

Jason: I'd say now but uno.. We can do lunch again tomorrow ill pick you up X

Lola: Well I'll finish work in 10 mins.
I can come by? Upto you X

Yessss! Wait do I need permission? Fucking hell. Fuck it.

Jason: Yeah come by I'll be here X

Lola: I'll be like 30 mins X

I'm happy that I get to see her again so soon and jump up. I jog out and down the hall, up the stairs and down towards the end where my new room is. Walking in I smell my body wash still from my previous shower and rummage through my suitcase. I seriously need to unpack if this is gonna be my home now. I love it here.
I pull out my grey joggers set with the jumper and my white Nike TN's.
I take off what I put on after my shower and pull everything on. I grab my studs putting them in and put on my rollex. I run some gel through my hair quickly combing it into place.

Looking as I rub my face in the mirror and smile actually excited to see her again

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Looking as I rub my face in the mirror and smile actually excited to see her again.
I walk back through my room and down the stairs walking into the kitchen. I grab a bottle of watter from the fridge and take swig checking the time. She should be here soon. Why do I feel nervous?
I could sit and talk to her for hours, literally we've spoke so much since meeting. She knows about everything. My daughter. Her mum is dead and I just said Sasha walked out. No one knows but me, Liam and Stacey and I'm keeping it that way to. No one needs to know her fucked up truth. Lola also knows what Liam has always been like and his job well I say job.. But it literally doesn't faze her because she knows this life and she knows I get my hands dirty now and then, she also knows that my family is life and nothing will disturb that. She basically knows alot and she's still here. Is she crazy? Well have to wait and see like the rest. I fucking hope not. I'm glad Sasha didn't tip me over the edge. Lexi will move on too. Eventually anyways.

Pulling my phone out as it rings I see Lola flashing and swipe it to answer.
"I'm outside, Come let me in" she says and I hum as I walk to the door putting the phone down. I swing open the heavy door and see her walking towards me from her car.

"Well don't Lola Belle look hot" I say randomly and she laughs spinning as she stops infront of me

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"Well don't Lola Belle look hot" I say randomly and she laughs spinning as she stops infront of me. I grab her hips and kiss her just wanting to and we both smile pulling back.
"Lola Belle?" she asks biting her lip and I smirk at her. I know what she's come for.
"I like it, Come on" I tell her as 8 take her hand leading her inside as I kick the door closed.
"Where's Liam and Stacey?" she asks as we walk into the living room.
"Doing what they do best" I just say and she laughs understanding what I mean.
"I think she's great. I didn't think she'd like me" she says as we sit down and I look at her confused.
"Why not, Stacey literally likes everyone and it will stay that way unless you do something she obviously doesn't like" I tell her and she smiles.
"We're kinda the same personality wise. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Right now it's great, but later on.. We could clash" she says and I nod wetting it. Let's just hope you don't end up dead Lola.
"Yeah so you should get along fine. She likes you, you like her that's all that matters to me and my brother" I tell her and she smiles up at me.
"Yeah your brother, your proper lose ain't you" she says laughing and I shrug. It's nothing new.
"We have been like this since I was like eleven. I'd be God knows where if not for Liam and our mum" I tell her and she smiles like she's happy for me.
"Our mum? You call her mum too then" she asks and I grin thinking of Angela.
"She was the only mum I needed. So yes, my mum" I tell her honestly.
"What's this about mum?" I hear Liam ask as he walks in dropping in the other sofa.
"I was just telling Lola Belle that your mum became our mum as she was the only mum I needed" I tell liam making him smile thinking of his mum no doubt.
"I remember when you first called it her. Shocked the shit out of me but I was well proud of you. She mothered you just like she did me, there was no difference. I can't have anything for myself" Liam says and laugh and I look at him slightly hurt. Is this what he really thinks.
"What do you mean?" I ask him needing him to explain.
"My mum, my daughter and then my wife, and all my money. Can a guy not have anything for himself?" he says laughing and I just stare at him. He's obviously joking but to be honest he's right..
"I thought you didn't kid me calling mum.. Well mum?" I ask him and he sighs.
"Jason, I was joking, I love you brother. Now isn't the time to get in your feelings" he says and looks to Lola.
"Just hit me thats all brother" I tell him sighing. Maybe he's right.. Do I take Liam for granted? I didn't think I did. Fuck!

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