Chapter 43 Liam POV

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"You sure baby, I don't mind coming" I tell Stacey as she climbs into her car. She's off to the salon to pamper herself and apparently I'll have a surprise outfit that will take me back again. I must say I'm looking forward to what ever it is. She knows me well so I'll definitely love it.. Or maybe enjoy it.. Who knows.
"No baby, it's OK. Spend some time with Jason, you know yall need it" she teases and winks at me making me laugh.
"I heard that.. But your not wrong. Thanks Stacey, I'll see you later" Jason tells her and I roll my eyes. Anyone but Jason and she'd want me with her. He always gets a pass with his needy self.
"OK baby, drive safe and I love you" I tell her bending down and kissing her.
"I will baby, I love you too. Have fun" she tells me and I nod stepping back from the car and watching her wave at us as she drives off.
"So brother, what's the plan?" Jason asks me as we walk towards my car.
"We have somewhere to be now. It's time anyways" I tell him and he looks to me.
"Where? I thought we was just gonna chill or something" he asks and I tap my nose at him as I unlock my car climbing in and he sighs loudly and climbs into the car.
"You know I took a day off for this. It better be good I have so much shit I could be doing right now brother" he says and I roll my eyes at him. It's for you bro chill out fuck sake.
"You'll see, it's not far" I just tell him and he looks out his window with a nod and I pull off turning my music up. Some good AJ Tracey playing and I bob my head tapping my wheel as the music flows through me feeling happy. This guys one of the best around here and I've met him before. Jason better appreciate how muvh I'm paying him to get him on board. They should get along. I hope.

Pulling up at The Cruz snooker and pool hall I jump out with a confused looking Jason.
"If you wanted to shoot pool you could of just said. Let's do this brother" he says and I turn looking at him shaking my head chuckling.
"We can do that bro, business first" I tell him and he nods getting serious and making me laugh. Whatever you need to do bro.
Walking in I look around the place and see who where looking for playing a round and winning by the looks of things. Good timing.
I walk over, Jason by my side like always and Sean stands back up looking at us and grins.
"Liam, you came. Have a game mate" he says to me as he holds open his arms holding the que. Taking it I bend down shooting the white ball into the reds and pot straight away. I take a few more and finish the table just getting started and smile at Sean. Can't fuck with me Sean.
"That's how it's done" I say cocky and Jason laughs.
"Who's your friend?" Sean asks and Jason steps forward.
"Jason.. I'm actually his Brother" he tells Sean and looks him over.
"Sean, I guess your the brother I'll be working with then" Sean drops the bomb on him and I look to Jason smirking.
"Surprise" I say and chuckle at his face. Picture worthy bro.
"Liam didn't say. Jason King" he tells him holding out his hand. Sean shakes it with a smile.
"Sean Penn" he says to Jason retreating his hand and I hand him the que back.
"So, I'll leave you both to it and go grab us some drinks. Sean what you having mate?" I ask him and he holds up his glass
"Whiskey, Liam please" he tells me and I nod walking off leaving them to coordinate. They seem like they'd get along looking at them together. But no replacing. I'm his brother kiddo or we will have a problem.
"Two double whiskeys and three fingers off rum please" I tell the bartender as I take in the place not even knowing about it. But I have my own snooker table, so yeah. And I can fuck my queen on the table at home. See where I'm going with this.
Finishing up pouring our drinks I tap the machine paying and slide it back into my wallet. Grabbing all three drinks I walk back over to them seeing them laughing and Jason's playing a game with him now.
I hand Sean his then Jason and take a sip of mine.
"Were gonna get along just fine Liam" Sean tells me and I nod please and look to Jason who nods at me grinning. That was easy.
"So when do I start?" Sean ask potting the yellow and moving around the table.
"Tomorrow, you can sort all that with Jason. Make sure you exchange numbers before we leave I'm not a messenger" I tell them both and they both nod understanding and pulling out there phones. I take minw out feeling it buzz and see a text from my queen.

Stacey: Hope your having fun baby 🎉 XXXXX

Liam: We could be having more 👙🍆 XXXXX

Stacey: All in good time my king. Your gonna love it baby 💏💃👅XXXXX

Liam: I want it soon as baby 🤲🏽 you nearly done beautiful? 💅🏽 XXXXX

I look up to see them finishing of there game and I'm totally ready to go. I hope she's done soon.
Looking back at my phone I see another message.

Stacey: that's why I'm messaging you baby. I've just got home. I need about 30minutes alone upstairs. See you soon handsome ❤️😍😘 XXXXX

Liam: I'm so glad you said that! I'm leaving now. I'll wait ❤️😍😘 XXXXX

"Well as fun as this is I need to leave. Now!" I tell them both sliding my phone back into my pocket and backing my drink.
"Stacey I take it?" Jason says and I rub my hands together.
"Absolutely brother, let's go" I tell him patting Sean's shoulder
"I'll see you soon" I tell him and he nods at me patting me back on the shoulder.
"Well it's 4pm.. I did keep you away long enough" Jason says and rolls his eyes and I laugh grabbing his shoulders pushing him out.
"Yeh yeah bro, let's go" I tell him and I hold my hand up to Sean as we walk away. I want my wife and I want her now!

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now