Chapter 32 Liam's POV

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I remember distinctly telling Jason not to fall inlove with Sasha because I had a deep rooted feeling that it would be Angelica 2.0 but I pushed passes those thoughts and feeling for my brother and his daughters sake. She needed a mother regardless. Someone better than us. The ones that tools her mum away from her. But it killed me to even contemplate killing his angel. My sister, that's why my queen did it for me. Us. Now we're in this situation because my sensitive fucking brother, who I love endless is having a moral fucking dilemma. How he's gonna go from here I don't know. After lastnight and that fucking waste of space moving to my wife. Then the 'Basic bitch' stacey was pissed over. Now this. Fuck sake can we just move on from everything.
I actually understand why Jason told her. I'm pisses obviously because it's gonna impact alot if us but he married her and he calls her his queen. I tell my queen EVERYTHING, There isn't a thing my baby doesn't know about me and what I do or have done. We have a zero secret policy naturally it just happen from way back.
Buttt.. On the other hand, I was feeling great. The holiday and then our amazing honeymoon. The girls even coming out to top it off. The blip didn't even bring us down. Then we come home happy to this shit. Jason and his fucking wife's. It's always his God damn wife's. He should just never marry anyone ckeadly it's the piece of paper that makes them go crazy and switch. Fucking why?
I sit there getting more annoyed and pisses off the more I look at her and I start to breath heavily.
"The more I think about it the more I'm pissed. What Tha actual fuck man" I say stressing getting louder and stand up.
Why the fuck can't everything be alright. Just good, I'm not asking for much really.
"What the fuck is wrong with your god damn wife's. The choices of them all brother, even from the beginning.. All of them. Fuck sake" I say looking at him pissed and he puts his head down. Yeah because I'm fucking right brother.
Then why did he like Stacey? Shes nothing like any of them. Believe me on that. I knew them ALL!
"Thinking about it, I don't understand why you frothed hard over my fucking wife? She's the complete opposite of them all. You need someone like her for fuck sake" I add as I pace still fuming.
"So then it was the worst thing in the world and you beat me to a pulp, now all of a sudden I need her" Jason says lifting his head up looking at me pissed and I growl at him feeling my eyes swirl as my beast claws at me to have at him again. Is he serious right now does he want knocking out. Again.
"Don't try that Jason, you know that's not what he ment. As if you really thought Liam ment that. Are you serious right now. Don't piss me off" my queen says irritated. Her honeymoon bliss has fully popped now. Great. Thanks brother.
"What are you even talking about.. Jason?" Sasha says piping up and I laugh.
"For fuck sake Jason. Do you two even talk, you ain't ready for a real queen" I tell him and he growls making me laugh.
"Sasha is a queen. Don't be rude baby!" Stacey says defending her so called friend and I just roll my eyes and look back to Jason.
"My bad" is all I say and she hums at me.
"I didn't think it was necessary to tell her. It was a long time ago and it's not like I still do is it?" he says and I shrug. I don't know to be honest. I don't think he does anyways right? He better fucking not or we'll have a problem. Again!
"I don't know. I look at her and get a hard on. Nothings changed for seventeen years. Why did you suddenly stop pleasuring yourself over her.. If anything she just gets fucking more sexier" I say and my beast growls. He isn't liking this conversation. Not one fucking bit.
"You did what Jason?" Sasha stresses and Stacey puts her head in her hands. Sorry baby but we're going there.
"It was so long ago, why are we even talking about this?" he says and I laugh.
"Because we're establishing that you tell 'your queen' nothing" I say air quoting and Stacey looks at me rasing a brow. What?
I never said she wasn't a queen. I said his queen.. There's a difference.
"Can we just get back on track. Sasha doesn't wanna be friends anymore. Simple" my queen says and I sigh looking her over. Her loss. My queens amazing period.
"She's supposed to be family baby" I tell her and she shrugs unimpressed.
"Family don't act like this. If that's how she wants it. Its gonna be hard for her" she says looking Sasha over.
"You have no idea the build up babes" she says to Sasha and smirks.
"Whats that suppose to mean?" sassha asks and I laugh thinking of what happened before Angelica was killed.
"I took everything. She was left with HER daughter and the house because of Lexi and Lexi only. I'd of made the bitch homeless if not for that babygirl" Stacey says and I nod. She was my sister and I loved her and she tried to take my princess and my brother away from me and then when that failed she had the audacity to hire someone to try kill me. Really. Me. Liam fucking Johnson. Sisters don't do that.
"So if you enjoy running MY BUSINESS, I'd advise you to go on like you don't no shit. Just like before you found out" Stacey tells her all bossy and I can't help but  E majorly turned on by my queen when she's in boss mode.
"Things won't be pretty Sasha if you open your mouth. Believe me. There's so much you don't know and by the way your reacting to this. I don't think you will be ever ready to know or be able to handle anything else. I thought you was stronger than that and like us all. Clearly not.. Its a shame, I'll miss our friendship" she continues and sighs. I stand behind her feeling her sadness and kiss her head. I can't allow my queen to lose another friend. Sasha is all she has up here.
"We are all friends here and that's exactly how it's going to remain. Where not losing anyone else" I tell them and Jason sighs with some relief that his wife won't die probably. Not today anyways brother. Not today.

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