Chapter 36

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We arrive at the restaurant hand in hand all loved up and happy from reminiscing on the drive and I must say it looks pretty good from the outside as we all walk up looking hot as hell.
We enter and we're seated at a table set up beautifully and a waiter arrives quickly.
He takes our drinks order writing it down and smiling at us before he walks away.
"It's nice here isn't it" I say to the group smiling.
"It's beautiful, I love this" Sasha says gesturing to the table set up.
"Thought you ladies would like it by the pictures I seen on the website. Your welcome" Liam says looking around the place. The waiter arrives and hands the guys there rum and whiskey then opens the bottle of rosè we compromised on. Sasha likes red. I like white. We both like rosè duhh. I take a sip and hum at the crisp berries taste and swallow it taking a bigger drink. It's good wine.
"Can I start you with something or just the main?" the waiter asks holding his notepad looking between us all.
"I'll get the chicken tikka masala please with naan" I tell him and he nods jotting it down and goes around the table.
I pick my wine back up as everyone orders and sip away enjoying the taste.
The waiter leaves to place our orders and its quiet for a moment just looking at each other.
"So this swing? Where can we get one?" Jason asks and I choke on my drink going down the wrong hole not expecting him to ask that and Liam pats my back laughing.
"Yeah they blatantly heard you earlier when you screamed it at me babe. He hasn't shut up about it since" Sasha laughs and I look to Liam.
"Did you tell him anyways?" I ask him ans he shrugs smirking.
"After we heard you, so this is on you my queen.. he asked so I told him" he says and I laugh. Blame me baby, thanks.
"And he's asking where you get one. I didn't buy it, you did boo. Answer the man" I say pointing at Jason and Liam laughs.
"I'll hook you up bro don't worry" he tell Jason and Sasha blushes.
"You'll love it, believe me babe" I tell her and she looks to Jason grinning.
"Am still waiting for my nanny brother?" Jason says randomly and Liam sighs.
"I've been looking brother, I can't find anyone good enough. Lexi needs the best too. Give me a little longer. I will find one" Liam tells him and he nods accepting that Liam won't accept anything less that the best for her. Just like our babies. But we needed Bonnie more.
Our food arrives and he tops up our wine for us and the guys order another round for them self's and he scurries of to collect them.
"What did we miss while we was away?" I ask Sasha and she smiles.
"Jason took me up the Eiffel Tower it was so good. Paris is seriously beautiful babe. Thanks for bringing us along, I'll remember it forever" she tells me and blows me a kiss.
"Your welcome. It wouldn't of been the same without you guys" I tell her smiling thinking of my beautiful wedding.
"The wedding was amazing too. You looked so stunning. Did you enjoy yourself Liam?" Sasha teases and Liam looks to me and winks.
"Enjoy isn't the word I'd use. More like pleased" he says licking his lips and I bite mine looking back.
"So where back to this then, fun" Jason says and I laugh.
"Absolutely, being pregnant was hard" I say and Liam kisses me.
"But we got through it beautiful, thats all that matters and that our boys are here safe and so are you. It's like nothing even changed aswell and I love that the most my queen" Liam says to me and I know what he means. That was my fear. Change for us. I'm obsessed. Imagine if he just lost interest and like back before I was dead set on being how I was pre pregnancy but we both love my new body. I'd of never thought that. But then he loved me after having Mya. But twins Jeez. My hips, boobs and ass popped more. Not that I'm complaining.
"And I'm so happy about that baby, I was a little worried" I say and he looks at me sadly taking my hand.
"Nothing will change how I see you or feel. Believe that, my obsession runs deep. Trust me" he says and groans like he's having some other thoughts.
"Believe me Stacey, there is no 'getting past you' ever he's yours. Always has been. Always will be" Jason tells me making me smile at his words. It's always good to hear.
"Yeah thanks brother" Liam says looking at Jason and we all laugh.
"No I love hearing baby, don't be a spoil sport" I tease and he groans again and sits up and continues eating. Bless him.

We finished up dinner and ordered desserta all around and I declined the third glass as I'm driving. Being good after all.
"Are we done?" Lima asks pulling out his wallet and Jason. Speaks up.
"I'll pay brother, you did take us on holiday" he says and Liam smiles.
"If your sure bro, I don't mind" Liam tells him and Jason pulls his cars from his wallet and flags the waiter for the check.
"Thanks for dinner Jason" I say smiling at him and he nods at me.
"Yeah thanks bro, we should do it again" Liam says laughing. My king pays for everyone all the time, it makes a change. A good change.
We stand up finished and paid for and Starr to leave the restaurant. Its been a good evening and I've missed this. Just spending time with them.
"Are we going home baby?" I ask him biting my lip and he nods rapidly looking down at me knowing what I want.
"You want some of this chocolate now momma" he says in my ear as he pulls me in close to him.
"Yes please, daddy" I say sliding my hand in his back pocket grabbing his ass.
"Well it's been fun but it's home for us" Liam says to them and Sasha winks at me making me laugh. I nod my head at her and bite my lip making her laugh this time.
"Settling back in to your normal self's I see" Jason says rolling his eyes.
"Don't be jealous bro, you have your own play thing" Liam says winking at Sasha and she blushes and looks to me and I smirk at her. Yeah my husband just winked at you, I'm not ready to cut you. Yet anyways..
Liam kisses my temple and leads us towards the cars with them and I took under his arm more. Mine!

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now