Chapter 116

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Two Days Later

I walk into Liam's office after unlocking the door and look around for the notepad Co gaining everything for Jason's birthday party and sit at his desk spinning in the chair I take the key on my set and unlock the top draw hoping it's in there..
"Huh, what's this?" I pick it up looking at it. An envelope with my name onit.

My Mrs Johnson

Suddenly I hear Liam's door close and I look up to see him watching me. How long has he been standing there? When did he even open the door I didn't hear shit.
"Are you lost My queen?" he asks walking over to me slowly.
"Never, what's yours is mine after all. Husband" I say holding up the envelope smirking.
"When was you gonna give it to me? Why haven't you already given it to me.. Why am I finding it?" I ask him and he smiles and takes a seat opposite me.
"I didn't know when to give it to you to be honest baby" he says and I tilt my head to the side looking at him.
"Isit a sad one baby? I don't mind either way. I love reading what you write" I tell him smiling and he smiles at me.
"It's actually a good one queenie, positive infact. But the circumstances right now are tricky and I didn't want you to think I've forgotten or moving in from the job at hand. I'm doing everything I can baby. I promise you" he says and I stand up and sit on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him as he straps his arms around me.
"I believe that your doing everything you can baby, I don't doubt that one bit. Don't over work yourself tho. I need you more" I tell him and he holder me tighter to him.
"I love you my queen" he tells me and I kiss his lips again.
"I love you too my king" I tell him and smile at him.
"I wanna read it. I need some happiness and what's better than my kings happy thoughts" I tell him kiss him again and stand up walking back around to the chair. Dropping down I pick up the letter and look to Liam who nods at me and smiles. Here goes nothing. I think to myself as I open the envelope sliding the letter out.

Hello my Queen, I write to you after marrying you a second time and I must say that I would totally keep remarrying you my sexy amazing wife.. I'm so proud of you and all that you have achieved in such a short time since our twinnies birth, you're more sexier than you've ever been... How that is possible blows my head... You make me happy every time I think of you, see you, hear you, smell you.. You'll always be my Stacey Johnson, life with you is perfect in every way and I cannot wait to spend everyday loving each other like we always have.. I want to thank you again for everything you do for our family, never change. You're my soulmate and I'm more obsessed with you by the day.. I love you my Queen. Always and Forever baby.

I sit there smiling at the letter and I put it to my chest.
"I love it baby. I love you sooo much" I tell him as he walks around to me.
He picks me up and sits down in his chair and puts me on his desk, sitting between my spread legs.
"I love you more than anything Stacey. Never leave" he says and I shake my head.
"Your stuck with me forever baby" I reassure him and kiss him as he holds around my waist.
"It's not stuck. I'm willingly here with you my queen. There's no one else, ever" he says and I can't help the broad smile spreading across my face. I will love Liam forever. For everything.
He slides his hand up my bare thigh and rubs his fingers over my underwear. I lock eyes with him nodding my head and he pushes his hand into the side of them and slides his fingers over my clit and Dow to my entrance as I lift my ass up more and he pushes into me making me drop my head back on a moan.
"I know you love this queenie, the first thing I ever did to my treasure" he says watching me come undone on top of his desk.
"Baby" I moan as he pushes them in further and starts to fuck me faster as I feel my orgasm build I spread my legs wide and he hits my gsot and I cum. Hard!
"Yessss! Fuck!" I cry out feeling my legs shake as it ripples through me in waves of pleasure.
He slides his fingers out and puts them towards his mouth and I grab it sucking on them and making him groan watching me as I look in his eyes swirling my tongue around them.

Such a bad girl queenie" he says grabbing at his dick and I push his chair back with my foot and jump down. I pull my dress up and my underwear down and turn putting my back to him. I suddenly feel his hands on my ass and a spank to my right cheek S I bend over his desk. I hear him fumbling with his clothes and looking down seeing them around his ankles and smile. I spead my legs and step back hovering over his dick as he holds it to my entrance. He 3ases into me holding my hip and I slowly begin to sink down onto him filling myself quicker than I'd like. My still shakey legs give way and I drop down crying out and hearing Liam duck in a breath as I swallow him in deeper.
"Fuck baby!" he groans as he rotates his hips and I adjust myself better and begin to koan as i whine my ass holding the handles of his chair.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon