Chapter 105

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Six minutes Stacey, come on!
I apply a cream to my face looking more refreshed and a nude lipstick to my lips.
Pulling all my clothes on I look myself over and I think I look good for ten minutes.

I grab my purse, camera and phone on my way out strutting like a boss I to the living room because I know I did it

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I grab my purse, camera and phone on my way out strutting like a boss I to the living room because I know I did it.
"Just in time my queen" he says standing up holding his phone.
"Ruby asked if Ace and Lexi was coming. They are now" he says holding up his phone and I nod. I thought it was just us but OK.
"You look hot momma anywho, what's your prize gonna be. Cash or strokes queenie" he asks and I tap my chin.
"I have my own money, I'll take the strokes.. Are we meeting them downstairs?" I ask and he licks his lips looking me over.
"Daddy.. Lexi. Now!" Mya says and I snigger trying to hold my laugh in. You tell him girl.
"Who you talking to madam? Do you want to stay here instead. We will leave you" Liam tells her and she looks to me and I say nothing. Listen to your dad.
"Sorry daddy" she says and walks over to him hugging him and kissing his cheek.
"Now, shall we go princesses?" Liam asks them and they both nod.
"And yes baby, they should be downstairs now" he says checking his watch.

"Hi everyone" I say as we walk up to them and I hug them all.
"Hi babe, you good love" Lola and Jason's say smiling holding hands.
"Brother" Jason says fist bumping Liam and Lola waves smiling. The girls hug Lexi and we all walk over to the bar.
I look around ta everything as we enter and see peppa pig with Ben and Holly and all three girls scream. Fucking hell.
"Daddy, daddy! Me see peppa pig. Pleaseeeeee" Lexi begs Jason and he chuckles.
"Absolutely princess, who's coming?" Jason asks and Ruby looks to me and I smile and nod at her and she runs to Jason.
"Me come too Ace" she says to him making him smile.
"Mya baby? You don't want to go?" I ask Mya crouching down and she shakes her head.
"I wanna play in there" she says and I look to where she's pointing to see a jungle gym ball pit. Of course she does.
"Are you sure baby?" I ask her and she nods eagerly and I sigh looking up at Liam and he shrugs.
"If that's what will make her smile.. Then yeah" Liam says and she grins wide
"Thank you daddy" she says and runs over to play. Somethings got into her. She don't wanna do anything that she liked.. Is she growing up now? Will she hate her new room. Does she want her own room? Fuck sake.
"Baby, your overthinking. We'll talk to her when we get back OK" Liam says and I look to my babygirl now growing up. She's gonna be five soon. Already. Jeez.
"OK baby, I need a drink" I tell him and he kisses my head and leads me to a empty seat.
"You relax and I'll get you a glass of wine. OK?" her asks and I nod smiling.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and he smiles and looks to Lola.
"Wine Lo?" Liam asks and she smiles.
"Yes please Liam. White" she tells him and he nods.
"I remember" he says and walks off towards the bar.
"So babe, you looking forward to going home. I bet we've all drove you crazy" I say to her chuckling and she shakes her head.
"It's not been that bad. Lexi's great and Jason really does love his babygirl. I love that" she says and I nod grinning as I watch him with her across the dance floor.
"Do you want kids babe?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Yeah maybe one day. I'm in know rush. We all can't be ballin with a hot husband" she winks at me and I laugh. She's not wrong.
"What can I say, I'm lucky. I got everything I've ever wanted and so much more. I'm grateful" I tell her and feel a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm the lucky one my queen" Liam says kissing my neck as he takes his seat next to me.
"How long was you standing there?" I ask him smirking.
"Long enough" he says smiling at Lola.
"You already know this, no need to eavesdrop my king" I tell him and he hums.
"So Lola. I'm waiting for my present still.. I need it like asap" I tell her and she nods grinning.
"I'll give it you when we get back. Your gonna love it Liam" she says and Liam grins. Yeah course he is. He loves a good dress up, just as much as me naked.
"What colour isit?" I ask her wanting to atleast know that.
"Red babes. Obvs" she says and I clap excited.
"Now I can't wait to see you init my queen" Liam says into my ear and clench my thighs. His god damn voice.
"I'll wear nothing in the playroom, I know how you love me naked too" I tell him and he groans licking his lips.
"Don't play with me baby, I want to go home" he says and pouts making me chuckle. I look finding Mya playing still and look back to Liam.
"Is the house done?" I ask him and he nods.
"Today. I got a phonecall earlier. Everywhere you wanted has been completed. They brought in a good few extra men. The bills gone up, but I told them whatever they need. They needed more people. Whatever my queen needs to feel at home" he says and kisses my smiling face.
"I love you so much baby, thank you" I tell him and he smiles and looks to Ruby with Jason and Lexi.
"Shall we go home.. The kids can sleep in the car. Or you wanna wait until the morning?" I aks him and he smiles looking back to me.
"You really wanna go?" he asks and I look around smiling at everyone.
"All who u came with love with me. There's no difference. The girls have had a blast and so have I" I tell him and he nods.
"Lola.. You wanna go home now?" Liam asks her and she nods.
"If you guys want to that is" she says as Jason returns with the girls.
"Home time now.. Yay or nay?" I ask Jason and he nods.
"Yeah, if that's good with you two?" he asks looking between us both.
"Mya wants to go home anyways. Let me call Becky and Bonnie to start packing" Liam says and starts to walk away.
"Wait.. Mya wants to go home. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask Liam standing up and he looks at me furrowed brows.
"She only told me when you was getting ready. She says she misses her friends but I made a deal with her. But it doesn't matter now because where going home now" he says and shrugs. What deal I think raising my brows.
"I told her if she can wit it out for two more days there will be a surprise for her when she gets home. That's all queenie" he says and I cross my arms.
"You said not to tell them and you go tell them. Really Liam" I ask him smirking.
"I needed something. I can go buy them something instead?" he asks and I shake my head.
"No its fine, they'll see it soon anyways go call them" I tell him and he smiles at me, kisses me and walks off for some quiet.
"Let me go get Mya and we'll leave" I tell Jason and he smiles nodding.
Walking up the the play gym I crouch down seeing Mya talking with another girl. My babies making friends. I watch her laugh with this girl round about the same age and  they hug and the other girl runs off.
"Mya baby" I call her waving her over and she climbs down coming to me.
"Where going home baby, let's go" I tell her grabbing her shoes.
"But I made a new friend mummy" she says sadly.
"I know baby I saw. What's her name?" I ask her distracting her as I pick her up over and put her shoes on.
"Matilda, she's five. A big girl" she says and I smile at her.
"You'll be five sooner than you think baby" I tell her taking her hand and leading her back to everyone.
"Can I have a party mummy?" she asks excitedly and I smile down at her.
"You can have whatever you want princess" I tell her wrapping my arm around her shoulders pulling her closer. My first baby. She's growing up and it's scary.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now