Chapter 20 Jason's POV

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"Baby, there back tomorrow. I'm so excited they've been gone so long man" I say to Sasha full of buzzing energy. I'll. E spending the day with them or just Liam I dont mind.
"I know you've been hanging on about it evey day Jason. Your driving me mad" she sys laughing and I sigh. My bad
"Sorry baby, I'll stop" I tell her feeling guilty. Have I been going on that much about them? Oops.
"I know what I signed up for baby, but these last few days. I wanna strangle both of you and Liam's not even here" she says shaking her head.
"So you haven't missed Stacey? And now Chelsea's gone home?" I ask trying to turn it around.
"Like mad, she's practically my best friend we do everything together. But I keep it to myself and Chelsea's been gone two days. She was living with us. They'll be back soon she said anyways" Sasha says and I nod think Kane's coming back too. No matter what we do it just doesn't feel like me and Liam. It might be because me and Liam have had multiple years and the things we've been through together but
"I'm not saying I don't love my twin brother because I do, but he's just aint Liam" I say shrugging and she laughs again. "What? It's true. I can't help it. Me and Liam have been through so much and always come through. I haven't experienced anything of any sort with Kane. Probably wont either" I tell her and she nods understanding to a degree anyways. Sasha don't even know Liam and Stacey killed my ex wife. Will Lexi ask these questions when she's older. I need to talk to Liam. What the fuck do I say?
"Whats got you thinking so hard, your face just dropped majorly" she says putting her hand on my thigh. Erm.. Fuck.
"Just that I need to talk to Liam" I just say and she raises a brow. Well that wasn't a lie it's technically true. I do need to talk to him.
"Something that I've never told you, I'm not sure if to tho. I don't want to change anything or make you see them differently in anyway. Because nothing has to change baby" I tell her uneasy. How will she react.
"Jason, what you talking about" she says looking at me confused. I look at my watch as see I have plenty of time to tell her Lexi's at nursery until 3pm it's 12:40pm.
"She was trying to take Ruby away from Liam. She hired a hitman to try kill him aswell. She was warned on many occasions Sasha baby. Stacey even tried to beat some sence into her before but still she pushed and pushed til Stacey just kind of.. killed her" I say going quiet towards the end and she jumps up alarmed.
"My best friend killed someone?" she whisper shouts and I nod slowly.
That's nothing babe.. There's been many over the years.
"Who?" she asks and I stick to Angelica and that's it.
"My ex wife Angelica" I say and sigh. Fuck sake. Talking about of her makes me think of her. We had something good. Amazing infact she was my fucking angel and she was the one who ruined it. But never mind. I found my queen as of a tough time.
"That's why you came to me broken. Because they killed your ex wife? Why am I only finding out now?" she asks pissed and I sigh again. Maybe I shouldn't of said anything.
"I don't know, I was thinking of lexi and it popped into my mind that maybe she will ask when she's older. Then what? What do I say to her?" I say to Sasha and she sighs sitting back next to me.
"I don't know baby, we'll get through it and talk to her together. She doesn't need to know everything" she says and I smile at her. Thank God she understood.
"And you don't hate them for what they did to her. Lexi's mum?" she asks tilting her head to see my face.
"Not at all. I was annoyed when it happened obviously. I felt terrible as you seen, but she deserved everything she got in the end. She just wouldn't stop" I tell her getting annoyed at it all. Why the fuck didn't she just stop when I told her too.
"I need to think about this Jason. This is a lot to take in. I knew Liam wasn't squeaky clean and all that but.. I didn't expect sta ey to be like that. I need to think" she says and stands up again. Where she going.
"Where you going?" I ask her as she grabs her bag from the sofa and walks towards the front door.
"I need to think, I need space right now Jason. Gimme time" she says and walks out shitting the door behind her. What?
What did I do? Oh my fucking God what did I do? She's my wife. I'm supposed to trust her with anything. Everything and she just needs time. What? I stand up and walk over to the liquor cabinet and pull out the bottle of whisky and a tumbler pouring myself a drink. Fuck! What did I do? What if she goes to the police. No surely not. Right? Liam will fucking kill her in a heartbeat. Let alone Stacey for fuck sake. Shit! Shit! Shit! I back my drink and pour another one doing the same mind spiraling and I turn throwing the glass at the wall. Fuck! What am I gonna do. Another fucking wife Jason. Well fucking done mate.
I down some of the bottle and drop on the sofa holding it. Well doesn't this feel fucking familiar. Again. Seriously. Where did she go? Do I tell Liam that I told her? Shit! She's gonna die..
Stop thinking like that Jason. Everythings gonna be fine. Good actually. She's gonna come back and say she's over it and move forward. Right? Please say thats gonna happen. I can't loose another one. No!

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