Chapter 80

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We finally arrive home after filling up Liam's car to the brim with shopping it's basically overflowing with bags.
"OK, maybe we went a little wild today" I say shaking my head chuckling.
"Whatever you want baby, you know this. The children are the same too plus that brother or mine. My family under one roof again. I'm happy" he says and I rub his thigh smiling at him.
"I know it's weird but normal having Jason back. Have you spoke to Sarah about selling his house?" I ask him as he turns into the driveway.
"No I'm gonna ring her see what she says. I want atleast what I paid for it" he says and I nod agreeing.
"Absolutely baby. Right, let's get all this inside" I tell him huffing out and laughing. Why did he let me bye so much. Fucking hell.
I climb out the car with my purse and open the back door as Liam walks to the boot. I grab all the bags from the bag seat and struggle to walk. Fucking hell.
Lima grabs all the trainers with ease and looks to me struggling.
"Give me some baby, I got this" he says taking half my load into one hand and I smile up at him.
"Thanks baby, I've gotta put all this away aswell. God knows where" I say laughing when I wanna cry really.
"I'll help my queen, you know this" he says as we start walking up the path.
"Well I'm doing it now while everyone probably out still" I tell him opening the door and walking in.
"Come then" he says shutting the door and walking off up the stairs.

After what felt like forever we finally found room in our closets to out the new clothes and I managed to squeeze in a few more pairs of trainers and boots.
Liam got all his in easily and I think I need more closet space.
"Baby, you can't even see any of your clothes, you have way to many. You need more room asap" he says and I nod.
"I know it was big enough when we moved in. Now it's a joke. Should I get rid if things? I don't want to though" I tell him honestly and he laughs hugging me as I pout.
"Well give you a whole room of closet space the bedroom facing and you'll have a bathroom in there all to yourself if you wanted" he says and I nod excitedly.
"Oh my god yes, even the shelfs in the bathroom are filling up quickly. Thank you baby. Not now tho, I need to just relax" I tell him feel exhausted after the long day.
"Come on then, the children should be back too" he says and I smile pulling him out the room.

"Come on baby boy, you can do it. Crawl to mummy" I say to hunter as he gets into a crawling position wobbly but still doing it.
"Come on Tyler, daddys waiting for you. Just a little more" Liam says to him grinning as he looks between them both.
I look back at hunter and do grabby hands at him and he stars to crawl and I could cry. My precious little baby.
"That's it baby, come to mummy. Yes. I'm so proud of you" u tell him as he reaches me and I pick him up cuddling him. I put him back down away from me and he crawls back better and I keep nivinv ba kwards making him come further and I can see the determination in him to get to me. I watcb Tyler crawling now and Liam praises him giving his kisses and cuddles then making him do it again just like I did.
I'm so happy there crawling, it's about to get hectic around here now. There gonna be everywhere always.
"You know I had a meeting at Luxe the other day. I forgot to tell you. So much is happening in my head lately" Liam says as we switch twins. I take Tyler and kiss him cuddling him.
"Why? What's happening there?" I ask him not knowing what's happened.
"I told them Sasha's gone and she won't be coming back. Three girls walked but there mediocre anyways so I'm not to fussed. The rest assured me that there loyal to me and love there job so they're staying" he says and I nod happy about that.
"So who's in charge now?" I ask him unsure
"Chloe, she worked under Sasha so she knows everything and she knows what she's doing Sasha sang her praises constantly" he says and I smile pleased.
"One less thing to stress over then baby. I bet Lola will love it there" I tell him and he laughs
"Seriously, you should take her" he says and I raise a brow.
"You aswell" I tell him and he nods smiling.
"If that's what you want I'll grab us a booth or did you want a private room?" he asks and I shrug.
"You choose baby" I tell him not fussy.
I watch the boys crawl around after eachother getting the hang of it more and smile proudly. I love them so much.
"How do you feel about getting decorates in to do our whole room ASAP. I'm getting bored of it the way it is now. The whole place needs sprucing up baby" I tell him and he looks around.
"Yeah queenie. When for and I'll book them. And I'll go grab the paint tomorrow. Anything else you need?" he asks pulling out his phone.
"Nope I'm gonna do it all online. The thought of doing today again kills my feet" I tell him and he laughs getting up form the floor.
"I'm gonna go make a few calls in my office baby, you need anything?" he asks and I shake my head no.
"Well you know where I am if you need me" he says and bends down kissing me as I lift my head back for him.
"I love you" he says and kisses me again.
"I love you too" I tell him smiling and he walks out leaving me with Bonnie and the twins.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now