Chapter 126

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Arriving at nursery to drop all the girls off with Liam.
I struggled with today. What do I wear? What do I say? But I'm prepared for anything.
I stand at the door waiting for them to come out and look to Liam.
"How you feeling about this?" I ask him and he looks to Mya.
"I'm guessing that's Charlotte?" he says and sucks his teeth and I laugh. He rarely ever does that. Major insult from Liam.
"Mya, come here. Now" I tell her and she looks to me hesitant then thinks against it walking back to us. Ruby plays with Lexi and Mya just watche's them. She blatenly wants to play with them but this Charlotte girls in her head.
"Becky let's me play with my friends" she says with her new found attitude and I just look at her. Was this me?
"Mya, listen to your mum. No more Charlotte. Or no more nursery. You decide" Liam tells her and she looks to her friends.
"not fair daddy" she says and starts to cry and walks to a corner and sits down.
"Mr and Mrs Johnson, this is a lovely surprise. What can I do for you? Are the girls OK?" the teacher asks and I stare at her.
"We need to talk, now!" I tell her seriously and she swallow and looks to Liam.
"What's this about?" she asks us as all the children start to enter.
"Mya baby, come on" I tell her holding out my hand and she just sits there with her arms crossed. Walking over to her I crouch down and look at her.
"You can't act the way you do to your sister. We need to deal with this now baby, come on" I tell her and she stands huffing and puffing. I roll my eyes and take her hand and take her in.
"Ruby, Lexi. You aswell, come on" I tell them and they jump up and run in.
Good girls. That was Mya..
I give them a kiss and cuddle waving bye as they go off and follow the teacher into her office.
"Soo?" she says wanting to get this over with.
"Who the hell is Charlotte?" Liam asks sitting forward in his seat.
"She one of the children. What about her?" she asks looking between us.
"She's Mya's so called friend. That friendships gotta end, and right now. She will not warp my daughter against her siblings. Do I make myself clear" I tell her and she looks at me wide eyed.
"What has she done?" she asks confused.
"Apparently Ruby isn't her sister and Liam's not her dad because he's darker. What the actual fuck!" I stress and Liam rubs my thigh.
"It's OK baby calm down" he says and I sigh.
"You need some sort of blended family talk with the children. Not everyone has a mum and dad" I tell her and she nods.
"I'll be sure to talk to Charlotte and her parents. We don't tolerate racism no matter the age" she tells us and starts typing on her computer.
"Apart from that, how are the girls getting on? Are they separated here now? Do they play together?" I ask her and she looks back to me.
"Mya and Ruby are splendid young ladies. Very bright. But.." she starts and I look to Liam. But what?
"Mya has a attitude that's come out of nowhere. She refuses to play with Ruby or Lexi and some of the other children. Come to think of it this did start when her and Charlotte became friends. I'll be telling her parents. Don't worry Mr and Mrs Johnson, I'll get to the bottom of this for sure"she says and I offer her a smile pleased she's gonna do something before I do.
"And Ruby is a delight, so polite and patient, with very good manners. We all love her here" she says standing and me and Liam follow suit.
"Thanks for sorting it, we didn't want to take the girls out just before they finish" Liam says and she rushes to the door.
"You can't do that, we need your donations Mr Johnson. I'll sort it. I promise" she says and opens the door when Liam nods at her. Money money money I thought as we walk out. I wave to the girls playing and Mya sits with another girl. Good. She better be nice.. Better even.

"Breakfast baby?" I ask Liam as he stops at a traffic light.
"OK, there's a cafe here" he says pointing and I nod with a smile.
"We will take all girls out if she doesn't sort it baby" I tell him reassuring. We're on the same team always. I don't care what anybody says. It's Liam and me always.
He pulls off turning the corner and pulls up.
"I know, it's just I was hoping Ruby wouldn't experience this crap until she was older. Not at four Stacey. What the fuck do I do?" he says and I can hear the hurt.
"Baby, you didn't want that for her but you can't control it. People are shit" I tell him and he sighs.
"Let's just see what happens now baby, let's go" he says and climbs out. This is really affecting him.
I climb out and close the door and walk over to Liam and hug him to me.
"She loves you and she knows your her daddy. All of them do. Don't worry baby. It'll get better" I tell him and kiss him.
"I hope so baby, this shits hard and hurts" he says and I feel so sad for him. How can any part of me not love him or want him. That ladies and gentlemen is not my mini me. She's crazy. But she's mine.. Ours.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now