Chapter 47

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"After everything we've done for you, both of you. Get out my face. The fucking audacity" I tell them both and put my hand on my head.
"Wait.. What's happening? You found your house already Macey? That was quick" Liam says chipper and I sigh.
"No baby" I tell him and his face drops.
"Then where you going. With Tommy? I need you actually" he says to us and I drop my head back.
"You fucking see. Don't blame me" I tell them and look back to Liam and smile.
"There both leaving. There going to stay with mum for abit" I tell him and he raises a brow.
"You thought you could up and leave without telling me or fucking talking to me? Am I not the fucking boss? Do I not pay your god damn wages and you live in my fucking house rent free and you think what exactly?" Liam says raising his voice a little more and more and I just stand there with my arms crossed looking at Macey who looks to me for help. You made your bed.
"I'm clearly fucking missing something. Someone better start talking and fast before I get angry" Liam tells them and they both just say nothing. Fuck sake.
"Macey? " I say and she shakes he head. Pussy.
"Tommy?" I say and he sighs.
"I'm quitting my job, this lifestyle" he says to Liam.
"What do you mean your fucking quitting Tommy. All of a sudden? Why?" he asks him and I sigh. Hear it goes. Yet Tommy stays quiet. Great now I'm gonna have to tell him.
"One of you better tell me. Your pissing me off now" Liam tells them looking between them both but nothing. Silence.
"Baby.. Macey ultimatumed Tommy. Her or his job" I say and sigh. I've seriously been around Jason to much.
"What the fuck do you mean you ultimatumed him? Why the fuck would you do that?" he asks her and she looks to me again.
"His job gets in the way. He needs a normal one like a regular guy" she says and I laugh as she looks at me irritated.
"So you choose Macey. I see, then in that case.." Liam says and stops as he walks over to Tommy and punches him straight in the face spattering his nose as always and looks down at him and he grabs his nose.
"Get the fuck out of my house. Neither of you better come back. Do I make myself clear" Liam warns them and Macey starts to cry looking at me for sympathy.
"Don't look at me you made your bed. Both of you" I tell her pissy and she laughs snarky.
"Are you enjoying this? It's always fucking you. You get everything and I get nothing" she spits at Jason and he looks to me confused.
I walk over to Macey and slap her hard across the face her head swinging and she holds her cheek.
"Get the fuck out you ungrateful little bitch, we're done!" I tell her and point to the door.
"I don't need any of you" she says and I laugh at her.
"You keep telling yourself that. Just go" I tell her and she grabs her things and strops out like a child stamping her feet. Nothing will change when it comes to Macey.

After they left we all sit in the kitchen annoyed and beyond pissed. My sisters a joke.
"I'm sorry this happened baby. We'll find you a new security team. I promise" I tell him not wanting him to blame me for my sisters shit doing.
"He's the head of my fucking security Stacey. What the fuck am I gonna do until he's replaced. Fuck!" he stresses and I just look at him with my brow raised. I know he's pissed but this is not my fault.
"Sorry baby, I'm so fucking pissed. I didn't mean to shout" he says and I nod with a small smile accepting his apology.
"We'll find you some one brother. You found Sean let me help Stacey find you someone. We can do this for you" Jason tells him and I smile up at him silently thanking him for the support.
"Who wouldn't want to work for you. My king, boss of EVERYTHING!" I tell him and he offers a small smile and I know I'm getting through.
I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him.
"Do you even need security baby. You and your beast are unstoppable right?" I coax him and he looks down at me.
"I think you can do anything you put your mind to it. You don't need a full time security anyways. You got this. You and Jason like always" I tell him and he looks to Jason and smiles.
"Fuck this shit. I'm Liam fucking Johnson. Ion need any mother fucker doing shit for me. I got this. I always have my bro. Brothers for life" he says and hugs me to him.
"I also have you my queen. Like same way you will always have me.. And Jason" he says and I kiss his lips needing to feel him. He grabs at my ass and slides his tongue into my mouth and I moan as I swirl my around his wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer.
"Well this is.. Awkward, I'm gonna. Yeah I'll be around Liam" Jason says and I feel Liam remove one hand for a second then picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist kissing and biting his neck and he carries me out into the foyer and up the stairs quickly. Entering our room we kicks his shoes of and carries me to the bed.
"I want you now!" I tell him and he smirks stepping back.
"Then come get me my queen" he says holding his arms open to me. I can never say no to him. My king in a suit. Fucking hell.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now