Chapter 87 Liam's POV

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"Now that's finished with I need to open five savings inheritance for the children" I tell Richie and she nods tapping away at her laptop keypad.
"Name of all children please" she asks me looking over her glasses at me.
"Mya Johnson, Ruby Johnson, Hunter Johnson, Tyler Johnson and Lexi King" I tell her and she types away again quickly.
"And what age do you want them to receive their inheritance?" she asks me.
"twenty-one would be best. I don't want them to blow it at a young age" I tell her and she nods understanding.
"And how much in each account" she asks.
"One million. They get the money if they finish all education and showing that they are doing something with their life's. But the money can be used to fund education needs like there tuition, books, etc" I say to her as she types.
"Anything else?" she asks and I look at Jason.
"A will. I need everything in place God fibin anything happens" I tell her and she prints out a copy of the inheritance letters and I sign and date them all. She types away again and looks back to me.
"Everything in Stacey's name stays in my wife's name. She gets the house and all the cars except the bugatti. Jason has that.
"Wait.. Your gonna give me your bugatti.. In your will. Nothings gonna happen to you brother Your good" Jason says and it's overwhelming him.
"It's just a precaution brother" I tell him patting his back.
"The play centre will stay with Mya, Ruby and Lexi. The villa in turkey will go to the twins Hunter and Tyler and the new villa in Italy will be Jason's too. Stacey gets half of the money and the rest will be split equally between Jason and all five children. All my jewellery will go to Stacey. Is that everything?" I ask looking between them both.
Richie types everything out and looks to me.
"So all the houses and holiday homes that are in Stacey's name you want her to keep?" Richie asks and I nod my head.
"Absolutely, without a doubt" I tell her and she nods tapping away again.
The printer starts shooting out paper and she stands collecting it.
"Sigh here, and. Here and date them both please" she says handing me a pen.
I quickly sign them both and she takes a copy sliding it into her breif case files.
"That ones yours, keep it safe" she says and I nod looking to Jason.
"Should I be doing mine?" he asks going place. Fucking hell.
"Absolutely not. Your fit and healthy. My lifestyle is dangerous I can't leave without knowing my family are gonna be OK and looked after why I'm not around Jason. Don't make this something it doesn't need to be. Chin up, where going I holiday tomorrow" I say smikijg rubbing my hands together. Family time.
"Your right, I can't wait. Are we done because I need to pack, I was. Busy.. lastnight" he says and I laugh.
"Yeah, you and me both bro" I wink at him and he laughs.
"Well if that's all Liam, you can go. You know where I am if you need me" she says standing up. I take it that's our que to leave.
"Alright, we get it. I'll call you" I tell her as she rolls her eyes at me.
"Goodbye Liam, Jason" she says and we show ourselves out.

"So you and Lola.. What's happening?" I ask Jason as I glance at him from behind the wheel.
"I like her alot, if I'm not at work am with her. I can't get enough of her, it feels so easy.. Natural being with her. There's no awkwardness or weirdness. Like I've none her a long time. But.." he says and stops. What now.
"But what? What's the problem?" I ask him looking back at him as I slow down for the lights.
"She reminds me of someone.. Majorly and I'm not looking to repeat the same mistakes. It's just pure lust right now. I'm not jumping to quick. We agreed to take it so anyways" he says and I glance at him surprised.
"You haven't figured it out brother.. I have" I tell him and it's Angelica he's talking about. That's who Lola reminds us of just better I guess. Well she better be.
"Who? Because I'm lost.." he says sighing and I look at him like seriously..
"Are you seriously telling me you haven't figured it out.. She's one hell of an upgrade.." I tell him laughing and he raises his brow confused still.
"Your angel.. Come on brother.." I tell him laughing and I can feel him stare at me.
"For fuck sake.. Why would you say that. Shitt! It is Angelica isn't it. I definitely upgraded.. But yeah its her. Shit is that bad thing?" he asks and I shrug.
"You have a type brother, stick with Lola your good together. Forget about Angelica" I tell him my opinion and he hums.
"Yeah Sasha was the wild card and look how that turned out. I think I'm cursed or something. All my exs are dead brother. What the fuck" he says and I laugh.
"Mate.. Mia, Krystal, Angelica and Sasha. Poor fucking Lola.. Don't tell her that jeez she'll run off because I fucking would too" I tell him laughing as I pull up outside my house.
"Atleast you didn't do Mia. She got karma for how she treated my queen" I tell him unclipping my seatbelt.
"I can't believe the whole thing. Sasha just as bad.. She reeled me in hard" he says shaking his head.
"Don't even think about it, just focus on you and Lola build on that and your princess will move on too. Don't worry about anything brother, I got you both. Always" I tell him patting his shoulder and he smiles at me.
"Thanks brother, I don't k ow what I'd do without you. The whole will shit really hit hard. I can't lose you" he says and looks at me.
"I'm going nowhere, I'll be with you forever brother. I'll always have your back" I tell him because even dead I'll watch over him. Nothings gonna happen. We're all fine. Happy and healthy.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now