Chapter 12 Liam POV

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I really thought she was gonna be mad there for a second. The stunned silence really wasn't helping my spiraling thoughts that was happening. I thought I'd be living onit for fucks sake. But my queen being who she is seen it for what it was. Finally.. Ours. I brought us a yacht. Key word Stacey baby. Us!
I sit back relaxing with my queen on the top deck just wanting to take it out. Maybe Lorenzo can and we can do us. Hmm.
"Do you wanna go out?" I ask her and she looks at me confused.
"We are out Liam. What you talking about?" she says and raises a brow.
"On the water smart mouth. I can get Lorenzo to drive and we can do whatever we want" I say and look her over licking my lips. She looks so sexy in this little yellow dress. I just wanna rip it off her and see all of her. On me, under me. I don't care. I want her. Always.
"Hum what can we do tho? I don't know baby" she says looking around street hing her body then rubbing her foot up my calf. We're always on the same page my queen.
"Let me tell Lorenzo he's taking us out baby, be right back" I tell leaning over my seat to kiss her lips and jump up to go find him.
Walking down the steps off the yacht not seeing him and looking around the docks I just see him walking away up the top end of the docks. Shit. Come back, I need you for this. Fuck sake.
"Lorenzo mate" I yell loudly and he turns around and jogs down to me.
"Something wrong with the boat?" he asks me and I shake my head.
"No everything good, I need a favour tho. I'll pay you" I tell him and hes hesitant.
"How's 10k sound for an afternoons work and a little privacy" I offer and he chokes on his salivate mate. And I laugh a little. I think we have a deal.
"So your gonna pay me to drive your yacht around so you and your wife can have some privacy. I see you" he says laughing and I shrug smirking. We have needs my friend.
"So deal?" I ask him and he starts to walk towards the yacht.
"Absolutely! Who would say no. I'm crazy. I accept cash, or bank transfer" he says and laughs again. I climb up the steps back onto the yacht and pull out 10k in euros in an envelope coming prepared and he geta excited. I can see him itching to take it. I hand it over to him and he takes it flipping through just looking at it.
"You know your way around. Do you my friend. I'll let you know when to stop or if we wanna get off for anything" I tell him patting his shoulder as he puts the money into his jacket and I walk back to my queen. Climbing the steps to the top deck where I left her lazing around I see she's gone. Where would she be? I walk around but nothing. I climb down into the yacht and start opening doors looking for my queen.
"Baby, where are you?" I call out and I hear her say something but not understanding fully down the hall. I walk quicker to her and burst open the door to find her laying on the bed waiting for me.
"You took your time" she says sitting onto her knees looking up to me.
"Had to pay him baby, I needed my queen" I tell her and she bites her lip.
"How much did I cost then?" she asks me raising a brow and I duno if she will think is that it or fucking think wow?
"10k but it's in euros. It's just over 8k" I tell her and she just looks at me and nods.
"So my time and treasure is worth 8k to you Liam Johnson?" she asks and I swallow and raise a brow as I walk over to her.
"All the money in the world couldn't buy you or my treasure beautiful. Your beyond priceless my queen" I tell her and she smiles up at me as I kiss her hugging her into me.
"But you don't need to buy me for anything because I love you regardless of anything you have. Always have handsome" she tells me making me smile. She really has and I love her even more for everything she went through with me, for me. I'll never be able to repay her for everything, there was so much. But it's made us the strong people and couple we are today by going through all that we did. Its difficult.
"And your amazing baby for being you and doing that. All of it for me. Us" I tell her smiling. I couldn't live another day without her. She is my life period. I just stare at her smiling wo sering how I even got so lucky for her to even want me. I was a fucked up kid who did crime for fun. She amazes me everyday and I'm grateful that she loves and wants me.
"I love you so much baby" I tell her just getting it out and she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in kissing me passionately. I guess the talking done and she wants me now. Not that I'm complaining. I love pleasuring my wife. Not beats making her cum on my dick and hearing her moan. And just like that I feel myself ooze and groan into her moan. I need her now.

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