Chapter 187

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Waking up how we have done every day for the past how many years since getting back together never gets old. Three years.. Yeah three. Out of nearly eighteen. That's a joke.
"Are you ready to go home now queenie?" Liam asks as I finish packing up my bag with a nod.
"If you are?" I ask him and he nods.
"Wherever you are, I'll be" He says and I can't help my smile. He's so cute.
"Let's go home my king" I tell him as he walks over to me and kisses me, he takes my bag with his and then my hand in the other, leading us out the bedroom.
"Got everything baby?" he asks me looking around and I nod.
"We're packed and ready to go, I only packed what we're wearing and toiletries" I tell him and he kisses me again.
"Because that's all we needed" he says shrugging and opening the door, it shuts behind me and we wait for the elevator.

"Thank you for lastnight baby, I really enjoyed my whole day, you make it special every year and I love you so much for that" he says pulling up in our driveway.
"I know you Liam Johnson more than anyone and I know what you like, love, for that matter. I love you more than anything and I want you to be happy too baby" I tell him and he smiles leaning over and I kiss him.
"You make me happy, our family. I do this for you, to give you everything you want, need. Because you Stacey, are a motherfucking queen and you deserve whatever your heart desires" he tells me and I laugh shaking my head.
"You're crazy, but I love it" I tell him and he laughs climbing out and grabbing our bags so I climb out walking around to him and walk into our home. Our forever home.
Walking through the foyer and into the living room the girls see us and come running as the twins come crawling too.
"Mummy, daddy.. Mama, Dada" is all I hear and melt hugging and kissing the girls who get to us first and then pick hunter up as he comes climbing onto me.
"Hi mommas babies, have we all been good for everyone?" I ask them smiling at them all and I kiss Tyler in Liam's arms saying hello as Liam kisses Hunter.
"Yes mummy, our trip was amazing. Can we go with you and daddy next time?" Mya asks and Ruby nods eagerly at me. They went to the zoo as they love animals and I couldn't tell them no.. I never can though. That's gonna have to change as they get older.
"Absolutely princess. We'll all go" Liam tells them and they jump up and down with a scream and I laugh covering Hunter's ears. Damn girls.
They run off to Lexi and I put Hunter down with his brother and they crawl off. They're bonding amazingly and I love it.
"Breakfast queenie?" Liam asks me and I nod eagerly.
"Definitely" I tell him and he laughs pulling me out the living room and through into the kitchen.
"Feed me Osiris" I whine making him laugh and he puts a plate of poached eggs, avocado and toast in front of me and my stomach rolls and I push it away holding my stomach, barely.
"Absolutely not" I tell him and he raises his brow at me confused.
"Food bug from lastnight takeaway" Liam tells him and he nods.
"What can I get you then?" he asks looking between us both and Liam looks to me.
"Chocolate chip pancakes" I tell him and he nods turning to Liam.
"The same will do" he tells Osiris and he nods getting out the ingredients.
"So what's today's plan" my king asks and I tap my nose.
"Your really not gonna tell me?" he asks and I nod zipping my lips.
"Is it for me atleast?" he asks and I nod my head and look to see how far Osiris has got. I'm starving.
"Just me?" he asks excited suddenly and I nod again.
"Talk baby" he demands and then smirks when I bite my lip.
"You'll have to wait and see, it's still morning, we'll have breakfast and I'll go see if it's ready" I tell him and he grins at me.
"OK queenie" he says satisfied.. For now.
I bought him a crosser, something he used to ride when he was young and I'm certain he hasn't rode one since well in a long time anyways. It should make him happy.. I hope.
Osiris starts to pile up the pancakes for us and puts them on the table with syrup and then grabs a bowl of chopped up fruit out the fridge with a jug of orange juice and places them down. He hands us both a plate and a fork then excuses himself.
I grab at the pancakes making Liam laugh and roll one up stuffing it in my mouth quickly and letting out a satisfied moan.
"That good queenie?" he asks me and I nod eating another straight away.
"So good" I mumble and he shakes his head at me chuckling. I think this is a craving.. Already man.. Damn.
I pick at the grapes enjoying them with the pancakes going back and forth between them as I watch Liam eat. He looks like he's overthinking...
"Your never gonna guess baby, so just chill and you'll find out soon" I tell him and he huffs out making me laugh.
"Such a big kid, soon as I finish I'll ring and tell them you're ready" I say and he nods looking at me adding more pancakes and I shake my head at his impatience and continue to eat my breakfast.

"Are you here?" I ask answering my phone quickly.
"I'm outside now" he says down the phone and I grin. Liam's gonna seriously love it.
"I'm coming now" I tell him and hang up.
"Baby, come" I tell my king and he jumps up quickly from his spot on the sofa and takes my held out hand.
"Where we going queenie?" he asks me and I smile up at him and say nothing and nod towards the front door.
He opens it and I let go of his hand and he walks out and freezes.
"You fucking didn't queenie" he says surprised his eye lit up like it's fucking Christmas and I know I did good.. Epic infact.
"I really did my king" I say cocky and he touches it all over like he did with his bugatti and I can't help but smile at him. He loves it bless him.

"Can I go now?" he asks looking at me hopeful and I laugh nodding as the guy hands him the keys and a box

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"Can I go now?" he asks looking at me hopeful and I laugh nodding as the guy hands him the keys and a box.
"Don't get excited, it's safety first my king" I tell him and he smiles at me coming over to me and kisses me.
"Always protecting your king, I'll always come back to you baby" he says and I nod hoping he's right. I hated him on this but I know he loves these type of things.
"Just have fun, OK" I tell him as he opens the box and takes out the black and red shiny helmet.
"Definitely baby, I love you queenie" he tells me and hugs me to him.
"I love you too my king, be careful" I tell him and he nods excitedly pulling the helmet on and climbing onto the bike.
I watch him start it up and rev it a few times and I wave at him and blow him a kiss as he waves back and hes off.
Please be safe baby..

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now