Chapter 178

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Today's the day I go to the doctors. Am I or ain't I? I'll find out today. But I'm fucking shitting it. I chickened out of telling Liam yesterday wanting to know for sure.
I've showered, dressed and now I stand in my mirror ready for the day and smile at Liam as he watches me put on my mum jewellery. Act normal Stacey is all I keep telling myself. He can't know yet.

"You look beautiful baby" he tells me walking over as I turn looking up at him

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"You look beautiful baby" he tells me walking over as I turn looking up at him. He wraps his arms around my waist and smiles down at me.
"I have an appointment to see what's wrong with me, you wanna do lunch after?" I ask him and he nods.
"I have a meeting too, you sure you don't need me to cancel and come with you?" he asks again..
"No, I'm good baby, really. Go to your meeting and I'll meet you for lunch, we'll go to that burger place. There seriously good" I tell him and he nods kissing me.
"OK, taxi there and I'll pick you up when your finished, I'm only at the Centre" he says and I nod
"OK, let's go or we'll both be late" I tell him pulling out my phone and ordering a taxi and just paying on card.
"Here in five" I tell him putting my phone away as he leads us out the bedroom.
"Ring me if you need anything baby, anything at all. I'm here" he says and I smile up at him as we walk down the stairs.
"I will do boo. I'm probably just gonna start my period" I say not k owing what to say.
"You OK?" he asks me grabbing his car keys.
"Yeah, just thinking what it could be" I just say not wanting to say until I know for sure. He might have another melt down and run. Fuck, fuck fuck. Right before his fucking birthday aswell. Fuck sake.
"Your gonna be fine baby" he says and kisses me as I hear a beeping horn outside.
"Well that's me" I say smiling at him and he nods walking me out and opening the car door for me.
"Ring me when your done, I love you queenie" he says and I nod at him.
"I love you too boo, and I will. See you soon" I tell him climbing in after he kisses me one last time and closes my door.
"Blackpool medical center?" the driver asks me.
"Yeah please" I tell him and he pulls off as I wave at Liam blowing him a kiss.

We get there quickly and just in time. I rush through the door and to the receptionst.
"Stacey Johnson, 11am" I tell her and she taps away at the computer.
"Take a seat, the doctor will call you shortly" she says with a smile and I take a seat and just wait now.
I pull out my phone and check a few things to do with Angel's and Sweet Treasures and reply back to messages on my socials.
"Mrs Johnson" I hear and look up ready to stand. I smile at my doctor and put my phone away as I follow her through the door.
"How's the kids hunny?" she asks making polite conversations on the way.
"There good, and growing up way to fast" I tell her chuckling and she laughs.
"They do don't they. Cherish this time because it'll be gone before you know it" she tells me with a smile as she opens her door and escorts me in.
"So how can I help you today?" she asks me and here it comes.
"I've been feeling funny for awhile and through nothing of it. I'm on the contraceptive implant and had regular periods but I'm late and I think I might be pregnant, I took a test and it's positive but surely not. Right?" I say feeling hot suddenly and feel my pulse beating quickly.
"You probably are then hunny, go do a urine sample for me and I'll check" she says and I nod taking the pot and walking out towards the bathroom. What the hell am I gonna do if the test is positive again. Fuck!
I wipe the toilet and sit down unfazed and rest my head against the wall trying to pee. I think running water, dripping, puddles, oceans and.. I quickly put the pit there as I start to pee filling it a little and putting in the lid. I wipe and pull my jeans up. Washing my hands I dry them and walk back to the doctor.
"Here" I tell her handing the pot back. She takes it in gloved hands ready and opens it. I take a deep breath as she puts the different types of strips in and tests for other things and pulls it out looking at them.
"Well hunny. Your pregnant like you thought, and you have low iron. I'll prescribe you some iron tablets and folic acid with some vitamin D aswell to keep them levels up" she says and I'm stuck on the pregnant part still. Oh my fucking god. Please just be one is all I can think now. I can't do twins again. It literally nearly killed me.
"What are the odds of this pregnancy being twins like my last?" I ask her and she chuckles. So not funny, I'm being deadly serious.
"Not very likely people have multiples one after the other, hun. Don't worry" she says with a smile and I sigh with relief. I love my boys but no more multiples please.
"Fingers crossed then. I can't do that again" I tell her and she nods.
"I'll remove your implant for you now" she says and I hold up my left arm and she takes out a scalpel and a antiseptic wipe. She wipes over the area and makes a little cut and pulls the rod out. Just like that. She grabs a bandage from the drawers next to her and wraps my arm up.
"Keep this on for atleast twenty four hours, and don't get it wet" she says and I nod at her.
"Thank you" I tell her with a smile.
"OK, so you know the drill by now. Ring this number and give them your details and they'll give you an appointment for your first scan" she tells me hands me the numbers and some leaflets.
"I'll send your prescription with everything to the pharmacy now for you to collect" she tells me typing away then looks back to me with a smile
"Well if that's all hunny, good look with your pregnancy and I'll see you it the midwife don't do it for your flu shots" she says looking at her calender and I nod again.
"OK, thanks. See you" I tell her standing and grabbing my bag leaving.
I'm fucking pregnant.. Shit!

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now