Chapter 128 Liam's POV

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It's Jason birthday in a few days and I'm starting to feel better. I can't be down on my bros birthday. That's not me.
I've wrote in my journal and it does actually help. I'll give it to my queen today. I need her to know what this is doing to me. My daughter is four years fucking old and being isolated by her own fucking sister. What because she's not white. I don't fucking think so. This is a hard thing for me. I experienced all this crap.. Still do, but I'm an adult now. She's still a baby. Fuck!
I sit at my desk staring off into nothing and hear my door knock.
"Baby?" I hear from the door and my queen walks in beautiful as ever.
I tap my lap and she comes scurrying over to me quickly with a big smile and sits on me.
"What can I do for you beautiful?" I ask her and she kisses me.
"You seem better today" she says looking at my smile.
"Mrs Johnsons loving can fix anything" I tell her and kiss along her neck.
This is not why she came Liam.
"Talk to me, why you dropping in?" I ask her and she sighs. Great.
"The nursery called. There kicking Charlotte out for her behavior as some of the staff have witnessed her doing things and some of the other kids have come forward. The girls can stay. There teacher apologized and said it won't happen again" she says and I nod.
"Good, so everything can go back to normal?" I ask her and she smiles nodding.
"Exactly that my king. I love you" she says rubbing my cheek looking into my eyes.
"I love you my queen" I tell her then kiss her. Well that's better news than I thought. I thought I'd be going to meet parents and have to start putting people in there places. Don't fuck with mine.
"Here" I tell her pulling open the draw and giving her the journal entry I needed out of me system.
She opens it up and relaxs back on me starting to read..

Hello it's me again... I find myself lost again, angry, hurt and all because Mya beautiful little mind has been warped by another fucking child... My poor Ruby is experiencing racism for the first time and I honestly don't know how to handle this other than bury a lot of bodies.. I miss you mum more than ever at times like these, you always knew how to make me focus and accept that I am beautiful exactly how I am and no one can tell me any different.. What am I going to do if Mya doesn't got back to how she was and in her mind somewhere is this veiw towards our mixed family.. The thought alone breaks my heart, Mya is my fucking princess and I love her with all my heart, she is MY daughter.. How would this work? This is one of them few things that would end me and my Queen.. Fuck.. Our babies come first always.. I'm more lost now and fucking petrified that this is how it could all come crashing down..

She puts the letter down and turns to face me.
"We're gonna get through this baby. I can't live without you. I can't do it again. I need you. We have children together. What about the boys and Ruby?" I ask him and he sighs looking unsure.
"I don't know I haven't thought that far ahead. All I know is, if Mya gets worse towards them you'll have to take her away baby, that would be the only way" I tell her and she looks at me pissed getting off of me.
"That's not fucking happening! There's no way are my babies being split. We're not splitting up over this Liam. This family is not breaking up. We're ment to be a team always and your talking about splitting up" she says and I can hear the pain and hurt in her voice. Fuck! That's not what I said.
"Baby your twisting my words I never said that. Plus Mya could get better over the next few weeks away from that kid" I tell her and she crosses her arms.
"So if Mya doesn't get better with everyone we're over. Is that what your saying? Are you fucking serious right now Liam?" she asks getting angry and I drop my head back sighing. Seriously this is not gonna end well.
"I'm not arguing with you Stacey, I have to protect my children. Rasicm won't happen in my fucking house. You know this" I tell her getting louder. Pissed. Why won't she understand this.
"OK.. I'll take MY daughter away from this family like you want" she yells and walks off out my office and slams the door behind her.
"STACEY, FUCK!!" I yell pounding my desk as she ignores me. She can't leave but what do I say. She's doing the right thing. This situations fucked. I never thought this would be happening. Ever.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now