Chapter 41

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"Hey Emily, how you doing?" I ask her as I walk into the back seeing her baking cookies.
"Oh my god Stacey, this is a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you today. How was your wedding and honeymoon hun" she asks me and I grin wide.
"It was amazing in everyway possible babe Thanks, so how's my baby doing?" I ask her as I hear the door bell chime.
I turn around and see a few people walking in. She goes to stop but I hold my hand up and smile at her.
"I got this hun, ill be back" I tell her and walk to the counter.
"Welcome to sweet treasures, what can I get you please" I ask the elder lady who smiles kindly at me.
"Your new hunny, I love this place" she say and I smile at her.
"Actually it's my bakery, but thank you so much" I tell her and she lights up.
"Oh my I'm so sorry, you look young and vibrant to be running one that's all. Don't get many yous around here" she says and chuckles and u smile at her. What does that mean?
"Anyways hunny, I'll have a dozen of your jam donuts and a dozen yummys please" she says pointing to them on the racks.
I grab boxes fixing them together and grab the tongues. Placing what she wants into separate boxes and handing them to her. She places a ten pound note into my hand and I quickly go to the till and sort her change and hand it back.
"Thanks for coming and for the compliments. See you again" I tell her and she smiles up at me and walks away.

I repeatedly serve the swarm of customers that are coming and going and miss working.
The dinner time rush calms down and I take a seat with Emily with a latté and a cupcake she made.
"Theses are so good babe" I tell her taking another bite. Like really good. Not mine but close. She's getting better and better bless her.
"I've been practicing with a few different things. You really like it?" she asks and I nod grinning.
"Yeah there so moist and fluffy hun. But there's something else" I say taking another bite. What isit tho?
"Mayonnaise babe" she says and I look at her surprised.
"I didn't think you knew that trick yet. Good on you for picking up on different ways to bake" I tell her and she grins taking a sip of her tea.
"Always the best for my job. I lo E baking and I love it here. Thank you for giving me this opportunity hun" she says smiling and I smile back at her.
"Absolutely, you got me through my pregnancy and took a weight off with this place. Thank you babe" I tell her eating away at another cupcake.
I hear the bell again and stand up ready to sort the customers and hear a deep laughter. Turning around knowing my king anywhere and smiling when I see him and Jason walking over to me.
"Hello my queen" Liam says and hugs me kissing me. I've missed my baby.
"Hey baby, what you doing here? Thought you was busy?" I ask him and he shrugs kissing me again.
"I've done quite alot already queenie. Plus we finally found a nanny for Jason. Shws coming to meet Lexi after nursery to see how she is" he says and I smile up at him. Well that's one less thing he needs to be worrying about.
"Hey Jason. You happy now?" I say smiling at him and he laughs.
"You have no idea how easier it's gonna be now, I'm hoping she's Becky 2.0" he says and I nod understanding. She seriously is THE nanny of the year.
"Let's hope she works with you lot. Where's Sasha at work?" I ale him and he smiles clearly thinking about her. Atleast there good after yesterday.
"Yeah, she should be done soon tho" he says and I nod.
"You wanna come for some lunch baby. I've missed you" Liam says wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my neck. I look to Emily who's disappeared into the back.
"Yeah sure, I'm done here anyways. The bakery doing really well too. I'm so happy" I tell Liam and he smiles down at me.
"I'm glad my queen, did you speak to Sam or Lauren about the other bakery?" he asks me as I grab my bag and put my rubbish in the bin.
"Yeah this morning before I got here. Everythings brilliant, you know Sam and Lauren love it there. I'm so proud of how far they've all come" I tell him grinning overly happy.
"Shall I open another one around here?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Your choice baby, you got that in you?" he asks and I nod eagerly.
"Absolutely boo. Soon" I tell him as he leads me out the bakery.
"Is Jason coming?" I ask him and he nods. Of course he is. Two peaa in a pod. Always together. You'd think they were the married couple.
"Yeah his cars at ours too" he tells me and I look to his bugatti.
"I wanna drive brother" Jason says and Liam looks at him raising a brow as I get to my car.
"Your crazy, my queen hasn't even had a drive yet. Another time bro" Liam tells him and Jason sulks making us laugh.
"Stacey just got a new car tho" he says looking mine over.
"Yeah and don't even think about it" I twll him laughing as Liam opens my car door. I pull the roof down and my hair starts to blow a little in the breeze. It feels good. "I'm getting a new on soon anyways" he says and I look to Liam who grins at me and I know what that mean.. He's buying him one. Of course he is.
"Well, you better not copy me" I tell him as he continues to watch my car grinning.
"I won't Stacey, I want one like Liam's" he says and I laugh. That shits over a mill.
I look to Liam who's says nothing and shake my head rolling my eyes.
"You in know I can, you still haven't even checked the bank baby. I can do this for my brother like you said" he says using my own words. Bastard.
"I didn't mean that Lima fucking hell. But it's upto you. Buy whatever mkaes you happy. Now where we going I'm hungry" I ale him and he shrugs.
"You choose beautiful because you look beyond stunning right now" he says making me smile and he leans down and kissing me.
"Thanks baby, you know you always look hot" I tell him and he smirks at me.
"All for you my queen, let's go to The Bank Bar and Grill" I tell him and he smiles down at me nodding.
"Absolutely, we'll meet you there my queen. I love you" he says aa I start my car
"I love you too baby, se you soon. Bye Jason" I call out and he steps back letting me pull off. I'll definitely be there before then.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now