Chapter 74

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"I have a question" I say to Liam and he smiles and nods at me to go on.
"If you could go back and repeat something what would it be?" I ask him smiling thinking of all sorts. From school days to being in the safe house, our other mansion. Our first home. The honeymoon. Wow so many.
"When you've finished reminiscing in your head queenie.." Liam says and I laugh.
"There's so many Liam how will you choose?" I ask him smirking wondering what his could be.
"I'd say marrying you the first time and officially making you Stacey Johnson after all them years of back and fourth between. Us. I should of done it sooner when I first thought about it. That day in safe house when I gave you your ring" he tells me and I smile. Aww baby.
"I'd of married you when I was thirteen  baby. Like seriously and I miss my first ring. I feel parted from it sometimes when I see it in my jewellery box. I wore it for ten years and I never took it off" I say and he grins.
"I remember when I first saw it on your hand again after so many years and you tried to hide it from me, my heart nearly exploded. The possibility that you could still want me and be mine was the only thing that I could think about. And here we are now, not looked back since" he says and I kiss him lovingly.
"Always looking ahead my king. You are my past, present and future" I tell him and he kisses me forcefully. Kearly liked that little fact. As if he doesn't already know this by now.

"Are you high babes?" Lola asks me from Jason lap and I nod grinning across at her from Liam's lap.
"Yeahhh Lola Belle, are you?" I tease her and she laughs.
"That's for Jason only. No Lola Belle for you. Well not unless you want some" she says and I gasp looking at her. Come again..
"Your face babe. But I'm serious, I'm sure Liam won't mind sharing" she says and laughs and I look to Liam who says nothing but just stares at me. Erm...
"Yeah babe, I don't think so.." I tell her not knowing what to say.
"Is this one of your fantasies? Do you want to queenie?" he asks me in my ear and I look to Lola.
"She is hot I won't lie" I say and look back to Liam who's raising a brow at me smirking.
"That doesn't answer the question Stacey" he says all boss like and I smirk at him. OK Liam..
"I don't know, I told you I'm down to do whatever you want" I say honestly
"It's not about my wants or needs baby, I'm just as open to your fantasies as you are mine" he says and I smile.
"You just wanna see us really.. Don't lie" I say hitting his chest making him laugh.
"I always wanna see my queen naked and wet. And if that means with another GIRL then I'm down" he says empathizing on the girl. Of course.
"So with a girl and what your watching? You sure you can handle someone touching me like you do" I ask knowing he cant but let's just play along. It's not gonna happen but we'll see how far I can push it.
"No one will touch you like I do queenie. And I mean no one. But I see where your going with this. I don't even know if I could watch" he says looking between me and Lola.
"So she's not hot" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Yes baby" he says and it makes me uncomfortable to think my king thinks she's hot. Fucking hell why do I ask these questions.
"She is hot but you my queen are beyond sexy in every way inside and out, I know you didn't like my answer baby and I know how that feels" he says looking into my eyes then kissing me.
"Because I say Jason's hot?" I ask him knowing that's who he's on about and he nods slowly. Does that stuff really affect him too?
"Baby your my king and I think your beyond sexy like it's unfair. You are my type in every way and I couldn't be more attracted to you if I tried. I wouldn't change anything about you period" I tell him and he smiles wider and wider.
"That's exactly how I feel to my queen.. So no threesome then?" he asks and smirks at me.
"What me Stacey and Jason" Lola suddenly says and I laugh. Hmm that'd be fun let's not lie.
"That would never, ever happen" Liam says staring straight at Jason and he sighs.
"Why you coming at me, I didn't say shit chill out, smoke a spliff or something shitt!" Jason says defending himself while Lola just laughs.
"Yeah that's never gonna happen babe" I say to her shaking my head.
"Me you and Liam, I heard you both just then" she says and I laugh. Is hse crazy?
"The only way your touching my husband is over my dead body. Literally. Don't play with what's mine" I tell her and offer her a smile. As if.. OK Liam I see it.
"No sharing, no threesome. No swinging.. Before you get to that. But seriously babe no.. Ask your man" I say to her and she laughs.
"I thought you too was fun. I wana play in your playroom" she says seductively and I look at Liam.
"We all like to dream.. But you know not all dreams come true. Unless there my queens" he says looking at me and I smile at him. Is he testing me.
"I'll take Lola in there and lock you both out" I say and Lola sits up.
"Hum girl, you tell him" she says laughing and I smirk at Liam.
"I'm feeling like you wanna be punished queenie, is that what you need. To be spanked and fucked" he says into my ear and I clench around nothing wanting to be filled now.
"I do daddy" I purr into his ear and he's instantly standing up holding me. I wrap my legs around his waist and look to Lola.
"Not today sweetcheeks, we'll be back.. At some point.. maybe" I say as he pulls me closer feeling him hard against my cleft as he kisses my neck.
"Have fun ya bitch" she calls out as Liam walks away and I stick to fingers up at her over Liam's shoulder and I hear her laugh. Yeah where gonna get on just fine.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now