*AI Co-written story*

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(I was board, credit to the AI/AI's makers and I had no ideas, only few parts I wrote)

Title: The Octonauts and the Caribbean Treasure Hunt

One faithful day, Calico Jack and his grandson, Kwazii were on a treasure hunt "where can we find this Treasure?" Kwazii asked "I don't know, the Map just said to find clues in the Caribbeans" Calico Jack replied "okay" Kwazii said and went on the way to the Islands.

 Kwazii and Calico Jack had arrived at the island where the clue had led them. It was a small and rocky island with a few palm trees and a cave. They docked their boat and got off.

"Alright, lad. Let's split up and look for clues. Maybe we'll find something in that cave," Calico Jack said.

"Okay, granddad. But be careful. There might be traps or dangers on this island," Kwazii said.

"Don't worry, lad. I've been on many treasure hunts before. I know how to handle myself," Calico Jack said.

They agreed to meet back at the boat in an hour and went their separate ways.

Kwazii decided to explore the cave. He took a flashlight and entered the dark and damp tunnel. He saw some bats hanging from the ceiling and some spiders crawling on the walls. He shivered and continued walking.

He soon reached a large chamber with a pool of water in the middle. He saw something shiny at the bottom of the pool. He wondered if it was another clue or maybe even the treasure itself.

He took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pants. He stepped into the water and felt a cold shock. He walked towards the shiny object and reached for it.

It was a gold coin with a skull on it. It looked like the one they had found on the beach.

"Another clue!" Kwazii exclaimed.

He put the coin in his pocket and turned around to go back.

But he saw something that made him freeze in fear.

There were four pirates standing at the entrance of the chamber. They were wearing ragged clothes, leather boots, and metal belts. They had swords, daggers, and pistols strapped to their bodies. They looked mean and greedy.

One of them pointed at Kwazii and shouted.

"Hey! Isn't that Calico Jack's grandson?"

The others turned their heads and saw Kwazii.

"Yeah! It is!" another one said. "Let's get him! Maybe he knows where his granddad hid his treasure!"

They ran towards Kwazii with their weapons drawn.

Kwazii quickly pulled out his sword and got ready to fight. He knew he was outnumbered, but he wasn't scared. He had learned a lot from his father and grandfather about sword fighting.

The pirates reached him and attacked from all sides. Kwazii parried their blows with skill and agility. He slashed at one pirate's arm, making him drop his sword. He kicked another pirate in the stomach, sending him flying into the water. He dodged a third pirate's hook, then headbutted him in the face.

But Kwazii couldn't keep up with all of them. Soon he felt a sharp pain in his leg as one pirate stabbed him with his dagger. He stumbled back and fell to the ground. The pirates surrounded him and raised their weapons for the final strike.

"Any last words, kitty?" one of them sneered.

Kwazii closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

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