AI co-write: Poachers and.....

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Kwazii was on a solo mission, as an octonaut, to clean up a small lake, when somebody came from behind and knocked him out, it was a poacher, he took kwazii and put him in his van "a rare pirate cat?" he said closing the door.

meanwhile Calico Jack was also on a solo mission, as an octo-agent, was on a mission to help Pearl, a sea otter and Shellington's sister and fellow octo-agent, free a few creatures from a net that the poachers set "there..." Calico Jack smiled...

he looked around and saw the van that the poachers drove, he saw a ginger color in it "THEY HAVE SOMETHING IN THERE!" he growled, and took out his spyglass to see closer.

he saw his grandson, Kwazii, unconscious in the back of the van...

Calico Jack felt a surge of anger and fear when he saw Kwazii in the poachers' van. He couldn't believe they had kidnapped his grandson. He had to save him.

He grabbed his grappling hook and his water pistol and ran towards the van. He saw the poachers getting in the front seats and starting the engine.

"Hey! Stop right there, you scurvy dogs!" he shouted.

He fired his water pistol at the windshield, hoping to blind the driver. He missed and hit the side mirror instead. The poachers saw him and laughed.

"Look at that, mate. It's another pirate cat. Maybe we can sell him too." one of them said.

"Yeah, let's catch him." the other one said.

They drove towards Calico Jack, trying to run him over. Calico Jack dodged and fired his grappling hook at the back of the van. He hooked it and pulled himself up.

He climbed on top of the van and made his way to the back door. He tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, lad! Can you hear me?" he called.

He heard a faint groan from inside.

"Granddad? Is that you?" Kwazii said.

"Yes, lad. It's me. I'm here to rescue you." Calico Jack said.

"Granddad, be careful. The poachers are dangerous." Kwazii said.

"I know, lad. But don't worry. I'll get you out of here." Calico Jack said.

He looked around and saw a crowbar lying on the roof of the van. He grabbed it and used it to pry open the door.

He opened it and saw Kwazii lying on the floor, tied up and gagged. He had a bruise on his head and a cut on his cheek.

"Kwazii!" he exclaimed.

He jumped into the van and untied him. He removed the gag and hugged him.

"Granddad! You came to save me!" Kwazii said.

"Of course I did, matey. You're my grandson. I love you." Calico Jack said.

"I love you too, Grandad..." Kwazii said, before passing out again, Calico Jack picked up Kwazii and began to get out when he Saw the poachers standing in his way... he growled and held kwazii protectively. 

 Calico Jack saw the poachers blocking his way. They had stopped the van and got out. They had guns and knives in their hands.

"Give us back the pirate cat, old man. He's worth a lot of money." one of them said.

"Never. He's my grandson, and you'll never take him from me." Calico Jack said.

He held Kwazii close to his chest and glared at the poachers.

"Get out of my way, or I'll make you regret it." he said.

The poachers laughed and moved closer.

"You don't scare us, old man. You're outnumbered and outgunned. You don't stand a chance." the other one said.

He raised his gun and aimed at Calico Jack.

Calico Jack saw the gun and acted quickly. He threw his crowbar at the poacher, hitting him in the hand. He dropped his gun and screamed in pain.

Calico Jack took advantage of the distraction and ran past the poachers. He reached his Gup, which was parked nearby. He put Kwazii in the passenger seat and got in the driver's seat.

He started the engine and drove away from the poachers. He looked back and saw them chasing him on foot.

"Ha! You'll never catch us, you scurvy dogs!" he taunted.

He drove towards the Octopod, where he hoped Peso could help Kwazii.

He looked at Kwazii, who was still unconscious. He stroked his fur and whispered.

"Hang in there, lad. We'll get you to Peso. He'll make you better." he said.

He hoped he was right.

he met up with Pearl, who looked at kwazii, and saw him Unconscious "what happened?" she asked "I don't know what the poachers did, but we need to get him to Peso..." Calico Jack told her and they got into the gup...

 Calico Jack and Pearl got into the Gup and drove towards the Octopod. Pearl looked at Kwazii, who was lying on the seat, pale and limp.

"Poor Kwazii. He looks so weak." she said.

"He'll be alright, lass. Peso will fix him up." Calico Jack said.

He tried to sound confident, but he was worried sick about his grandson.

They reached the Octopod and docked their Gup. They were greeted by Captain Barnacles and Peso.

"Ahoy there, mates! We're back!" Calico Jack announced.

"Welcome back, Calico Jack and Pearl. How was your mission?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"It was fine, Captain. We freed some creatures from a net." Pearl said.

"That's good to hear. And where's Kwazii?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"He's... he's here, Captain. But he's not well." Calico Jack said.

He lifted Kwazii in his arms and showed him to the others.

They gasped and looked shocked.

"Kwazii!" Peso exclaimed.

"What happened to him?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"He was kidnapped by poachers, Captain. They did something to him. He's been unconscious for a while." Calico Jack explained.

"That's terrible! Quick, bring him to the sick bay. I'll examine him right away." Peso said.

He led the way to the sick bay, where he put Kwazii on a bed. He scanned him with his medical scanner and looked at the results.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Calico Jack asked in worry, what was going to happen to kwazii? what did the poachers do? "Peso..?" Calico Jack looked at Peso.   

the end... 😈😈

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