AI co-write: Fear of spiders love and black widow venom campout

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⚠️just an au⚠️

Kwazii and his grandfather were on a camping trip, Kwazii had walked off to get firewood, he didn't see the nearby Black widow spider, the spider fell on his arm, and as soon as kwazii's arm movement scared him, it bit him, he looked at his arm and saw the spider... he felt fear he was afraid of spiders, he flicked it off and started to run, he fell over as the venom started to kick in, he started to gasp for air, he couldn't breathe due to the venom, he was still scared as he had been bit by a spider.

Meanwhile Calico Jack was starting to get worried, it was near night time... and kwazii was no where to be seen... 

Calico Jack decided to go look for his grandson, grabbing a flashlight and his parrot Pete. He followed the trail of firewood that Kwazii had dropped along the way, hoping to find him soon.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, where are you, lad?" he shouted, scanning the dark forest with his flashlight.

"Maybe he got lost, or maybe he found some treasure!" Pete suggested, perching on Calico Jack's shoulder.

"Or maybe he's in trouble, matey. We have to find him before something bad happens to him!" Calico Jack said, quickening his pace.

He soon came across a clearing, where he saw Kwazii lying on the ground, clutching his arm and gasping for air. He ran towards him and knelt down beside him, feeling his pulse and checking his wound.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, can you hear me? What happened to you?" he asked, worried.

Kwazii opened his eyes weakly and looked at his grandfather. He tried to speak, but only managed to whisper.

"Grandpa...spider...bit me..." he said, before losing consciousness.

Calico Jack's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. He had heard of the black widow spider, a deadly creature that could kill a cat with its venom. He knew he had to act fast, or Kwazii would not survive.

He took out his radio and contacted the Octopod, hoping they would answer.

"Octopod, this is Calico Jack. Do you copy? Over."

There was a brief silence, then a familiar voice came through.

"Calico Jack? This is Captain Barnacles. What's the situation? Over."

"Captain, it's Kwazii. He's been bitten by a black widow spider. He's unconscious and barely breathing. We need your help. Over."

There was a gasp from the other end of the line.

"Oh no! That's terrible! We're on our way, Calico Jack. Hang in there. Over and out."

Calico Jack put away his radio and looked at Kwazii again. He felt a surge of fear and anger. How could this happen to his grandson? How could he let this happen?

He hugged Kwazii close to his chest and whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry, lad. You're going to be alright. I'm here with you. I won't let anything happen to you. You're my grandson, and I love you."

He hoped Kwazii could hear him, and that he would hold on until help arrived.

He hoped it was not too late.

Kwazii was unconscious, but he was also still gasping for air, calico Jack noticed this quickly "Please... hurry octonauts.." he cried out, he looked at kwazii. 

Meanwhile, at the Octopod, the other Octonauts were preparing to rescue Kwazii. They had heard Calico Jack's distress call and were shocked and worried about their friend.

"Captain, what are we going to do? How can we save Kwazii?" Peso asked, his voice trembling.

"We're going to use the Gup-R, Peso. It's the fastest Gup we have, and it has a medical bay. We'll get to Kwazii as soon as possible and treat his spider bite." Barnacles said, putting on his helmet.

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