AI co-write: Blue ring Cone snail Venom Campout

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Kwazii was on a campout with his grandfather, Calico Jack and Decided to take a swim, he dove into the water was swimming around the Area, he dived to the bottom he didn't notice the cone snail behind him until it stung him, he started to swim away, though he started to feel weak, he didn't see he was swimming to a Octopus, a deadly one Aswell, he bumped into it and was poisoned by that to, between both Venoms and the water, he couldn't breathe.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack noticed Kwazii had been under water for a while, and was starting to get worried. 

Calico Jack decided to check on Kwazii and see if he was alright. He put on his diving suit and helmet and jumped into the water. He swam towards the spot where Kwazii had dived.

He saw Kwazii lying on the sand, motionless. He saw a cone snail and a blue-ringed octopus near him. He realized that Kwazii had been stung by both of them and was in serious trouble.

He swam to Kwazii and grabbed him by the shoulders. He shook him gently and called his name.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Can you hear me, lad?"

But Kwazii didn't respond. He was pale and limp. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open.

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic. He checked Kwazii's pulse and saw that it was faint. He knew he had to act fast.

He lifted Kwazii in his arms and swam back to the surface. He reached the shore and laid Kwazii on the sand. He took off their helmets and checked Kwazii's breathing.

He saw that Kwazii wasn't breathing at all.

He tilted Kwazii's head back and pinched his nose. He covered Kwazii's mouth with his own and blew air into his lungs. He repeated this several times, hoping to revive him.

He stopped and looked at Kwazii's chest. He saw that it wasn't moving.

He placed his hands on Kwazii's chest and pressed down hard. He counted to 30, then gave him two more breaths. He repeated this cycle, trying to restart Kwazii's heart.

He did this for several minutes, but nothing happened.

He started to lose hope.

He looked at Kwazii's face and felt tears in his eyes.

"Kwazii, please wake up. Please don't leave me, lad. I love you, Kwazii. You're my grandson, and I'm proud of you."

He leaned over and kissed Kwazii's forehead.

He hugged him and cried.

He didn't notice that Kwazii's eyelids fluttered slightly.

He quickly Grabbed his radio "Hello? can anybody hear me? Kwazii has been stung by a Cone snail and bit by a Blue-ring octopus, he's not waking up! Can anyone hear me?" calico Jack said into the radio.

Meanwhile, at the Octopod, Captain Barnacles was monitoring the radio. He heard Calico Jack's distress call and recognized his voice.

He grabbed the radio and replied.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. I hear you loud and clear. What's your location?"

Calico Jack heard Captain Barnacles' voice and felt a glimmer of hope.

"Captain, thank goodness. I'm on the island of the palm trees. Kwazii and I were camping here. He went for a swim and got stung by a cone snail and bit by a blue-ringed octopus. He's not breathing, Captain. I tried to resuscitate him, but it didn't work."

Captain Barnacles felt a shock of fear. He knew how dangerous those creatures were.

"Calico Jack, stay calm. We're on our way. Peso, Shellington, come with me. We have an emergency."

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