AI co-write: Memory Machine on kwazii? Calico Jack what you gonna do?

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🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack and kwazii came across a lab on an island they were exploring as an octonauts mission, they entered it, and found a few secret rooms, one of the rooms held a device, Kwazii touched it and felt a zap, he suddenly didn't remember who he was... or anything really... 

Calico Jack came from behind him, Kwazii looked at him and got scared and he screamed "Lad, what's wrong?" Calico Jack asked kwazii, looking at him with worry "WHO ARE YOU?! WHO IM I!?" Kwazii screamed backing up, worrying calico jack more "lad... its me... are you okay?" Calico jack tried to get closer but kwazii only screamed and backed up more, sitting in a corner "I don't know... who I I'm or who you are... or anything" Kwazii said with tears.

Calico Jack was shocked and saddened by Kwazii's reaction. He realized that the device must have erased Kwazii's memories and changed his appearance. He looked at the device and saw a label that said "Memory and DNA Alteration Machine". He also saw a button that said "Reverse". He hoped that the button would undo what the device had done to Kwazii.

He tried to calm Kwazii down and said "Lad, listen to me. You're my grandson, Kwazii. You're a pirate and an Octonaut. You're brave, adventurous, and kind. You love the ocean and all its creatures. You're my best mate and I love you. Please, trust me."

Kwazii looked at Calico Jack with confusion and fear. He didn't know what to believe. He didn't feel any connection to the old cat who claimed to be his grandfather. He didn't remember anything about being a pirate or an Octonaut. He didn't even know what those words meant. He felt lost and alone.

He said "I-I don't know you. I don't know anything. How do I know you're not lying to me? How do I know you're not the one who did this to me?"

Calico Jack felt a pang in his heart. He wished he could hug Kwazii and tell him everything was going to be alright, but he knew that would only scare him more. He had to find a way to prove his words and restore Kwazii's memories.

He said "Lad, I'm not lying to you. I'm not the one who did this to you. It was this machine. It zapped you and messed with your mind and your body. But I think I can fix it. There's a button here that says 'Reverse'. Maybe if I press it, it will bring you back to normal."

Kwazii looked at the machine and then at Calico Jack. He felt a flicker of curiosity and hope. Maybe the old cat was telling the truth. Maybe he could get his memories back. Maybe he could find out who he really was.

He said "R-Really? You think it will work?"

Calico Jack nodded and said "I hope so, lad. I hope so." He reached for the button and pressed it.

The machine made a loud noise and flashed a bright light. Kwazii felt another zap, but this time it was different. It felt like something was returning to him, something that was missing before.

He closed his eyes and saw images in his mind. Images of his past, his adventures, his friends, his family.

He saw himself as a kitten, playing with Calico Jack on his ship.

He saw himself as a young pirate, sailing the seas with Calico Jack and Pete the Parrot.

He saw himself as an Octonaut, joining Captain Barnacles, Peso, Shellington, Dashi, Tweak, Professor Inkling, Tunip, and the Vegimals on their missions.

He saw himself exploring the ocean, meeting new creatures, facing dangers, having fun.

He saw himself as he was before the machine zapped him.

He opened his eyes and looked at Calico Jack.

He smiled and said "Granddad!"

He ran to Calico Jack and hugged him.

Calico Jack hugged him back and said "Kwazii! You're back! Oh lad, I'm so glad you're okay!"

They both laughed and cried tears of joy.

They looked at each other and saw that Kwazii's appearance had also changed back to normal.

They were both relieved and happy.

They decided to leave the lab and never come back.

They returned to the Octopod and reunited with their friends.

They told them what had happened and how they fixed it.

The Octonauts were shocked and glad that Kwazii was alright.

They welcomed him back with hugs and smiles.

Kwazii thanked them all for their support and love.

He was happy to be back with his family.

He was happy to be himself again.

The end 🐾

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