AI co-write: Sickness and..... (part 2)

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⚠️just an au⚠️

He saw Kwazii in Calico Jack's arms, pale and sweaty. He saw the bite mark and the spots on his hand.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

Kwazii opened his eyes a little and looked at peso, but he fell unconscious, Calico Jack looked at peso "what's going on?" Calico Jack asked Peso, holding kwazii close...

Peso quickly scanned Kwazii with his medical scanner and confirmed his worst fear. Kwazii had contracted a rare and dangerous virus from the fish he had brought back from his mission. The virus was spreading rapidly through his body, causing fever, weakness, and purple spots on his skin.

"We need to get him to the Octopod right away!" Peso said. "This virus is very contagious and can be fatal if not treated in time."

Calico Jack nodded and carefully carried Kwazii to the Gup-B, where Peso had prepared a quarantine pod. He gently placed Kwazii inside the pod and closed the lid.

"Will he be alright, matey?" Calico Jack asked, worry in his voice.

"I hope so, Captain. I hope so." Peso said, as he drove the Gup-B back to the Octopod.

Meanwhile, at the Octopod, the other Octonauts were waiting anxiously for Peso and Kwazii to return. They had heard from Peso that Kwazii was sick, but they didn't know how serious it was.

"Where are they? They should have been here by now!" Dashi said, looking at the radar screen.

"Maybe they ran into some trouble on the way." Shellington suggested.

"Or maybe they stopped for a snack." Tweak joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, this is no time for jokes, Tweak. Kwazii is in danger!" Barnacles said, sternly.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the Gup-B docking at the launch bay. They rushed to greet Peso and Kwazii, but stopped in their tracks when they saw the quarantine pod.

"What's that?" Dashi asked.

"It's a quarantine pod. It's for keeping sick patients isolated from others." Peso explained.

"Is Kwazii in there?" Shellington asked.

"Yes, he is. And he's very sick." Peso said.

"How sick?" Barnacles asked.

"Very sick. He has a virus that can be deadly if not treated soon." Peso said.

The Octonauts gasped in shock and fear.

"A virus? How did he get it?" Dashi asked.

"He got it from some fish he brought back from his mission. The fish were infected with the virus and passed it on to him when he touched them." Peso said.

"Is there a cure?" Barnacles asked.

"I don't know. I need to do some tests and find out more about this virus." Peso said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get him to the sick bay!" Barnacles said.

They carefully lifted the quarantine pod and carried it to the sick bay, where Peso set up his equipment and began to examine Kwazii. The other Octonauts watched from behind a glass window, hoping for good news.

Peso scanned Kwazii's blood sample and compared it to a database of known viruses. He frowned when he saw the results.

"This is bad. This is very bad." he muttered to himself.

"What is it, Peso? What did you find?" Barnacles asked through a speaker.

Peso turned to face them and shook his head sadly.

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