AI co-write: inky cameras and dangerous sunken ships

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii was trying to help Dashi with her photography project, but he accidently spilled some ink on Dashi's camera, Dashi glared at Kwazii...

Dashi glared at Kwazii and snapped, "Kwazii, what have you done? You've ruined my camera and my project! Do you have any idea how hard I worked on this? How could you be so clumsy and careless?"

Kwazii felt a surge of guilt and shame as he saw the ink dripping from the camera lens. He stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Dashi. I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to spill the ink. It was an accident."

Dashi shook her head and said, "An accident? You're always causing accidents, Kwazii. You're a nuisance and a troublemaker. You should just leave me alone and stop interfering with my work."

Kwazii felt a pang of hurt and anger as he heard Dashi's words. He said, "Fine, then. I'll leave you alone. I'll leave everyone alone. You don't need me anyway. Nobody needs me."

He turned around and ran out of the Octopod, ignoring Dashi's calls to come back. He swam away as fast as he could, feeling tears sting his eyes. He thought, "Maybe she's right. Maybe I am a nuisance and a troublemaker. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I should just go away."

He swam aimlessly for a while, until he spotted a shipwreck in the distance. He felt a spark of curiosity and excitement as he approached it. He thought, "Maybe there's something interesting in there. Maybe there's some treasure or some adventure. Maybe there's something that will make me happy."

He entered the shipwreck and began to explore it. He saw some old furniture, some broken dishes, some rusty tools, and some dusty books. He picked up one of the books and opened it. He saw some faded pictures of people and places he didn't recognize. He wondered who they were and what their stories were.

He flipped through the pages, until he came across a picture of a pirate ship with a skull and crossbones flag. He smiled and said, "Ahoy, mateys! This looks like a pirate book! Maybe there's some pirate secrets or pirate maps in here!"

He turned the page, hoping to find something exciting. But as he did, he heard a loud click and a hiss. He looked up and saw a metal pipe above him that had been triggered by his movement. He realized too late that it was a trap.

The pipe released a jet of water that hit him hard in the face. He dropped the book and gasped for air. He felt a sharp pain in his chest as the water knocked him back. He hit his head on the wall and blacked out.

the ship soon started to collapse...

Meanwhile, back at the octopod, Dashi was still working on her protect when Tweak walked in and talked to her, Dashi told her everything, and they sounded the octo-alert, as they had to find kwazii.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had came to the octopod for a visit, and was talking to barnacles when they heard the octo-alert...

The ship soon started to collapse, sending debris and dust everywhere. Kwazii was still unconscious, trapped under a pile of wood and metal. He didn't hear the loud noises or feel the vibrations. He was in a deep sleep, dreaming of pirates and adventures.

Meanwhile, back at the Octopod, Dashi was still working on her project when Tweak walked in and talked to her. Tweak asked, "Hey, Dashi, how's your photography project going?"

Dashi sighed and said, "Not so well, Tweak. I had a little accident with my camera. Kwazii spilled some ink on it and ruined it. And then we had a big fight and he ran away. I don't know where he is or if he's okay."

Tweak gasped and said, "Oh, no, Dashi. That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that. Kwazii didn't mean to spill the ink, you know. He was just trying to help."

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