AI co-write: the crash, Claws and lionfish...

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

Kwazii yawned as he looked around, he saw his grandfather, Calico Jack, Talking to Captain barnacles... he wanted to show his grandfather something cool, Kwazii walked over to his grandfather "Hey, Grandad, can I show you something?" Kwazii asked "I guess..." Calico Jack said...

Kwazii led him outside into the ocean, Kwazii went into the gup-B and started his trick, but lost control of the gup-B, And crashed into one of the pods of the octopod, opening his eyes, he saw Barnacles and Tweak inside the octopod, Injured... 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Calico Jack growled Forcing Kwazii out of the gup Harshly and Slapping him harshly, not realizing he had his claws out... Kwazii covered the injury with his paw, and calico Jack didn't notice he had hurt kwazii, and continued to growl...

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and fear as his grandfather slapped him. He saw blood dripping from his paw and realized that Calico Jack had cut him with his claws. He felt a wave of anger and sadness wash over him. He couldn't believe that his grandfather would hurt him like that.

He looked at Calico Jack's face and saw no sign of remorse or concern. He only saw rage and disappointment. He heard him shouting at him, calling him names and blaming him for everything.

"You're reckless and foolish, Kwazii! You're not a hero, you're a troublemaker! You should be sorry for what you did! You've damaged the Octopod and injured your friends! How could you be so careless and irresponsible? You're not a true pirate, you're a disgrace to our family!"

Kwazii felt tears stinging his eyes. He wanted to say something, to defend himself, to explain himself, but he couldn't find the words. He felt like he had let everyone down, especially his grandfather. He felt like he didn't belong here, with the Octonauts, with his family.

He turned around and ran away from the Octopod. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from everything. He wanted to be alone.

He swam as fast as he could, ignoring the pain in his paw and the voices in his head. He didn't notice where he was going, or what was around him. He didn't notice that he had entered a coral reef, full of colorful fish and plants.

He also didn't notice that he had attracted the attention of a venomous lionfish, that was lurking behind a rock. The lionfish saw Kwazii as an easy prey, and decided to attack him.

The lionfish darted out of its hiding place and swam towards Kwazii. It raised its spiny fins and aimed them at Kwazii's body. It was ready to sting him with its venom.

Kwazii sensed the movement behind him and turned around. He saw the lionfish coming at him and tried to dodge it, but it was too late. The lionfish stung him in his chest, near his heart.

Kwazii felt a sharp pain in his chest, followed by a burning sensation. He gasped for air and clutched his chest. He felt dizzy and weak. He knew he was in trouble.

He looked at the lionfish and saw it smiling wickedly at him. It was waiting for him to die.

Kwazii felt a surge of fear and despair. He wondered if this was the end for him. He wondered if anyone would miss him or care about him.

He wished he could see the Octonauts again. He wished he could tell them that he was sorry for being reckless and foolish. He wished he could tell them that he loved them.

He wished he could see his grandfather again. He wished he could tell him that he was sorry for disappointing him. He wished he could tell him that he loved him.

He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

But then, he heard something. Something that sounded like a voice.

"Kwazii? Kwazii! Where are you?"

It was Captain Barnacles. He had heard Kwazii's cry for help, and he had followed it to the coral reef. He was looking for him.

"Kwazii! Can you hear me?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"Captain? Captain! I'm here! I'm here!" Kwazii shouted weakly.

"Where are you?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"I'm in the coral reef! I'm in the coral reef!" Kwazii said.

"Which part of the coral reef?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"The red one! The red one!" Kwazii said.

Captain Barnacles saw the red coral reef and swam towards it. He entered the reef and looked around. He saw Kwazii lying on the floor, pale and bleeding.

"Kwazii!" Captain Barnacles exclaimed.

"Captain!" Kwazii exclaimed.

Captain Barnacles rushed to Kwazii's side and hugged him gently.

"Kwazii, I'm so glad you're alive!" Captain Barnacles said.

"Captain, I'm so glad you found me!" Kwazii said.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay," Kwazii said.

"What happened? How did you get here?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"I got stung, I got stung," Kwazii said.

"By what?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"By a lionfish, by a lionfish," Kwazii said.

Captain Barnacles saw the lionfish hiding behind a rock and glared at it. He grabbed his GUP-A remote and pressed a button. The GUP-A appeared from behind a coral and fired a net at the lionfish. The lionfish was caught in the net and dragged away.

"Good riddance," Captain Barnacles said.

"Thank you, thank you," Kwazii said.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," Captain Barnacles said.

"Thank you, thank you," Kwazii said.

Captain Barnacles picked up Kwazii and carried him out of the coral reef. He saw the other Octonauts waiting for them outside. They were overjoyed to see them.

"Kwazii! You're alive!" Dashi said.

"Kwazii! You're okay!" Shellington said.

"Kwazii! You're back!" Peso said.

"Kwazii! You're awesome!" Tweak said.

"Kwazii! You're amazing!" Professor Inkling said.

They all hugged Kwazii and welcomed him back. They apologized for being mean to him and thanked him for being their friend. They told him that they loved him and that they would never leave him again.

Kwazii felt happy and warm. He smiled and hugged them back. He forgave them and thanked them for being his family. He told them that he loved them and that he would always stay with them.

He also saw his grandfather, Calico Jack, standing behind them. He looked at him and saw a mix of emotions on his face. He saw regret and sorrow, but also relief and love. He heard him speaking to him softly.

"Kwazii, I'm so sorry for what I did. I was wrong to hurt you and yell at you. I was angry and scared, but that's no excuse. You're my grandson, and I love you more than anything. You're a hero, Kwazii, and I'm proud of you."

Kwazii felt tears stinging his eyes again, but this time they were tears of joy. He looked at his grandfather and saw the same smile that he had when he was a kitten. He heard him calling him by his nickname.

"Come here, me little pirate."

Kwazii ran to his grandfather and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry too, Grandad. I love you too."

They both cried and laughed and hugged each other. They apologized and forgave each other. They told each other that they loved each other.

They all smiled and laughed and felt happy. They went back to the Octopod together, holding hands and singing songs. They had a big party to celebrate Kwazii's return, with cake and balloons and presents. They had fun and played games and told stories. They had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. They were happy to be together again.

The end.

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