Ai co-write: Storm's underwater minefield

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was playing around with some of tweak's tools when he dropped one, tweak's Favorite, he whimpered, tweak would never forgive him... he wrote a note and began to run, later tweak awoke and saw the broken tool and note... she read it and began to cry, she sounded the octo-alert. 

the group comes into the launch bay "tweak, what's wrong what happened?" Barnacles asked, seeing her crying and holding the broken tool and the note.

Tweak sniffed and handed the note to Barnacles. He read it aloud for the others to hear.

"Dear Tweak and the Octonauts,

I'm sorry for what I did. I broke your favorite gadget, Tweak. I know you worked hard on it, and you loved it very much. I know you will never forgive me, and you will hate me forever. I don't deserve to be your friend, or an Octonaut. That's why I'm leaving. I'm running away from the Octopod, and from you. Don't try to find me, or stop me. It's better this way. Goodbye.

Your former friend,


The Octonauts were shocked and saddened by the note. They couldn't believe that Kwazii would do such a thing, or think such a thing.

"Tweak, is this true? Did Kwazii break your gadget?" Barnacles asked.

"Yes, Cap'n. He did. But I don't hate him, or blame him. It was an accident. He didn't mean to do it." Tweak said.

"Then why did he think that you would never forgive him, or that you would hate him forever?" Peso asked.

"I don't know, Peso. Maybe he was scared or ashamed or confused. Maybe he thought I cared more about my gadget than about him." Tweak said.

"That's ridiculous, Tweak. You care about Kwazii very much, and he knows that. You're one of his best friends." Dashi said.

"I know, Dashi. But maybe he forgot that, or doubted that." Tweak said.

"Or maybe he was under some kind of mind control or influence. Maybe someone was messing with his head." Dashi said.

"Or maybe he was just being a scurvy pirate and a scallywag. Maybe he wanted to cause some trouble and have some fun." Shellington said.

"Or maybe he was just being Kwazii. Maybe he had a reason that we don't know yet." Calico Jack said.

"Whatever the reason, we have to find him and bring him back. He could be in danger out there, or he could be endangering others." Barnacles said.

"I agree, Cap'n. But how are we going to find him? He could be anywhere by now." Tweak said.

"I have an idea. I can use my spyglass to track his Gup-B. It has a special feature that allows me to see any Gup that I've seen before, no matter how far away it is." Calico Jack said.

"Really? How does that work?" Dashi asked.

"It's a secret pirate technology that I invented myself. Don't ask me how it works, just trust me that it does." Calico Jack said.

"Alright then, let's go to the Launch Bay and get ready to follow Calico Jack's spyglass." Barnacles said.

The Octonauts nodded and followed him to the Launch Bay, where they boarded their Gups and waited for Calico Jack's signal.

Meanwhile, Kwazii was driving his Gup-B through the ocean, feeling guilty and ashamed of what he did to Tweak. He didn't mean to break her gadget, he just dropped it by accident. He didn't know why he was so clumsy, he just felt like everything was going wrong for him lately.

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