AI Co-write: Seashell's Magic and Kwazii's Sacrifice

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🚩Basically like 'Whirlpool to stranded'🚩

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were sailing in the gup R, A sailfish gup that Kwazii had helped tweak make, they were helping Fishes who were caught in a net, Kwazii had jumped into the water to help untangle team, while Calico Jack monitored them from the gup, after they were done a storm started to brew from nowhere. 

Kwazii quickly swam back to the gup R, where Calico Jack was waiting for him. "Come on, lad, we need to get out of here!" Calico Jack shouted, as the wind and waves grew stronger. He started the engine and steered the gup away from the storm, but it was too late. A huge wave crashed into the gup, knocking them off course and damaging the hull. Water started to leak into the gup, and the radio went dead. "Grandpa, we're sinking!" Kwazii exclaimed, as he grabbed a life jacket and put it on. "Don't worry, matey, we'll make it!" Calico Jack said, as he put on his own life jacket and grabbed a flare gun. He opened the hatch and pushed Kwazii out of the gup. "Follow me!" he said, as he jumped into the water and fired a flare into the sky, hoping that someone would see it. They swam away from the sinking gup, which soon disappeared under the waves. They looked around, but they couldn't see any sign of land or other ships. They were alone in the middle of the ocean.

Suddenly a wave pushed kwazii away from him "KWAZII!" he screamed as he saw his grandson get washed away, then a wave pushed him the same way, they landed on an island.

 Calico Jack coughed up some water and opened his eyes. He was lying on a sandy beach, surrounded by palm trees and rocks. He looked around and saw Kwazii lying a few meters away from him. He crawled over to him and shook him gently. "Kwazii, wake up, lad!" he said, as he checked his pulse. He was relieved to find that Kwazii was still alive, but unconscious. He lifted him up and carried him to a shady spot under a palm tree. He laid him down and covered him with some leaves. He then looked at the horizon and saw the storm still raging. He wondered if anyone had seen their flare or if they were looking for them. He hoped that the Octonauts were safe and that they would find them soon. He decided to explore the island and look for some food and water. He grabbed a stick and carved a message on the sand: "Calico Jack and Kwazii here. Need help." He then set off to find some resources and a way to contact the outside world.

Kwazii suddenly awoke, he looked at his grandfather, he saw something behind him "uhm... Grandad??" he asked looking at it, Calico Jack followed his gaze and saw the fish-cat thing, they didn't know what it was...  

"Yow!" Calico Jack growled "who are you?" he asked "I'm Seashell" the fish-cat said looking at them "how did you get here?" Seashell asked them, Kwazii looked at her "A storm sank our ship and now we don't know how to get off of here..." Kwazii told her.

"Oh..." seashell said "do you want to be friands with me?" seashell asked, trying to change the subject "sure" Kwazii smiled "I'm kwazii, this is calico Jack, my grandfather and his parrot, Pete" Kwazii said, Pete squawked, looking at her... he didn't know anything about her, but something felt off, and it was either kwazii or her, but he couldn't tell which.

Seashell smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Kwazii, Calico Jack and Pete. I'm sorry about your ship. I know how it feels to lose your home." She said, looking sad. "What do you mean?" Kwazii asked, curious. "Well, I used to live in a coral reef with my family and friends. But one day, a big boat came and destroyed our reef. They took away all the fish and coral. They didn't care about us at all. I managed to escape, but I don't know what happened to the others. I've been swimming around ever since, looking for a new home. That's how I found this island." She explained, tears in her eyes. "Oh, Seashell, that's terrible!" Kwazii said, sympathizing with her. "I'm so sorry for what you've been through." Calico Jack said, patting her on the head. "Don't worry, lass. We'll help you find your family and friends. And we'll help you protect this island from any more boats." He said, reassuringly. "Really? You would do that for me?" Seashell asked, brightening up. "Of course we would!" Kwazii said, smiling. "We're Octonauts! We explore, rescue and protect!" He said, proudly. "Octonauts?" Seashell repeated, confused. "What are Octonauts?" She asked. Kwazii and Calico Jack looked at each other and grinned. They were about to tell her all about their adventures and missions as Octonauts.

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