AI co-write: The Lost Dimension: how the Octonauts lost one of their own

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Kwazii and Calico Jack were exploring an Island when they found a weird portal thing "we should go in!" Kwazii said, Calico Jack looked at him, he didn't trust the portal.. 

Calico Jack shook his head. He didn't trust the portal. He had a bad feeling about it.

"Kwazii, no! We don't know what's on the other side of that thing. It could be dangerous!" he said.

"Aw, come on, grandpa. Don't be such a scaredy-cat. It could be fun!" Kwazii said.

He walked towards the portal, curious and excited. He wanted to see what was beyond it.

"Kwazii, stop! Listen to me!" Calico Jack shouted.

But it was too late. Kwazii had already reached the portal. He touched it with his paw, and felt a strange sensation.

He felt a pull, a tug, a force that dragged him into the portal. He gasped as he was sucked into the swirling vortex.

"Kwazii!" Calico Jack cried.

He ran after his grandson, trying to catch him. But he was too slow. The portal closed behind Kwazii, leaving Calico Jack alone on the island.

"Kwazii! Kwazii!" he called.

But there was no answer. Only silence.

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic and worry. He had lost his grandson. He had no idea where he was, or if he was safe.

He looked around, hoping to find a clue or a way to reopen the portal. But he saw nothing. Nothing but trees and rocks and sand.

He felt helpless and hopeless. He didn't know what to do.

He decided to call the Octopod for help. He took out his communicator and pressed the button.

"Octopod, come in! This is Calico Jack! I need your help!" he said.

He waited for a response, but he heard nothing. Nothing but static.

He tried again, but still nothing.

He realized that his communicator was not working. Something was blocking the signal.

He cursed under his breath. He was cut off from the Octopod. He was alone on the island.

He had to find another way to contact them. He had to find another way to save Kwazii.

Meanwhile, Kwazii had emerged from the portal into another dimension. A dimension where everything was different.

He looked around, and saw a world that was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

He saw a sky that was purple and pink, with stars and planets visible in broad daylight. He saw a ground that was green and blue, with flowers and mushrooms that glowed in the dark. He saw trees that were tall and thin, with leaves that were red and yellow. He saw animals that were strange and exotic, with horns and wings and tails.

He saw a world that was beautiful and bizarre.

"Wow! This is amazing!" he exclaimed.

He felt a surge of wonder and excitement. He had entered a new world. A world full of adventure and mystery.

He wanted to explore it. He wanted to see what it had to offer.

He forgot about his grandfather. He forgot about the portal. He forgot about the danger.

He ran into the forest, eager to discover more of this world.

But he didn't know that this world was not as friendly as it seemed.

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