AI co-write: Quicksand & Kidnapping: A Happy Ending for Kwazii and Biscuit

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🚢Kwazii ❌ Male oc🚢

"You sure this is the way?" Kwazii, a ginger cat with green eyes, asked, Following the pirate group "yeah..." Said the leader, Smirking, he was a brown cat, with a black stripe in fur and with red eyes, his name was Black Stripe, the other cats in the group were Biscuit, a tannish cat with purple eyes who loved kwazii a lot, Java, a ginger cat with blue eyes, who verbally hated Kwazii, Natia, a female brown cat with purple eyes, who also verbally hated Kwazii and Mamba, a black cat with pink eyes.

Kwazii followed them deeper into the forest, not knowing that Biscuit was the only one on his side... 

he looked around, this didn't seem right... Kwazii looked at Biscuit "this is a trap, isn't it?" Kwazii asked "yeah... I'm sorry I should have said something, but I couldn't..." Biscuit said, Mamba suddenly hit kwazii in the face, Kwazii and Biscuit escaped but Kwazii's leg was injured.

 Biscuit helped Kwazii back to the octopod, where they saw Calico Jack "You went with those Shady pirates... didn't you?" Calico Jack said not noticing Kwazii was injured "yeah, I'm sorr-" Kwazii started "SORRY IS NOT ENOUGH YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!" Calico Jack screamed, Biscuit growled.

Kwazii flinched at Calico Jack's scream. He felt scared and ashamed. He had lied to his grandfather about going to a dangerous island with some shady pirates. He had wanted to have some fun and excitement, but he had ended up in a trap set by a rival pirate crew. He had barely escaped with the help of Biscuit, the only one who cared about him.

He looked at his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I know I made a mistake, but please don't yell at me..."

Calico Jack was not in the mood to listen. He was furious and worried. He had warned Kwazii about the island and the pirates, but he had disobeyed him and put himself in danger. He didn't know what to do with him. He felt like he was losing him.

He looked at Kwazii and said, "Don't yell at you? Don't yell at you? You're lucky I'm not doing worse, lad! You're reckless and dishonest! You don't listen to me or respect me! You don't care about me or the Octonauts! You only care about yourself and your silly adventures! You're a disgrace, Kwazii, and I don't want you around me anymore! Go away and leave me alone!"

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and sadness. He couldn't believe his grandfather was saying such cruel words to him. He loved him and wanted to make him proud, but he always seemed to disappoint him. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere, not even with the Octonauts. He decided to run away and find a place where he could be free. He pushed Biscuit away and ran out of the Octopod, ignoring Calico Jack's calls.

He ran to the Gup-B and drove it away from the Octopod. He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to get away from everything. He saw a beach in the distance and thought it might be a good place to relax. He parked the Gup-B near the shore and got out. He limped towards the sand, not noticing the sign that warned of quicksand ahead. He walked on the beach, looking for a spot to sit. He stepped on a patch of sand that felt soft and wet. He sank into it and realized he was in quicksand.

He panicked and tried to get out, but he only sank deeper. He shouted for help, but no one heard him.

Kwazii whimpered, the wet and soft sand made his injury feel worse... he struggled... but only sank and felt pain.

Meanwhile, Biscuit had pushed Calico Jack to the wall of the octopod Biscuit glared at Calico Jack "they did hurt him.." Biscuit told Calico Jack "you went too far... and made him feel worse..." Biscuit added...

Calico Jack felt Biscuit's claws digging into his chest. He looked at him and saw the anger and pain in his eyes. He realized he had made a mistake. He had gone too far with Kwazii. He had hurt him and driven him away. He wished he could take back his words and apologize to him. He hoped Kwazii was safe and would come back soon.

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