AI co-write: snake-pit mishap

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii and calico jack were having a prank war, Sence kwazii was close to having lunch, he put a fake snake in Kwazii's lunch box, they were at a cabin, close to where the octonauts where staying, he sat down on the other side, Kwazii looked at him, as if he knew something was going to happen, he just didn't know what, Kwazii opened the lunch box and saw the snake, he screamed and Calico Jack looked at him, but kwazii wasn't there....

Calico Jack quickly got up and went to kwazii side of the table, he saw there was a trap door "how did this get here?" he looked at the snake and saw it had a button, he looked into the pit and saw kwazii lying at the bottom, Unconscious, there was also a few snakes, some looked poisonousness, it also looked like kwazii had been bit by some of them, Calico Jack knew he had to act fast to fix this.  

Calico Jack grabbed a rope and tied it to a nearby chair. He lowered himself into the pit, careful to avoid the snakes. He reached Kwazii and checked his pulse. He was still alive, but barely. Calico Jack saw that he had several bite marks on his arms and legs, and his skin was turning pale and cold. He had to get him to the medic bay as soon as possible.

Calico Jack lifted Kwazii and wrapped him in his coat. He tied the other end of the rope around his waist and shouted for help. He hoped that someone would hear him and pull them up. He felt guilty and ashamed for what he had done. He had gone too far with his prank, and now he had put his grandson's life in danger. He hoped that Kwazii would forgive him, if he ever woke up.

After a few minutes, he heard someone calling his name. It was Captain Barnacles, who had heard the alarm and came to investigate. He saw Calico Jack and Kwazii in the pit and quickly pulled them up. He was shocked and worried when he saw Kwazii's condition. He asked Calico Jack what had happened, but Calico Jack couldn't answer. He was too ashamed to tell the truth.

Captain Barnacles carried Kwazii to the Gup-X and drove them to the Octopod. He contacted Peso and told him to prepare for an emergency. He also contacted the other Octonauts and told them to meet him at the medic bay. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew that Kwazii needed their help. He hoped that they could save him in time.

Calico Jack stayed with kwazii, he felt guilty, he wish he knew what he had gotten to do the prank before completing it, he looked at kwazii and saw that kwazii had began to gasp and have issues breathing.

Calico Jack panicked when he saw Kwazii struggling to breathe. He called for Peso, who was busy preparing the antidotes for the snake venom. Peso rushed to Kwazii's side and checked his vital signs. He saw that Kwazii's airway was swelling and blocking his oxygen. He had to act fast to save him.

Peso grabbed a syringe and injected Kwazii with a dose of epinephrine, a medicine that would reduce the swelling and open his airway. He hoped that it would work and that it wouldn't cause any side effects. He told Calico Jack to stay calm and keep talking to Kwazii, to reassure him and keep him conscious.

Calico Jack nodded and leaned over Kwazii. He held his hand and spoke softly to him. He apologized for his prank and told him how much he loved him. He told him stories about their pirate adventures and their family history. He told him jokes and songs that they used to sing together. He tried to make him smile and laugh, but he only saw pain and fear in his eyes.

He prayed that Peso would find the right antidotes and cure Kwazii. He prayed that Kwazii would survive and recover. He prayed that Kwazii would forgive him and still love him. He prayed that he would get another chance to be a good grandfather to him.

Kwazii looked away from his grandfather, he had woken up as peso could get him to, "Why.." he managed to say, though weak and raspy "why... did you...?" he asked his grandfather.

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