Ai co-write: An Electric Eel sand attack during solo misson

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was on a solo mission he put his feet on the sand, not feeling something under his feet, he was sent to check on the coral reef, he saw nothing wrong but he felt a strong shock, and felt himself black out, he layed on the sand unconscious.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was taking a dive around the coral reef when he heard  a scream, he swam over and saw kwazii unconscious. 

Calico Jack quickly swam over to Kwazii and checked his pulse. He was shocked to find that it was very weak and irregular. He realized that Kwazii had been electrocuted by an electric eel and was in cardiac arrest. He knew he had to act fast to save his grandson's life.

He grabbed his spyglass and pointed it at the Octopod, hoping that someone would see his signal. He then placed his mouth over Kwazii's and breathed into his lungs, then pressed his hands on his chest, performing CPR. He repeated this process several times, praying that Kwazii would wake up.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, Captain Barnacles was monitoring the mission when he saw a flash of light from Calico Jack's spyglass. He zoomed in and saw that he was waving frantically. He also saw Kwazii lying motionless on the sand.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency!" he shouted. "Calico Jack needs our help! Kwazii is in trouble!"

He quickly gathered Peso, Shellington, and Tweak and boarded the Gup-A. They sped towards the coral reef, following Calico Jack's signal.

"Calico Jack, what happened?" Captain Barnacles asked through the radio.

"Kwazii was electrocuted by an electric eel!" Calico Jack replied. "He's not breathing! I'm doing CPR but I don't know if it's working!"

"Hang in there, Calico Jack! We're almost there!" Captain Barnacles said.

They reached the coral reef and saw Calico Jack and Kwazii on the sand. Peso jumped out of the Gup-A with a defibrillator and swam over to them.

"Peso, thank goodness you're here!" Calico Jack said. "Please, save my grandson!"

Peso nodded and placed the defibrillator pads on Kwazii's chest. He pressed a button and delivered a shock to Kwazii's heart.

"Come on, Kwazii! Come on!" Peso said.

He checked Kwazii's pulse again and smiled. It was strong and steady.

"He's alive! He's alive!" Peso exclaimed.

Calico Jack hugged Peso and thanked him. He then looked at Kwazii and saw him open his eyes.

"Grandpa?" Kwazii said weakly.

"Kwazii! You're awake! You're okay!" Calico Jack said, tears in his eyes.

He hugged Kwazii and kissed his forehead.

"I'm so glad you're okay, my boy! I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Grandpa," Kwazii said.

The other Octonauts joined them and expressed their relief and happiness. They helped Kwazii get into the Gup-A and took him back to the Octopod for further treatment.

Kwazii recovered quickly from his ordeal and thanked everyone for saving him. He also learned to be more careful around electric eels and other dangerous sea creatures.

The end.

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