AI-co-write: Coral snake Venom and childhood flames

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⚠️just an au, no hate please⚠️

Oneday Kwazii was near the Mississippi River, he didn't see the Snake behind him, a coral snake, it soon bit him on the leg as he backed up not knowing it was there, as soon as he felt the bite he turned around to see the snake, he looked at the bite on his leg, he fell over as he tried to grab his radio, but he couldn't reach it... and he was on a solo mission.

Meanwhile Calico Jack was also at the Mississippi River, he was mostly looking for a place to take a cat nap, he had nothing else to do, he looked around... 

Calico Jack soon heard a faint cry for help. He followed the sound and saw his grandson lying on the ground, pale and weak. He ran over to him and saw the snake bite on his leg. He recognized the coral snake and knew it was very dangerous. He quickly took out his radio and called for help. "Octonauts, this is Calico Jack. I need urgent assistance. Kwazii has been bitten by a coral snake and he's losing consciousness. I'm near the Mississippi River, coordinates are 32.3, -91.2. Please hurry!" He said in a panicked voice.

He then turned to Kwazii and tried to comfort him. "Hang in there, lad. Help is on the way. You're going to be fine." He said, stroking his fur. Kwazii looked at him with blurry eyes and whispered, "Grandpa? Is that you?" He said weakly. Calico Jack nodded and smiled. "Yes, it's me, matey. I'm here with you. Don't worry." He said softly. Kwazii smiled faintly and closed his eyes. Calico Jack felt his pulse and hoped it was not too late.

Soon, he heard the sound of a Gup approaching. He looked up and saw Captain Barnacles and Peso landing near them. They jumped out of the Gup and ran over to them. "Calico Jack, what happened?" Barnacles asked urgently. "He was bitten by a coral snake, Captain. He's losing a lot of blood and he's barely breathing." Calico Jack said grimly. Peso quickly examined Kwazii and took out his medical kit. "We need to get him to the Octopod as soon as possible. He needs antivenom and oxygen." Peso said urgently.

They carefully lifted Kwazii into the Gup and took off. Calico Jack held Kwazii's paw and prayed for his recovery.

Kwazii began to cough and wheeze, Calico Jack looked at Kwazii "lad?" he looked at kwazii and saw he was still unconscious Calico Jack looked at Peso. 

Peso heard Kwazii's coughing and wheezing and checked his vital signs. He saw that his blood pressure was dropping and his heart rate was slowing down. He quickly gave him a shot of adrenaline to keep him alive. "He's going into shock. We need to hurry." Peso said, worried. Barnacles increased the speed of the Gup and contacted the Octopod. "Octopod, this is Barnacles. We have an emergency. Kwazii has been bitten by a coral snake and he's in critical condition. We need the sick bay ready and the antivenom prepared." Barnacles said urgently.

"Roger that, Captain. We're ready for you. Over." Tweak's voice came over the radio. Barnacles nodded and continued to fly the Gup as fast as he could. Calico Jack looked at Kwazii and felt tears in his eyes. He couldn't bear to lose his grandson. He had already lost so much in his life. He hoped that Kwazii would pull through.

They finally reached the Octopod and landed on the launch bay. Tweak, Shellington, Dashi, and Professor Inkling were waiting for them. They quickly helped them carry Kwazii to the sick bay and put him on a bed. Peso hooked him up to a monitor and an oxygen mask. He then injected him with the antivenom and gave him some fluids. "Come on, Kwazii. You can do this." Peso said, hoping that the antivenom would work.

The others watched anxiously as they waited for any signs of improvement. Calico Jack held Kwazii's paw and whispered, "Please, lad. Don't leave me. You're my only family left. I love you." He said, sobbing.

Meanwhile, In kwazii's head, Kwazii saw a little girl, it was Zara, a blue-colored wolf girl with green eyes, Same as Kwazii's own Eye color "Kwazii!" she said "You need to wake up!" Zara told him "Zara..." Kwazii siad, he missed his childhood friand.

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