AI co-write: ❄️Freezing ice floe❄️

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack, an Pirate and octo-agent and his grandson, Kwazii, who was also a pirate, and an octonaut, Kwazii jumped out of the gup and started to calm the penguins down, While Calico Jack uses the gup R to break the Ice Floe that was blocking the Penguins way, they got done quick... but the ice started to Crack around Kwazii, they heard the ice Cracking but they didn't see where the ice was breaking...

Until Kwazii fell... 

Kwazii screamed as he fell into the icy water. He felt a shock of cold that took his breath away. He tried to swim to the surface, but he was disoriented and confused. He felt his body getting numb and his vision getting blurry.

Calico Jack heard Kwazii's scream and turned his head. He saw him disappear into the water and felt a surge of fear. He quickly parked the Gup-R and ran to the edge of the ice floe. He looked down and saw Kwazii struggling in the water.

"Kwazii! Hang on, lad! I'm coming!" he shouted, throwing his rope and hook into the water. He hoped it would reach Kwazii and pull him up.

He felt a tug on his rope and pulled it up. He saw that his hook had hooked onto Kwazii's belt. He lifted him out of the water and onto the ice floe. He checked his pulse and breathing and found them to be weak.

"Kwazii, can you hear me? Kwazii!" he said, shaking him gently.

Kwazii opened his eyes and looked at him. He was shivering and pale. "G-grandpa?" he said, weakly.

"Thank goodness, lad. You're alive," Calico Jack said, relieved.

He took off his pirate coat and wrapped it around Kwazii. He hugged him and rubbed his back to warm him up.

"You're going to be okay, lad. You're going to be okay," he said, reassuring.

He carried him to the Gup-R and put him in the back seat. He started the engine and drove away from the ice floe. He contacted the Octopod and told them what happened.

"Octopod, this is Calico Jack. We have an emergency. Kwazii fell into the freezing water and he's hypothermic. We need medical attention as soon as possible," he said, urgently.

"Roger that, Calico Jack. We're sending a medical team to your location right away. Hang in there, Kwazii," Captain Barnacles said, concerned.

Calico Jack looked at Kwazii and smiled. "Don't worry, lad. You're going to be fine. I've got you," he said, caring.

He held his hand and drove to the rendezvous point. They had survived another mission together.

Or at least Calico Jack hoped... 

he looked at Kwazii and saw he had fallen unconscious, Calico Jack put the gup on Autopilot and went to him..

Calico Jack went to Kwazii and saw that he had fallen unconscious. He felt a pang of worry and checked his pulse and breathing again. They were still weak, but steady. He hoped that he was just sleeping and not in a coma.

He took out a blanket and covered him with it. He kissed his forehead and whispered to him.

"Kwazii, please wake up, lad. Please don't leave me. You're my grandson, and I love you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me," he said, emotional.

He held his hand and prayed for him. He looked at the Gup-R's screen and saw that they were close to the rendezvous point. He hoped that the medical team would arrive soon and save Kwazii.

He heard a beep and saw that the Octopod was calling him. He answered it and saw Captain Barnacles on the screen.

"Calico Jack, we're here. We see your Gup-R on our radar. We're coming to get you and Kwazii," he said, reassuring.

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