AI co-write: Calico Jack's Treasure: A story of regret, rescue, and reunion.

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was making sure his grandfather's compass still worked, he wanted to clean it and surprise him, with it looking brand new, but he left it somewhere and couldn't find it, Calico Jack walked over and noticed his compass was missing..

 Calico Jack was shocked and angry when he saw that his compass was gone. He knew it was Kwazii who had taken it, because he was the only one who knew where he kept it. He stormed into Kwazii's room and demanded to know where his compass was.

"Kwazii, where is my compass? The one your mother gave me before she passed away? The one that means more to me than anything in the world?" Calico Jack asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Kwazii looked up from his bed, where he was reading a book. He felt a pang of guilt and fear in his chest. He had forgotten where he had left the compass, after he had tried to polish it and make it look shiny. He had meant to surprise his grandfather with a nice gesture, but now he had lost the most valuable thing in his life.

"I-I don't know, Grandpa. I'm sorry, I can't remember where I put it. I was just trying to clean it for you, honest!" Kwazii said, hoping his grandfather would believe him.

Calico Jack's face turned red with rage. He couldn't believe that Kwazii had been so careless and irresponsible with his compass. He felt like he had lost a part of his soul.

"You don't know? You can't remember? How could you be so stupid and reckless, Kwazii? Do you have any idea how much that compass means to me? It's the only thing I have left of your mother, my daughter! She gave it to me on her deathbed, and made me promise to take good care of it and pass it on to you someday. And you just lose it like it's nothing? You're not a true pirate, Kwazii. You're not a true member of this family. You're a disgrace!" Calico Jack shouted, his words cutting deep into Kwazii's heart.

Kwazii felt tears sting his eyes. He couldn't bear to hear his grandfather say such hurtful things to him. He loved his grandfather more than anyone else in the world, and he wanted to make him proud. But now he had disappointed him and made him angry. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere.

"Grandpa, please, don't say that. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lose your compass. I love you, Grandpa. Please forgive me." Kwazii pleaded, his voice breaking.

Calico Jack shook his head and turned away from Kwazii. He didn't want to look at him or talk to him anymore. He felt betrayed and heartbroken by Kwazii's actions.

"Save your apologies, Kwazii. They mean nothing to me now. You've broken my trust and my heart. Just leave me alone." Calico Jack said coldly, as he walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and anger in his chest. He couldn't believe that his grandfather had rejected him and called him a disgrace. He felt like he had no place in the world anymore. He decided to run away from the Octopod and never come back.

"I hate you, Grandpa! I hate you! You don't love me! You don't care about me! Fine! I'll leave you alone! I'll leave this place forever! And I'll never come back!" Kwazii screamed, as he grabbed his Gup-B keys and ran out of his room.

He didn't care where he was going or what would happen to him. He just wanted to get away from his grandfather and his harsh words. He jumped into his Gup-B and sped away from the Octopod, without telling anyone where he was going or why.

He didn't notice the dark clouds gathering in the sky or the strong winds blowing in the air. He didn't realize that he was heading straight into a dangerous storm that would change his life forever...

Kwazii drove the gup-B into a cave, after a few moments a rockslide covered the entrance with rocks, and the gup-B died, Kwazii managed to open the windshield and get out... but nothing else worked... 

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