AI co-write: hook-nosed sea snake Venom Vs the love of a grandparent

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Kwazii was swimming around he was on a campout on a beach with His grandfather, Calico Jack, he didn't see the hook-nosed sea snake behind him until it was too late... it bit his leg, Kwazii gasped in pain, he looked at the snake and kicked it off with his other leg, he quickly got back to the beach, but he started to feel weak and breathing had gotten hard to do.

Calico Jack was on the beach, setting up a tent and a fire. He heard Kwazii's gasp and looked at the water. He saw Kwazii swimming towards him, but he also noticed that he was pale and limp. He sensed that something was wrong and ran to the shore. He met Kwazii halfway and helped him out of the water. He saw a bite mark on his leg and blood dripping from it. He asked Kwazii what had happened.

Kwazii tried to speak, but his voice was weak and raspy. He said "Grandpa... snake... bit me..."

Calico Jack looked at the wound and recognized it as a sea snake bite. He knew that sea snakes were very venomous and that Kwazii was in serious trouble. He also knew that there was no time to waste. He carried Kwazii to the tent and laid him down on a blanket. He took out his radio and called the Octonauts for help. He told them that Kwazii had been bitten by a sea snake and that he needed urgent medical attention. He asked them to send a Gup as fast as they could.

He then turned to Kwazii and checked his pulse and breathing. They were both slow and irregular. He realized that the venom was affecting Kwazii's heart and lungs. He decided to do CPR on him, hoping to keep him alive until help arrived.

He placed his mouth over Kwazii's mouth and nose and blew air into his lungs. He then pressed his hands on his chest and pumped his heart. He repeated this process several times, counting the seconds in his head.

He also talked to Kwazii, trying to keep him conscious and calm. He told him stories about their pirate adventures, their family history, and their love for each other. He told him that he was proud of him, that he was brave and strong, and that he would make it through this. He told him that he loved him more than anything in the world, and that he would never leave him alone.

He prayed to the sea gods to spare his grandson's life, to give him a second chance, to let him see another sunrise. He prayed with all his heart and soul, with tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat.

He prayed until he heard the sound of a Gup approaching the beach.

He prayed until he saw Peso and Shellington jumping out of the Gup with a stretcher and a medical kit.

He prayed until he handed Kwazii over to them and watched them take him inside the Gup.

He prayed until he heard Peso say that Kwazii was still alive, but in critical condition.

He prayed until he got inside the Gup with them and held Kwazii's hand.

He prayed until they reached the Octopod and took Kwazii to the sick bay.

He prayed until he saw Barnacles, Dashi, Tweak, Inkling, Tunip, and the other Vegimals waiting for them with worried faces.

He prayed until he hugged them all and thanked them for their help.

He prayed until he sat by Kwazii's bedside and waited for him to wake up.

"Calico Jack, can I speak with you?" Peso called over to him, Calico Jack nodded and walked over "How is kwazii?" Calico Jack asked Peso, Peso sighed and spoke "He's stable but..." he started to say...

Peso looked at Calico Jack with a serious expression and said "But the venom has done a lot of damage to his body. It has affected his blood, his muscles, his nerves, and his organs. He's in a lot of pain and he's very weak. He needs a lot of rest and care to recover."

Calico Jack felt a pang of fear and sadness. He asked Peso "Will he be okay? Will he survive?"

Peso nodded and said "Yes, he will. He's a fighter, just like you. He has a strong will to live. And he has us, his friends and family, to support him. We'll do everything we can to help him heal."

Calico Jack smiled and said "Thank you, Peso. Thank you for saving his life. You're a great doctor and a great friend."

Peso smiled back and said "You're welcome, Calico Jack. You're a great grandfather and a great friend too."

They hugged each other and then walked back to Kwazii's bedside. They saw that Kwazii was still asleep, but he looked more peaceful and relaxed. His breathing was steady and his pulse was normal.

They sat next to him and held his paws. They watched him sleep and hoped that he would wake up soon.

They also talked to him, telling him how much they missed him and how happy they were to see him alive. They also told him jokes, stories, and songs, trying to make him smile and laugh.

They stayed with him until he opened his eyes and said "Hey, guys..."

They smiled and said "Hey, Kwazii..."

They hugged him and kissed him and told him that they loved him.

He smiled and said "I love you too..."

He looked at them and said "What happened? Where am I?"

They told him what had happened, how he had been bitten by a sea snake, how Calico Jack had saved him, how Peso and Shellington had treated him, how they had brought him to the Octopod, how they had cared for him.

He listened to them and said "Wow... that's a lot... thank you all for everything... you're the best..."

They smiled and said "You're welcome, Kwazii... you're the best too..."

He looked at Calico Jack and said "Grandpa... you saved me... you're my hero..."

Calico Jack looked at Kwazii and said "Kwazii... you're my grandson... you're my treasure..."

They hugged each other and said "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being careless... I'm sorry for scaring you..."

They said "It's okay... it's okay... it's over now... we're together now..."

They said "I'm proud of you... I'm proud of you for being brave... I'm proud of you for surviving..."

They said "I'm proud of you too... I'm proud of you for being strong... I'm proud of you for saving me..."

They looked at each other and said "I love you... I love you more than anything in the world..."

They smiled at each other.

They both felt happy.

They both felt loved.

The end.

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