Ai co-write: Sneaking and dangerous rocks

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⚠️just an an au⚠️

Kwazii sighed as he heard Barnacles coming near, he moved so he wouldn't see him "you're doing good..." Barnacles said as he looked around the room, they were stealth training to make sneaky missions easier. 

Kwazii rolled his eyes, why did they have to do this... THIS WAS TOO EASY...... he glared then walked over to a small puddle, where a small snake was staying curled, he began to pet it, but Barnacles pulled him away "KWAZII THATS A COBRA" Barnacles screamed...

they went back to the octopod, Barnacles glared at kwazii "you need to follow orders more often! you nearly got killed!" Barnacles growled, Kwazii rolled his eyes "I KNOW HOW TO CARE FOR MYSELF!" kwazii screamed... they fought for a while "YOU ALWAYS NEARLY GET KILLED, YOU CRAZY PIRATE" Barnacles screamed, he put his paws on his mouth as he realized what he called kwazii, Kwazii ran off, he went into the gup-B, a shark-shaped gup, it was Kwazii's fav...

he drove it to a small reef, he saw a sunken ship, he drove inside not seeing the rocks... he got out of the gup, he looked around, he stepped on something, and rocks started to fall.

he started to swim back to the gup, but some rocks landed on his legs, and pinned him, he couldn't move, he tried to move the rocks, but they were too heavy... he started to cough, and noticed cracks in his helmet, water was flooding in..

Kwazii felt a surge of panic as he saw the water level rising in his helmet. He reached for his radio, hoping that someone would hear him. He pressed the button and spoke in a weak voice. "Help... I'm trapped... under some rocks... in a sunken ship... near the reef..." He repeated his message several times, but he only heard static and silence. He started to lose hope, thinking that no one would come to save him. He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

Meanwhile, back at the Octopod, Barnacles was feeling guilty and worried about Kwazii. He regretted what he said to him, and he wished he could apologize. He tried to contact him on his radio, but he got no response. He wondered where Kwazii had gone, and if he was in trouble. He decided to look for him, and asked the other octonauts to join him. They got into the Gup-A and headed towards the reef, where Kwazii had last been seen.

As they approached the reef, they saw a familiar figure swimming towards them. It was Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather and a legendary pirate. He waved at them and signaled them to stop. They opened the hatch and greeted him. "Calico Jack! What are you doing here?" Barnacles asked. "Ahoy, me hearties! I'm looking for a sunken pirate ship that's supposed to be around here. It's said to have a treasure of gold and jewels!" Calico Jack said excitedly. "A sunken pirate ship? That sounds like something Kwazii would be interested in..." Barnacles said with a sinking feeling. "Kwazii? Is he here too?" Calico Jack asked. "We don't know. We're looking for him. He ran away after we had a fight, and we haven't heard from him since." Barnacles explained. "Oh no! That's not good! We have to find him!" Calico Jack said with concern.

They decided to work together to search for Kwazii and the pirate ship. They used their sonar and radar to scan the area, but they couldn't find any trace of them. They wondered if they were too deep or too hidden for their devices to detect them. They decided to split up and look around manually. Barnacles took the Gup-A, Calico Jack took the Gup-D, and the other octonauts took the other gups.

Barnacles searched every nook and cranny of the reef, hoping to spot Kwazii or his gup. He felt a pang of guilt every time he saw a fish or a coral that reminded him of Kwazii's love for the ocean. He wished he could see his smile and hear his laugh again. He wished he could tell him how sorry he was, and how much he cared for him.

He was about to give up when he saw something shiny in the distance. He moved closer and realized that it was a metal hull of a ship. He recognized it as the pirate ship that Calico Jack was looking for. He felt a surge of hope, thinking that maybe Kwazii was inside. He drove towards it, but then he noticed something else that made his heart sink.

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